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Coleen Mzarriz Jan 2021
Slow, steady, and unhurried steps of her feet that almost floats in the air — while her body lies
on the couch of her old apartment. Her apparition was lost on the airy night of December.

Her feet turned cold and weary, her breath smells like fury and her heart grew solid and unsteady. It beats just the sound of the drum rolling, her pulse radiates of fear, and her lips shut and dry. She turned around and her body keeps still and sounds asleep. As if, it was a normal night and just and peaceful.

She flew right through the door and stroll around the street of Evergreen. It was silent and streetlights turned off. It was smokey and dark. The pavement seems boring and bleak—her dress swayed and the cold air seemed welcoming to her chest. She passed by several houses and happened to find a bookshop. It was vintage and awkward. Its structures did not seem appealing nor look like someone owns them. But she manages to get past through it and books welcomed her—like how ghosts welcome their favorite strangers.

She passed by some old and modern books, carefully slipping her tender fingers to its hardcovers, flipping through endless pages, and breathing the dusty nostalgic aroma of the '90s. “It never gets old,” she says. She flips and flips, flies through the stairs, and find more pages. Circles all the important words, digesting all the heartfelt quotes—this has been her dream.

Suddenly, the lights filled the room, her eyes closed and her heart is racing through her pulse. An unknown hand grabbed her and pushed her to the wall. “Who are you, young lady?” Said the man with a gritted teeth.

Slowly, the woman opened her eyes, and there in front of her revealed a young man with hazel eyes and the smell of strong coffee in his mouth. His aromatic smell of vintage soul and modern scheming look. She dared not to speak but the man in front of her just pinched her pulse hard and peered at her.

She dared to look at him, and they both just stared at one another.

“I- I just want to read books,” she pouted. And the man avoided her face.

“But this place does not exist anymore.” He cleared his throat and loosened his grip on her.

“I- I'm just traveling by,” she added.

“I know. I am too.” He said, avoiding her gaze.

“You're an apparition too?” The woman asked. And she waited for a proper response but he just gazes upon the empty shelf around her.

“To go back,” He whispered.

“Are you the owner?” She asked once again, hoping she will get an answer from a stranger.

“Go home or I might do something you will not like.” He turned to her and gawked.

The woman sighed and went home with questions and strange memories she did not know she has.

It was the second night of December and she floats in the air. Passed by several houses and went to the old bookshop. She continued reading books and the man found her again. But this time, he was silent and cleaning around the area. The woman smiled and tried to talk to him.

“What is your name, young man?” She asked. The man froze and stood there, stiff. She laughed and did not expect an answer. Rather, she went upstairs and kept reading.

“John,” He held out his hand this time, formally acknowledging her presence.

“Emilia,” She smiled. Both of them spent the night reading books and talking about modern literature...And philosophy.

On the third day of December, she did not wake up through her apparition. Instead, she woke up with a soul, feet's touching the ground, and a face that is mirroring her reflection through the mirror. She exhilaratingly went out to find the bookshop, passed by several houses but did not found where the place was. She went back to her old apartment and tried to locate the bookshop.

However, it was only an empty lot she found when she tries to find it by heart and soul. The disappointment was evident on her face and her heart beats rapidly—ceased brows and lips shut tightly.

“John?” She whispered.

“John?” She calls him out again, hoping he'd hear her.

She steps into the burnt-out place. It was only an empty lot with wild grasses scattered and a tombstone lying there, in dust. It was named after Emilia Blythe. Suddenly, a familiar arm hugged her from behind. It was John, and her tears swelled around her eyes—while her heart ache and memories flooded her mind.

“I couldn't save you back then, Emilia, so I went back from the past and live in my dream to see you.” He whispered with comfort and longing.

“It's not your fault, John. I am sorry I forgot about you.” She cupped his face and peck him on the forehead.

“We can work this out and live forever in my dream.” He said with pleading in his eyes.

“But I am only a fragment of your imagination, John. You can let me go. It's not your fault,” Emilia said with conviction.

“I am just a vintage soul, a wayfarer amid the longing dawn and I am a fragment of your imagination. This place exists but it's all in the past now, you can let me go,” She added and let go of his hands.

“Wake up, dear.” She bid him her last goodbye.

John woke up with his heart racing and hopeful eyes. The people around him gathered and created strange noises in which he got confused, he opened his eyes and saw familiar faces around him.

“Thank God you're awake!” An elderly woman hugged him and kissed his face.

