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‘I am…’ 'Or am I’? Who can say?
‘A posteriori’ leads the way
For the extra and the ordinary
Axiomatic sway,
In the gravity of corollary,
‘A priori’ interplay
Ataraxic overlay of anxious automation,
As the innocence of dissonance delay.
Practicing semantic contemplation,
In willfully prevenient interpolation,
Civilly disobedient in expediently seeming disarray,
Forecasts in vague extrapolation
Contrasts the millennial contagion
Already underway,
Filling nihilistic voids with particles in waves,
To interpret dreams of Freud to free Oedipus’s slaves,
A degreeless scholastic who never misbehaves,
Simulated humanoid dramatic in the affect that he craves,
Inflating linguistics in acrobatic raves,
A thespian who plans conation with legacy engraves.
The probabilistic determiner of cosmogenous debates,
An apperceived inquirer of qualitative states,
Inspiring proprietor of dismality abates.
Challenging aporia as epistemic oscillates,
Stoically, heroically, ‘one’ who amalgamates,
Circling the infinite in hermeneutic calibrates.
An escaped prisoner from depressive disillusion,
Of an introspective extrovert who finds solace in confusion,
The personable recluse fighting an illusion
Breaking down the nuances of every institution.
Calculating consequence as time goes to infinity
Revolutionary commonsense of principal utility,
An opinionated adversary,
to the realist without evidence,
Theorizing in futility,
Stipulating every sense leading to the virility of the pretense that dominates community.
Divergently converging all the efforts we’ve personified,
Inadvertently submerging old traditions that unethically were codified,
Hastening the urgency for purging that which cannot be modified through the merging of the certainty that will no longer coincide,
Stationing the levies to finally stem the tide,
Of periodic enmities disguised to be necessities so blatantly deified.
Observing moral sentiments, perched upon eternity,
As consequential regiments are expounded universally,
To unstratify the residents indiscriminately
And identify quantum elements spiritualistically,
Changing collective behavior individually,
Socializing constructs in joint ventured logo therapy.
This is an edited, expanded, expounded, confounded, reverberation of Linguistic Illusions to Probable Solutions written months back.
Hope Jul 2021
Freedom was a writer from whom his name was stolen.
That of whom left his breaths on every page he wrote the meanings of which, were torn from his chest.
He was the fruit of his works,
of his labour.
And was the whistle in the wind that blew that blew through silence.
Hanging tastefully in the air.
A sweet sensation.
Who grew from dismality, was named and married to him as Hope.
The growths of their union,
the words of the tormented writer and the melodies of the candied breeze,
were songs of story sung for acres.
And who’s dawned legacies are the working times of their lovechildren,
Emancipation and Liberty.
The story of our people.
alavandala Apr 2015
encapsulating my face
as i walk down main street
a web that catches butterflies
for me to devour tonight
while everyone is dreaming
the sun exists there all around me
illuminating every separate piece
the grass-blade
the bypasser
the pavement crack
a perfectly pieced puzzle
-i must be the shadow here-
an outlier an oddity
the light spares me today
it will come again when there is less to wonder about
more to know
suppose you find me here
shadow and all
i would say
here is not what you are looking for
you cannot scare this away
and certainly it is not able to be subsumed
resigned toleration is all
but even that is unwanted
pay no mind to the dismality of my sanity
be on your way
stop and smell the pungent odors of the pyrus calleryana
the sky is not flat today
the air, not stifling
make it merry (if you'd like)
there is nothing tragic about synergy
Ruminating epoché,
‘I am…’ ‘Or am I’? Who can say?
‘A posteriori’ leads the way
For the extra and the ordinary
Axiomatic sway
In the gravity of corollary,
‘A priori’ interplay.
Ataraxic overlay of anxious automation,
As the innocence of dissonance delay
Initiatives imperative consolidation,
Civilly disobedient in expedient disarray.
Practicing semantic contemplation,
Filling nihilistic voids with particles in waves,
Forecast in vague extrapolation,
To interpret dreams of Freud to free Oedipus’s slaves,
A degreeless scholastic who never misbehaves,
Simulated humanoid dramatic in the affect that he craves,
Inflating the linguistics of silent enclaves,
A thespian who plans conation with legacy engraves.
Probabilistic determiner of cosmogenous debates,
The Apperceived inquirer of qualitative states,
Inspiring proprietor of dismality abates.
Challenging Aporia as epistemic oscillates,
Stoically, heroically, ‘one’ who amalgamates,
Circling the infinite in hermeneutic calibrates.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
American schools are dismality
Ignorance compounded

But i tried to do my best
Democracy confounded

Life goes on until it doesn't
Indifferent summer sky

Republican Abyss
Ignorant Trumpfuck lie

     To all that: Goodbye!
Joe Jr Mar 2017
Ruminating epoché,
‘I am…’ ‘Or am I’? Who can say?
‘A posteriori’ leads the way
For the extra and the ordinary
Axiomatic sway
In the gravity of corollary,
‘A priori’ interplay.
Ataraxic overlay of anxious automation,
As the innocence of dissonance delay
Initiatives imperative consolidation,
Civilly disobedient in expedient disarray.
Practicing semantic contemplation,
Filling nihilistic voids with particles in waves,
Forecast in vague extrapolation,
To interpret dreams of Freud to free Oedipus’s slaves,
A degreeless scholastic who never misbehaves,
Simulated humanoid dramatic in the affect that he craves,
Inflating the linguistics of silent enclaves,
A thespian who plans conation with legacy engraves.
Probabilistic determiner of cosmogenous debates,
The Apperceived inquirer of qualitative states,
Inspiring proprietor of dismality abates.
Challenging aporia as epistemic oscillates,
Stoically, heroically, ‘one’ who amalgamates,
Circling the infinite in hermeneutic calibrates.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
grey sky dismality
      relentlessly reality
               Gipsy Kings soul sing ...

       once again, I dream of traveling.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2021
The greyness can be hard to handle
Dismality by day

But then the twilight comes
The stars come out to play

But maybe not tonight
Can't seem to find my Way

Phone call to my son
My my, Hey hey
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2021
grey grey grey grey
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
Our politics is dismality
Do we really **** this bad?
Boring, boring, boring life
But gratitude for dad

Movies are good companions
True Grit gives me hope
There must be women priests
Sorry, Francis Pope

Gay people should be able to marry
We all need help from above
The anguish of the animals
Help from Andy Dove

Mr. Charles Darwin
The same birthday as Abraham Lincoln
Judi and I in biology class
I just sit here thinkin' ...

              Extrasolar Water!
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Love is not Lord of heaven and earth
Hate has some towns too
But love is the finest thing around
And what i wish for you

The silence is eternal
Shunyata in chants
Mary is maternal
Shiva does his dance

Sacre Coeur on my honeymoon
A few days in Paris, France
My marriage now dismality
No luck with real romance

Fo Guang Shan one afternoon
I wore my Springsteen shirt
Moby **** in my bag
Prayers for the Divine Inert


— The End —