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Peter Pan said Wendy -
There's something I want to tell you.
I am neither straight nor bent
But what you might call bendy

Captain Hook stopped reading his e-book and eavesdropped more intently.

Peter knew what his flexible friend meant and spoke to her quite innocently.

Wendy - I am as vanilla as Manilla envelopes in a creamery with whitewashed walls
And identical twin albino Godzillas fighting snow leopards with cue *****.

No gimp suit in fifty shades of grey for me.

I am pretty much hormone-free,
More than happy with asexuality,
Playing pirated computer games on one hand
And others' loves that dare not speak their names which fewer understand.

In my world of dreamery certain flights of fancy pass me by.

I love to fly and you Wendy.

And I love you too Peter - Not Everygirl's Ideal of A Real Man.
But I can understand the attraction of Lost Boys and their toys in Neverland.

We've known each other for all these years,
Shared too many troubles, thoughts and fears
To be anything other than in each other's hearts.

If I never visit Neverland again
I know you will always be my closest friend,
What, where, whenever happens
To the bittersweet end.

May we both be dying for an Excellent Adventure,
If not together then separately.

There is nothing better than to know
That you will always be there for me
No matter how we might grow
Into this 21st century.

And one day I may straighten out

Captain Hook put down his e-book and Facebooked a friend...............

And that is where our story will end.
dlx Aug 2016
I know now,
Why people always saying like this in a film,
"You can buy everything except the love,"
Well, now I know
What the meaning of itself,
Love is not buyable because indeed,
Love is free
Love costs nothing
Love applies to everyone, no exceptions.
Then why besides there,
Mostly girls always saying like this,
"No way. My love is expensive, ya know?!"
Well, I'm a girl
And I know exactly what it means,
We say like that stuff because we don't want you to give us a billion dollars Chanel bag, we don't want you to build us a mansion, and we don't need your cash cash.
We just wanted a love by yours. A true love and a pure hearts of us.
If you boys can give us love, just love, we don't need those money and bills.
But nowadays, I don't know why everygirl wanted their boys to give them a tiffany n co every anniversary.
Well, if you want to talk about it,
I'm sorry I can help.

- dlx
nate mattson Jul 2013
Thinking about her , everyday and everynight , its like  being followed , I try so much to get her off my mind , but I can't , she is just there , everything I do reminds me of her , when I sleep she is in my dreams , when I'm awake I wonder how she is , I miss her company ,  her by my side , the sound of her laugh ,  the sight of her smile , both beautiful things like herself , I just can't stop , I wish I could just fly away , both of us and be together , but its impossible , mehhh ..... She's all I can think about , maybe its  because I felt love , I knew it was gonna end , but I loved her and wanted to make it last , and it did bit now I'm broke like an old record , what do I do , everygirl I see  I want them to be her ,  I miss her , just everything about her , the memories just keep flowing through my mind like a raging river , the photos I see make me smile , I look so happy , from haveing the best birthday in the last 5 years , to looking at the photo we last took togather ,  I'm excited to see her again but also nervouse I wonder if she misses me , or if she dosent even think of me , I don't know anymore , I just want time to play its game faster so mabey one day ill end up with her or I won't.... ,  I just want to know and I can't stop thinking I miss her ....

— The End —