“It's a miracle you woke up after five years, son.” He remember his Father's voice and held his hand.

“Where's Emilia?” He asked, hoping he'd get an answer.

“She's gone... Remember?” Her mother broke the silence.

“Like 10 years ago, son.” She added.

He went back to the old bookshop, where Emilia was there. He traces all the books she touched and flipped through the pages where she left.

It was old and aromatic. It was vintage yet modern. The good thing was, his parents renovated the bookshop while he was sleeping for 5 years. He went upstairs and found the section where Emilia was always staying. He scanned all the books and touched every single page of them.

He flips through the pages and found a quote there, it was written with a bleak ink,

“We will meet again,

your old vintage soul”

He smiled and ripped the page out, then the door clicked and the bell rang. He immediately went downstairs and greets the woman in front of him.

“Can I borrow books from section 5-” The woman was cut off when John hugged her. Her face was confused and red.

“Emilia?” He whispered.

“Uh, I'm Emily,” She awkwardly answered.

John laughed and gave her an apologizing look.
“You look like someone I know,” He said.

“Sorry,” He added.

“No worries,” Emily answered with a half-smile.

And they both smiled at each other.
Enjoy reading!
Jessica Wong Apr 2013
morphine is the drug, the addiction
that keeps me here today.
Exhilaratingly unstimulating
I'm stuck in a dream world
that has lost it’s color
a monotonous monotone.
morphine is my drug, my addiction
that will take my broken
life away.
Inspired by "To **** A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Chapter 11. Morphine addiction through Mrs. Dubose's eyes.
Cedric Jan 2017
Morbid curiosity, flesh and bone.
Bittersweet attraction that we condone.
As we watch in horror and excitement,
The tragedy of love, twisted and bent.
Hopelessly hopeful, a despairing moan.

Misery, tragedy and broken hearts,
Exhilaratingly phenomenal!
Of bleeding, smiling, and laughing from darts,
Pierced hearts, frantically hysterical.

Oh so bittersweet, this reality!
Chasing cars and pushing up the daisies.
It's human nature of intensity,
To admire delicate, sweet butterflies.
That's a sign of death's possibility.
A sonnet of our self-detrimental human nature.
Nahal Nov 2015
Slouched on the bed, legs bent up,
The laptop face beaming.
I just gaze at the screen.
This emotionless laid-back stance makes me think
I'm fresh out of a bath, hair wet,
How relaxed my body feels still.
The heat filled my body like that cup
Of jasmine green tea on my bedside.
Curls are forming at the bottom of my hair;
As they always tend to.
I sit here, no thrill.
As I was en route home,
I had the breeze lashing on my skin,
The wind and the spitting rain,
Splattering on my coat.
It normally creates an illusion of polkadots,
And makeup blackens my cheeks.
I squint to see,
Somehow I prefer this feeling.
Exhilaratingly breathless,
Uplifted and exhausted.
But yet, I am sat here.
Glaring into a screen.
Travis Green Jun 2022
He coaxed me
Into his magicalness
Lawless, secret hotness
Cosmic carnivorous erotica
Insatiable, relishable moments
Awash with even stronger
And carnal delectation

He was pure and reckless
Heartbreakingly amorous
A fiery captivating sensation
Profoundly potent and dopacetic
I rushed into exhilaratingly
Hot juicy hours with him
Thick with deep fevered sweetness

Rampant radiant sensations spread abroad
So hungry and crazed
So wild on a sexually
Striking kryptonite
He ruled my inner world
Stole away my creativeness
Replaced it with something
Much greater than before

He navigated the sensational scintillating pages
Of my tasty naked formation
Demonstrated his amazingness
Breathed passionately
All over my sweet ****** flesh
As I lied on his hard, savage chest

I stroked his thick, rigid, and veined shaft
Exalted in its hotness and solidness
Its slick glistening architecture
While he caressed my bright bodacious cakes
I gazed into his penetrating hazel eyes
And I knew I had hit the jackpot

He enamored me in a deep way
Had me stroking and deepthroating
His heavily heavenly snake
Checking it out painstakingly
Choking on it, controlling my flow
Feeling him grow explosively in my mouth

I was bound to him
On an incredible eclectic expressway
To the deepest depths of deliciously
Inexpressible ecstasy
Speechless blissful bewitchment
Mystic and triumphant wonders
All over an extraordinarily seductive man

