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Ana S Apr 2016
I was born a sin.
I was born a lesbian.
For all you who think I chose to be this way.
You made a horrible mistake.
You think I would chose to be hated for my ****** orientation?
Do you think I would chose to get taunted and threatened more than once a week?
Do you think I love the way people stare at me when I so much as wear a button that says tolerance?
Do you think I like getting called a ***** and a sin?
Getting told I'm an abomination to the lord?
Do you think I like reading articals about gay bashing a and hearing from my gay uncle about his expirence growing up gay in nv?
He told me once when I first came out that I don't know if I'm lesbian, and if I ever think there is a possibility of being straight that I'd better go take that chance.
He knew what I would go through and wanted to protect me.
I got taunted and teased at school.
Stupid boys didn't leave me alone.
I relied on violence to protect myself.
Finally I began to get angry.
I wasn't okay anymore.
I spend more than half of middle school is residential treatment centers fighting depression and bipolar disorder.
I got to watch my girlfriend/ best friend turn into nothing due to drugs.
So you still think I chose to be this way?
Well *******!
I didn't get a choice.
It's not like I woke up and thought hey today I think I'll go be lesbian.
Go find a girlfriend and just do it despise all the homophobes out there because I like being difficult.
Just a short little thing.
Missing You

When we were together it felt like there was no going apart, We'd been on and off so many times I could never see us depart, But it feels different this time like theres no love left, You hate me I can see it but for what reason can I ask? You push me aside like I was never a part of your life, You treat me like a stranger and get all rough and tough, I don't like that side of you, That side hurts, Knowing that I still love you so much is tearing me apart, Simple words like these are no way to explain, This extraordinary pain, I feel like getting on a plane and flying the farest away from you, But something keeps telling me to cling on to you, I am ever so confused and I don't know what to do, Whether to lash out in revenge and devilish schemes, Or to let it pass and move on to a new scene, But you want to make me jealous and you want to see me hurt, You've just achieved your goal, You've got yourself that job, And when you look at her, My friend she looks right back at you, And neither of you care that I'm right infront of you, I can see the spark is there and the fire will soon be lit, But I want to get some water and throw it all over it, I cannot help these feelings, I hope you understand, I know I no longer have a chance, Goodbye to you my love you have been an expirence to me, I can't be around you at these dark times, While I'm grieving over you, Still wanting to hold you, Even though you weren't that good of a kisser, I never knew I loved you this much until I let you go, But thats what I have to do, I have to let you go, I shouldn't steep in so deep afterall I'm only young, But that was the issue all along And now I'm left here with no one to pass that kind of love to feels like its worthless now, Most people give it to themselves to show some self love and confidence, But I'm just not that kind of person, I'm weird because, I'd rather feel the pain, So that one day when I'm smart enough I'll know then to look no further, That being alone with just friends is one of the strongest things you can do, I have to stop missing you.

By Larna Kira Kourtis
By Larna Kira Kourtis. AKA: LkSkyFlyRose

© 2013 LkSkyFlyRose (All rights reserved)
Ana S Mar 2016
She raised me to be a perfect little lady.
Then I became just a tad too shady.
What have you done to your self?
Can't you just pretend to be someone else?
I didn't raise a perfect lesbian.
They should never expirence perfection.
You and your whole kind are sins.
An abomination from hell.
Shut your mouth never tell.
Don't let the world know.
That's the only thing to never be told.
Don't shout out the facts.
All you do is distract.
Fill your life with men.
And only then will you no longer be a lesbian.
A spawn of satin.
I could go for days.
With how many girls have you laid?
Burn in hell you ****** kid.
Put your secret in a box and close the lid.
Never again will you be a lesbian.
Then will you be perfection.
Only when no longer labels by lesbian.
Not true!
I have realised today that majority of people seem like empty shells washed up upon the shore.
Maybe I say this because I just watched them from a distance,
But they all seem either meaningless or uncertain.
Uncertain of their existence.
It's like they are simply just floating on the current of the sea,
Not trying to swim out of the tide.
Perhaps they like the feeling of comfort,
Knowing that eventually the water will push them onto the sand.
Why not explore the depths of the water?  
Why have shallow living when you where meant to expirence the joys and the hurt of this world?
Maybe they are afraid of feeling isolated, all alone in the big empty sea.
They allow themselves to be blue rafts on blue water, they want to blend in.
Don't they understand the importance of solo adventures?
Of discovering abandon ships that remind them of themselves?
Why be an empty shell buried under sand when you could be flooded by the beauty of the world?
mutant Jun 2015
I can still feel your love
it sends me flying high above
you are my dream come true
this is my truth for you
so much love you gave to me
Expirence the fullness of life was the key
you gave me wings to fly
I know I can to better than try
I will show you how your gift forever changed me
it will become obvious to you and you'll surely see
idk Jan 2019
listening to the rain
puts everything in perspective
everything seems to matter a little less
when you’re standing in a rainstorm

it’s both quiet and loud
an interesting mix of lack and presence of sound
wind in my hair, clothes, on my face
i think this is why people believe in god

it’s very rare these days
to expirence something so raw
to realize
that we really matter nothing at all
that we are here, now
that we belong on earth

in this rainstorm

i let the weather soak my hair and my coat
running through the dark
my shoes barley touch the ground
i want to reach her
the rain
and tell her i finally believe in god

— The End —