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Jackson Freeman Oct 2012
I see you from behind my close'd eyes.
O maelstrom tamed, you swirl in colors grand.
From up above gaze down the stars of man,
Those wise deciders, forgers of the skies,
Mechanics of desire need not rise.
Thine ethos shines a light across the land.
Your voice grants sight to eyes of sordid sand.
thine ballads tempt the burning Sun to rise.

You shake my soul as gales doth shake the trees.
O, quake my bones and shed thine holy rays.
To drown in gazes thine would be to breathe;
The waves flood hues in spotless worlds of gray.
up high you hold me, falling to my knees.
O bloom for me, as flowers bloom for May.
Glenn Currier Dec 2018
Donning the mantle of godparent
cannot be blamed on an accident
it is both a gift and a choice
in which the child has no voice.

If it is a decision lightly taken
the deciders should awaken
to the burden it imposes
and the thorns of the roses.

An honor to the invited it might seem
but think about what it means
to the parents of that baby
and how vital to them it may be.

For if this is to be your child
it will not be for just a while
but for a lifetime of growth and pains
a multitude of joys and strains.

In a manner quite distinct
you are asked to be linked
to this person in the ups and downs
to hear both tender and awful sounds.

And think of where you may wander
in your journey out yonder
how your beliefs might alter
and your path might falter.

Wherever you go whatever you do
know this person is joined to you
through your good and bad breaks
with all your missteps and mistakes.

And above all remember you are kin.
You don’t lose.  You don’t win.
You are never never exiled
from Love, for you are both God’s child.
This poem is occasioned partly by a recent deep sharing and conversation with the parents of our goddaughter who is now married with three children. They shared with us how our circuitous faith journey has affected them.  It was not until I remembered my own hurts with the church to which we all belonged that I understood the depth of their hurt.
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
I went into the DeepWell this morning for another kinda,
wake up cup more like trying to be with some things need simmering down,
for the flames are bright and looking hot but but but warm and so soothing,
ooohing aaaahining awwwwweing inspiring rather blissfull kissfull blissing,
kissing idk bout hi'way 61 but for of you bro I know about your kitchen!!!!

Anywhohow way idk if I had much a drink at all with wake up or simmer down,
nor a nibble though some things are clear once in a blue year;

IDK like what's going on, down up once in a while or my preferred self setting dip flip switch's,
hahaha but reads are packing and that's good;

having to get back to too many responses 'um think 'bout the president,
the few who get through and we see a few presentations that should all be heard 'n seen too;

for I know we're all just blood bearing beings, counting on air,
but my cabinet I'm all of 'em unless you have more to say speak on this now;

staff, budget, readers, recorders, playback digitizers self routing pouting deciders,
all kinds of chaos chasers 'um not got;

I know so like all here 'um wat's wit dis cat;

what's he working three jobs or three wives 9 kids twelve ways;

nah not a drop so to say exactly 'dat way no more got a few getting on,
where I was and they was already born;

I'm thinking metaphysical then overly scrutinal to be careful both ways and wise,
she-it I can do more da better than a two way street try me I like 8's and 9's,
I lay all out there b4hand dey way den 'um say cats don't won't can't,
what ya ever think I've ever seen any reciprocity;

yah Solomon here we're working laughing crying all;

saw that movie "Anna Karenina" Leo Tolstoy novel base,
ya know the 'precious' 'Lord of the Rings' these sort of 'um things,
JC said along at least the 'Greatest b4 me Solomon' two kinds of exemplar,
(easy SO SO Bud Bud chill!!) one get demons off mans poor missions and happily,
doing 'Gods' love yet 'um well, I talk about these things with blood bearing beings,
I'm not even taking temperature into consideration;

just that I hear know 'dis 'da place gotta do 'da be greater things;

everybody knows Solomon a key why how hum 'um what ya kidding again,
oh so far off out heavy or fairy dust to me man, guess coming all together like JC,
just a bit may be out beyond such ganders of wonders what feelings lost looking down,
the land your feet are even upon, 'um man what about's;