I smoked his enormously long, strong cigar
Immersed myself in its fresh, sensuous fragrance
Felt its top-notch chocolate thunder
Allowed my hands to dance
Upon the delectable velvet surface
Kissed all around it
Caressed it slow and fast
With soulful poetry in magical motion

I performed stellar hot tricks
With my thick ***** lips
Gave him a wild, rushing rise
Had his highly aroused eyes shifting everywhere
Submerged in my rare red-hot queerness
Forever and ever, never will I ever
Turn away from his perfectness
I gave him what he needed
What his thickness called for

I was his fresh-faced, rosy nurse
Attentive, authentic, and competent
I permeated his headspace
With constant, loving affection
Showed him how much I feened
For his damaging exhilarating annihilator
I sunk into every sumptuous chunky inch
While he kissed and squeezed
My bare incandescent busties
And bit my lovable nuzzleable nips

He took me to spectacularly unmappable places
The more I delved into his turgescence
Overly burning for his immersiveness
His firm, fervent freshness
He lit up my gayness
Teased and thrilled me deeply
Had me lost in another world
Within another world
Where he was greatly flirtatious with me

I rocked his machoness
Made him hold me so tightly
As he groaned out loud
“****, I feel it coming. Get ready.”
I worked his immense ten-inch python
Cherished and caressed it
Massaged his heavy sack

I sped up my stroke game
As he expelled hot sticky
Man syrup all over his
Slick, silky chest and abs
He reached out to kiss me
And smiled ever so magically
Travis Green Sep 2022
Shining, creamy white, and muscle-bound lover boy
You thrill me with your gorgeous high-quality moistness
Super shredded and slick biceps, delectable  flexing brazenness
With a sparkling stalwart rearguard
Steel buns of thunder
Let me taste your addictively juicy cake
Press my face against it, lick it thoroughly

Inspect and finesse your innerness
Place you under arrest
Have mastery over your artlicious prodigious machoness
Feel the dopeness flowing
In your exhilaratingly sensational grandness
Massage your firm, immersive, and brick-solid back
Powerfully sculpted thighs
Long lickalicious legs

Drown in your glorious smoothness
Your sinewy coolness, feel your excessive aggressiveness
Shimmering deeply in my proximity
So jammable, so tasteful, so slurpable
Saucy hot boy wonder, your charmingness suffuses the air
Renders me so lapsible in your splashtastical galactic immaculateness
I bask in your bewitching body hair
Such radical eye-grabbing attraction

Touch the robustness of your chest
Your showiest glowing abs
Breathable irresistible scent
I swim in your magnetically electric
And dashing wild waves superabundant in
Flowing solid-gold dopeness
Let your bright, alluring turquoise eyes
Wander about my strikingly inviting framework
Let them caress my depths
Possess my homosexualness
Taste your hungry handsome lips
Put an enthusiastically ecstatic smile on my face
Travis Green May 2022
You hold me passionately
And I become exceedingly ecstatic
Trapped in his dreamy sensuous magic
In the long and heart-stopping moments

Where you are all over me, kissing me lovingly
Where I feel your warm and seemingly affectionate flesh
Wet and lecherous, effervescent and velvet heavenliness
I am utterly helpless in your presence

Wrapped up in your hauntingly hypnotic flex
You ****** hard into my headspace
You set me ablaze with the way
You exhilaratingly taste

Your desirable and insurmountable love
Is like elegant and romantic waves
Crashing over my firmly breathtaking and curvaceous body
Travis Green Aug 2021
I imagined him leading me
To the entranceway
Into his bedroom
Turning on the stereo system
To play an array of slow jams
Then switching off the lights
And lighting a candle
To stimulate the scene

We romantically dance
To the musical drumbeat
Surfacing the air
Liquid dreams drifting up
As we exhilaratingly touch
And hypnotically hug

We kiss at a slow pace
Feeling the static spark
From our lips, the accelerating
Heat that grips greatly to our hips
The way we salaciously
Speak to each other
Steady amplifying the mood
We end up naked on the silken
White bedsheets, our flesh
Dancing in the dark
Our moans turning the scene
Into sweet, creamy dreaminess
That steams our kingdoms
The more we go at it again and again
Travis Green Dec 2021
Our bodies touch each other
I feel your whole, deep chest
To my sleekly plentiful *******
My fingers caress your phenomenally priceless biceps
We create electricity with our chemistry
Your great, soulful eyes are so spellbinding
My senses tingle when our skin streams in unison
When I gaze at your tattooed neck
Such amazingly addictive art

