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ryn Nov 2015
arms point
to the sky•
a gesture
                           frozen in                 eter-
                                 nity•un-                fazed as
                                   the clouds                whisper a
        lie•                 rumours of                 rain that
  never               came quickly•            prickles
protrude             menacingly            •threaten-
ing all who          would stray         too close•      
baseless            gossip that   masquerade    
as pleasant-   ry•to deviate me from      
the path i chose•still i stand            
here...duelling the sun          
•in a land scorched            
ing for hope
when there's 
really none•
here i stand...
lonely and
Concrete Poem 11 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
Ugo Victor Aug 2016
Not sure who you've become or who
You claim to be
Stuck between your shadows
And your unraveling
Begging to be seen by all but
Yourself, life couldn't have been better
Looking in from outside.
Dressed in irony and brass hope
Crowning yourself with filters
Uncrowning your endowments for all to see
Steadily wishing away that part of you
That everyone sees but you
Your heart is all I'll long for
All I'll be looking to spend the eter' with.
P** owerful
O nslaught of
E motions with a (rhyming)
M eter
The Noble Soul Has Reverence For Itself

Some saw steel as a hurdle
A material, creatively, infertile
It had no use in a Tudor Chapel
As void an object as Eve’s apple

Innovation died with, past, ingenuity
A true lost sense of congruity
This defined the apparent nature of a coward
A form vacant in Howard
…(A car electric powered,  Clear history soured.)

P.S Eter Ellers

Walked in, mud on his shoe
The substance looked like a mound of poo
Cleaned it off in a decorative pool
Down river, ran the stool

Birdie Num Nums scattered about
Soaked with water from a concrete spout
Furniture moves with a life of it’s own
The will to which is hardly known

An invited pest
An awkward guest
Painted skin
The Party is FIN

Futuristic Nostalgia**

Two are split by the same division
A line drawn with accurate precision
One's caught in the hands of a time piece running fast
Frightened by setting it too far past
Another’s caught in a backwards flock
Allowing time to tenderly stalk
Neither finds it clear to see
Present tense is the place to be
eb Jun 2019
i have never been
a hateful person,
but the hate that
i carry for you
will hang over
me for an eter-
nity and more.
like a half-set
sun that will
never allow
the moon to
take her pl-
ace in the
night sky

Shadow404 Feb 2021
Battle cry
Forever echoing the quiet streets
/never sleep will the souls/
Of fallen mindless men

Hearts and fingers - everything's for sale
Put a price on human mind
/they took ours a long ago/
Dream-eter lives to tell the tale

No more saints and god is weak
Ever since our prayers died
/there's no stopping/
Fire, that burns the world
Jenna Michelle Jan 2016
nothing is eter-
-nal and I am struggling with
a fact such as that
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
You are
to me
much like
the ten—
der glow

that em—
out from
the dis—
tant moon

Love like
the sea's
nal breeze
does blow

two hearts
sing notes,
a love—
ly tune
Lomim eter
teškim slogovima
brišući suze nikad isplakane
rubom tvog  blještavog korzeta
dok se naš gnjev rađa iznova
kao trnovita ruža klizi iz pepela
dok ti trgam podsuknje podstavljene lažima,skupljane stoljećima
grizem ti grudi očajom beskučnika,žedan strasti spram života koji
nas neumutno mimoilazi i kao zvijezda repatica proleće bez osvrtanja
...ja udaram u tvoja stegna poput ratnog bubnjara a ti zagrizaš jako i
bez milosti moje rame kao krvnik bez poveza ,sjekutićima prekidaš tanku
liniju koja spaja dva oprećna svijeta,ja svijetlost a ti tama , ja cio svemir a
ti sama...  I dok ioni dobivaju sve moguće predznake, na površini tvoje skliske
kože skuplja se sva energija prvobitnog...trenje prozvodi silu jaču od
bezvrijednih riječi,uzaludnih misli,nepotrebnih stremljenja...
i razlivam se u tvoju nutruinu  poput pastorale u duginim bojama,
razlivam se po praiskononskoj iskri kozmosa a ludi sjaj u kutu oka bljedi
i padam nićice,čekajuči topli cijelov iznad luka mojih obrva...
otapaju se polovi, gore šume i igraju se djeca negdje lovice, potresi se gube
ispod tvojih stopala dok odlaziš nazad u svoj mrak... gavran kljuca
na vrhu vješala..ja tonem nazad u san..prizivajući feniksa
trava je narasla još milimetar,more miriše na proliveni merlot,
u znojnoj ruci držim tvoj poderani grudnjak
zureći u pravilne redove spiralne čipke
nestajem i prvim zrakama odnosi me sunce što se rađa
a  mjesec se gubi postajući neželjenim svjedokom...

Prometej sam
donosim vatru
u tvoju postelju
i okrijepu
da možda jednom
neće umrijeti dan
samo će se izgubiti
u labirintu naših udova
još jedan maleni san...

— The End —