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Aiswarya Jan 2017
You made me feel so desperate,
I was just the girl who wanted to live a simple life,
Fall in love,
Have kids,
Settle down.

You came- and showed me things I could have never envisioned,
You- made me dream,
You- lifted me up the chair I was stuck onto,
You- showed me the world that lived out of the little cubicle I was trapped in,
You- showed me the kind of love that made me feel light,
Thanks to the butterflies you caught in my tummy.

You- showed me love,
You- snatched it away

But, you snatched your love away,
Mine is still enrooted within me,
My feelings,
My desperateness,
My dreams,
All of it is hovering- in the new cubicle you have locked me in.

I’m suffocating,
I can’t breathe without your love,
Despite it being completely bogus.

You have made me weak,
Weaker than ever,
Who gave you the power to make me weak?

Then I realised,
It was me,
It was me who gave you the power,
I- let you in,
I- accepted the ‘love’ you offered,
I- let you haul me out of that dark cubicle I felt less vulnerable in.

**I let you destroy me.
John McCafferty Nov 2021
All nutrients stopped our connection is lost, dead flowers on show it's cost has grown old.
The shell still shines but insides seem so rotten, are problems afoot now foundations have gone?
Invested energy transferred in a team to entertain, the state of fans patience often the last to remain, others in charge soon slip down to be replaced.

Restrictions enrooted are cause for concern, training affirmed to restart from step one, whilst some mistakes are made to be learnt from. The clarity of a curtain call can affect us all, when feeling the woe at the end of this game, no one likes to be played with in poor taste.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Samuels Jedidiah Aug 2016
I could write a million words about a failed family
Tons of poetry could be composed
Describing the hurt
Telling the challenges
Explaining life growing up in an environment where the enemy is your family

This however ain't that Poetry
It's me writting about a lovely childhood
The waves of bar beach
Parents laughter with love in their eyes
Esther scared of the horses and typically every animal or insect
The burial events we organised for our rats
Shifted responsibilities in the midnight hours
Dad always making my recipe for my daily bed-wetting

The journeys to new states
Mom's baking
Mom's absence
******* movies we had access to
Mom's presence being like Santa's coming
Many starvations

The candy i asked from Dad after 1yr of separation
Dad's smile weak and tainted by sad wrinkles
The wolves in sheep clothings
How they took advantage

Karma stricking; yeah it goes round
Loosing the family again
Brutality enforced by siblings
Hatred deeply enrooted

Life's too much of a *****
Try as you may:the worst memories are ever so glaring
Being oblivious to the obvious truth: thats the escape route

To hell with forgiveness
To hell with rising above
To hell with fantasies
My demons made me fabulous.
Chris Mar 2015
From a cold breeze blows
Unforgiving of the little flower
Catching hold strangling the life
Keeping abreeze
Evermore alone
Drifting seamlessly endlessly

Understanding the flower will never be again enrooted
P*ieces slowly fall and the cold breeze blows it all away
i ****** up
Hira malik Sep 2017
She is imbicile
And still holding onto hope
Of calling back
With all sorrows aside
With all memories she hides!
Staring in the dark night
At full blown moon
She silently cries!
And She!, she is like a green land
Cultivated by rich sand...
Still sitting far in the corner
Looking at the same full blown moon
She thinking of her desperations of separation
Eating her from inside,
A detachment that her sand did not find in her seeds,
And this repulsion,
Between land and seed
Has enrooted deep
Withinn her deprived soul,
Still being fertile!

Womb has nothing to do with love
Its like a wild sprout
That grows by itself!!
Hira malik Sep 2017
With a saddened grim on her face
She opened her eyes from the last tiring night
It was heavy in sleep, burdened dreams
So many desires, leaping their last breath of faith!
Many nights like last night, many dreams dark bright,
And they have secured their place in this tiresome attire!!

I see, my heart has many spaces
For love of different sprouts
Seeds of these different kinds have occupied the broken and , some closed doors
And windows open and shut at different tyms!
This heart, a swollen ****** heart
Seeks through these half opened windows
A bright sun, with rays shining like a golden armour!
I have beseeched every part with the utmost love
And now the plants have turned into strong doves,
Enrooted deep in my blood!

May be, after years of turmoil
Few broken windows will be stolen
And others repaired
And the nights will be nomore enchroaching
And my demons will not take last leap of faith
Might be ill beleive the fact
Quintin G Feb 2019
Poisonous ivy
stems from the darkest abyss of your mind
Sharing is caring?

The stems takes hold.
Enrooted, consuming & terrifying.
Sharing is caring?  

The words, like thorns, pricking.
Blood, trickling.
Sharing is caring?
Iron bonds that held my mind
From ages past, since our dawn
To obey decrees for reasons blind
Driving me to skies forlorn

Texts revered, meaningless chants
Full of lies, but still it grants
Virtues high to beings unknown
To whom I pray in halls of stone

Might it grants to the well-endowed
To bulk up more, in contrast
The spoken words, to heave the bowed
To end their woes, long at last

Several cracks, scattered along
The walls of man, fragments among
The thoughts of men, enrooted through
Lines senile, by cues untrue

And yet they pledge to bring us all
Under a hearth, for us to pause
Like a storm that breaks the hall
Can't restore, it is the cause

It restricts my thoughts to reach
The truth utmost, for they breach
Rules divine, for they command
Belief in laws with baseless stand

Gloom has spread from the sprawling hill
A cloud of shadows upon our land
Through the text that preaches still
'Grace of divine that still withstand'

And thus I beg, let me say
Winds that keep the leaves away
That let's the stock to run amok
Will eventually lead them astray.

— The End —