You are a maze of sweet-sounding music
That’s so vocally extravagant and intoxicating
A smooth, chocolate, wavy-haired enchanter
Prepossessing Prince Charming
I submit to your wildness
How you smile so dazzlingly
Such vast bliss that hits me hard
When our continents connect ardently

Your love language lures me profoundly
Into the valley of your delicate dreams
How can you measure love like this
I feen for you to do things to me
That rock me back and forth
Lean your head next to mine
Tell me what you love about me
Tell me that we will always
Stay in love with each other

Let me feel your face
Hear the sound of my pulsating heartbeat
Filled with great excitation
As I lapse into your amazingness
You regulate my hips
You guide me to the supreme rings of Saturn
I call you my marvelous, matchless master
I am crushing immensely on you

I am catching feelings for you
I know of no other drug that does what you do to me
And when you hug me, I feel as if I could explode instantaneously
I don’t know what you have done to me
But I am obsessed with the way I feel so amazing
The way you shake my body so exhilaratingly
When we are this close, all I know is that the sky is limit
I float when you smoke; I freeze in your bewitchment
I sway in your ****** space; I savor the magic we share
The peerless pair we are, with all the incandescent stars in our hearts
With the luminous moon hanging above our head
We are a spectacular museum of awesome sauce
Travis Green Sep 2023
He carries me on an acid adventure
Where he conquers the tender center
Of my dreamy dimension
Captures my breath and interest
Enkindles my curiosity

Enthrall my attention
Give me that look
That keeps me hooked
On his ruling power
Looking so freshly groomed

His handsomely striking hunkiness
Runs through my mental sphere
He brings me exuberance
My exhilaratingly fascinating sensation
My captivatingly stunning lover man

I get lost in his smoldering stare
Like high-energy live music
Like honey-drenched melodies
Like beamingly bright sunlight
Such a preeminent instrument
That makes me cling to him

His assertive eyebrows enrapture me
His terribly **** work of art
Stirs my heart
I dig his dapper hairstyle
His edgy ****** hair
His perfectly structured jawline

Feel his supercharged explosion
Of imposing machoness
Flow through my heart and soul
Drink in his virile presence
Like a hoppy concoction
Immerse myself entirely in his refinement
Travis Green Nov 2021
I feel so valuable when you are near me
When your brown eyes stare at me
I feel like I have known you all my life
I see myriad dreams in your sparkling marble eyeballs
I highly adore your eyelids, your eyebrows
Are smooth like a supreme eagle’s feathers
Your forehead is where I wish for my hands to be
Caress you throughout the night, kiss your lean, supreme chest
Stroke my hands between your thighs, lick your legs
Enchant your flex, finesse you all night
In a cozy and showy hotel, I can’t fail

I can tell that you love everything I do to your body
I got you in my grip; you look so gorgeous naked
Your masculinity is a vibe; you got me craving you more
Let me tour your form, drift into the storm of your sultriness
I could swallow your dopeness, cuddle up with you on the sofa
Put my palms on your head, take you for a ride
With my mouth on your cheeks, I know that you feel the heat

I can go deep and let my teeth run over your neck
Leave you in a wreck with the way I put it on you
Tell me everything that you want me to do for you
‘Cause I can be on deck to serve you right
I can make you feel hella lit when I ******* your ****
We can switch positions, kissing and drooling on your lips
Make me scream when you hit it, baby, stick with it
Give me good loving, boy; I love your muscles
You are so dreamy to behold; you got me feeling
So sloshed by your pulchritude, I stream into your secrets

I hear your thrilling whispers in my ear
You break me open like a treasure chest
Your smooth your hands over my incandescent *******
I lay my fingers on your bright bearded hairs
I obsess over your world; my body sways against yours
I love being in your space and tasting your creation
Your caresses on every dimension of my skin is a win
You got my attention; your sensuality is a pure improvisation

I take you in so exhilaratingly; I memorize delightful poems
In my mind when you make love to me
When your body presses against mine, I freeze instantly
Oh, you got me so bowled over by you
I can’t even look past your masculineness
Yes, your attractiveness is a treat imbued with magic
Yes, you are what I need; you read my mind so seamlessly
You make me disappear into a zillion zealous dreams
You make my chamber cream with your steamy stick
Boy, do what you got to do and never say that you are through
Travis Green Jul 2021
He was a winter wonderland
That made me dance
So exhilaratingly
I loved his seductive stance
The immense romance
In his vividly hazel eyes
The love notes glowing
On his attractive, silken lips
The epic pleasures I felt
As I drifted in his blissfulness
Travis Green Feb 2022
His taste was exceedingly explosive
His body was dramatically dopelicious
I craved to be in the presence of his muscularity
Surrender to his resplendency
Lick me sweet and slow
Let his tongue flow throughout my flesh
Make my body sweat and glow
Rub his hardness against mine

Kiss me heatedly
Send ecstatic spasms through my limbs
Make my nerves swirl out of control
I wanted to melt into his bareness
Feel his masculinity conjugating with my femininity
Make my heartbeat rise without restraint
Our bodies caressing each other
Body hair fused to body hair
Beard to beard
Mouth to mouth
Eyes to eyes
Basking in his splash of passion
Magically jazzy action
The greatest magnetic attraction

His shimmering skin was so sensational
My senses were so smashed
Stranded in the groove of his melody
His exhilaratingly catchy cadence
I was so into the way he cranked my domain up
How he licked my abdomen
The way he kissed me continuously

I moaned stunningly surprising sounds
That I had never done before
How he touched me awakened my gayness more
He taunted my confidence
Talked naughty words to me
Had me deeply gasping
My knees weakening
Teasing and stealing my world
As I stared at him in wonderment
Travis Green Aug 2020
As I laid in bed last night, crazy visions of you still lingering
in my head, thinking about how wonderful it would be if you
were laying next to me, the peaceful breeze coming through
the open window, dancing upon our ardent skin, the expectancy
escalating, desiring to rub your appetizingly arched shoulders,
your charming cheeks, your poetic arms a stream of captivating
waves shouldering me through boundless hurricanes, your fingers
so elegantly detailed, your eyes a luminous painting of paradise
enlightening my life as I savor your delightful masculinity.

I dreamed of making love to you in such a spectacular way,
to drape you in the sauciest swagger, the warmth of you
sifting deep inside my heart, a softness so hypnotic, causing
me to drift into outer space with the touch of you stuck on me
gorilla glue, this encounter so epic and exhilaratingly delectable,
selectable, treasurable, a sensual thirst with each beat of your
soul song, your smooth caresses upon my ecstatic chest,
my fingertips pressed on your demanding lips, feeling, stroking
your beardazzling beard, letting your mantastic mansion excite
me as I glide inside your intergalactic splasher, taken away by it all.
Travis Green Apr 2022
I want to feel his blossoming brown skin
Go there to where his immersiveness sparkles
Feel his seductive musclebound chest
Kiss every part of his seamless lean body
Hot sleek shoulders, valiant neck
Upbeat handsome arms, sweet-smelling manly lips
A dapper distinctive beard that feels so smooth on my hands

Drift into his **** breath, his rugged flex
Marvel at his remarkable revolving chocolate eyes
Trace his incredibly intellectual eyebrows with my fingers
Caress his temple, mesmerize his mental
I yearn to traverse with him into the night
Press my mouth on his silken sensuous neck
Allowing myself to feel that thrilling part of him that lies within

I feen to linger in his eccentric dimension
Enter every center of his resplendency
I wish to witness paradise
Float in his venerable vessel
His lascivious whispers in my ear
My bare incomparable body weaves with mine
I can see that he knows the way to my heart

He makes me sparkle with the way
He wraps his immersively sturdy arms around me
He brushes his fingertips against my mine
While I drag my fingernails up and down his refined back
Passionately kiss his dazzlingly detailed tattoos
Touch him tremendously until he tingles
How he twists and turns exhilaratingly
Surrendering himself to me
Let me be his limitless lover
Spend my life devouring his aesthetically pleasing manliness
Travis Green Oct 2020
I dreamed about you last night, bright, blissful,
exhilaratingly expressive, pleasurable, kissable,
loveable, solid swagger so refreshing, so wildly
inviting, guiding me into your sunshine sweetness,
every movement that you made, taking me deeper
into your starry boardwalk of gorgeousness.

I desired your poetic rhyme, to drift inside your time,
to feel your warm, wondrous fingers, to go crazy
in your scintillating flight, wishing to kiss your lips
all night long, filling myself with your strong sensations
of affection, tasting your masculinity on my tongue,
a scented, delicious man I could stay with forever.

— The End —