'I'll be your solution if you'll be my remedy';

how does solution need remedy when they just bleed warm red blood a bit too bluish,
what if I say we need 'em all, does 'dat rhyme a chime of too like greedy who what me'eedy;

what ya want to "Possess Me!!!???"
hahahah !!!!<3<3##:):)!!!R

I just wanted to hit dat punchline while I was really in the middle,
but I do have a poem 'The Middle Riddle (in medias res)',

"When the middle is...
just right, there will be no will...towards an ending...!!!";

so back where we're we before the mention, no introductions say already too far gone,
as a wife would have to be  able to have an introduction of such a silly notion no more;

re: refer to as; X'yzzzzzleeeeping;

with that illegally separated easier straighter to say Fb have not figged 'dat one up yet,
Solomon is calling 'em up everyday/night;

let me tell ya man of the woes of Solomon and to me I coined the phrase myself,
so I Google'd it up, for I just thought those cats yonder dare' might have downloaded,
my brain and some well of it's keys and you've got the rest better;

know now I understand it's out there by book, I don't dare look yet before it's clear,
who wrote that stuff and I'll tell by what it won't, by omissions, excessive unwarranted permissions,
I'm wondering, I scan the great collections, not so invasive of more personally assured permissions,
there were days where there were a hand full of very warm open hopeful receptive set of beings,
along some tour that said go west as I was east and by a rather large pond;

do I need go on here now,
I start your clock too 'den what,
I'll get nine codes running inside out,
backwards inside of you,
'den just what can ya do!!!
Lets run... Far and long.
No? Give reason.
For the independent are strong,
and the free fear no season.

Hardships create.
The weathered survive.
The deciders of fate
were once the deprived.

Now they rejoice
in all they endure.
For they are the voice
that was once unheard.

So away lets go...
welcoming the unknown.
Making us even more
than mere skin and bone.
Zulu Samperfas Sep 2012
I see nothing but blackness
Hear only voices
of authority I don't trust
Knowing I'm among people I fear
These days, there is no safety
Try to get inside their reality
The owners, the deciders
I don't know  IDK
What will happen?
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
you know why the vikings did not care to
****, while they pillaged the conquered women?
why? well... let us not mingle war with
the melodramaticism of women screaming:
help! seems pretty logical, in sentencing these
women into a state of awkwardness -
they they be barren, by not being interacted
with... imagine neither viking,
or saxon plunging his grand dipper into
their fleshy abode...
       who've become doubly scarred
by their abode, with both earth and woman
turned to abandonment -
come the germanic brutes,
         and the natives with:
  wishes laid upon the stone,
and the iron lodged in it
we are but the deciders of our destiny -
and lackluster of the destiny unfulfilled -
made siamese with an ad infinitum decision
making, being curbed, shortened by
the year of chasing a wolf's mane,
while the fox continued his rhapsody of
thieving schemes!

- ibi est vitae, tantum in
    id est qui vita -
utrum in vivo -
                 vel in cogitatio -

danke spielzeung - vielen danke...
und auschwitz!
ja, danke!
    das ist gut abschreckend!
40 days in the desert, deutsche tattoo
on poland is like saying:
            up yours, soviets!

only a man will have a personal
library like a graveyard -
the ****** just reads books by dead
   only women seem to read books by
people who are alive,
and their contemporaries...
men do not have that sort of
like most men, i am no *****
of sortier eventualities -

which began in the form of VI / XIV -
   i don't write to forget reality,
rather? to immerse myself in it...

you know how roman to greek to
roman to greek works?

  simple, roman letters are sing-along
castrato "morse code"...
greeks? they named theirs...

  αλφα is a noun...
   so what?
you have to extract the prefix
from the noun...

       you have to turn αλφα into α-,
while λαμβδα into, simply λ-...

i don't write to forget reality,
  i don't write to forget: rather?
to immerse myself in it.

people read to immerse if not to simply
forget themselves,
to stare into the cloudy mirror of
a narcissus disguised,
i simply can't write mirror-prose,
you will not see a welcoming housewife
minotaur in my prosaic labyrinth
of what is best ascribed as "poetry";

what comes is an etymological
present, apparent self-revealing sloth
of history, that has rested upon
too many events, and so few
self-revealing factoid impressions...
as memes are to genes,
so too factoids are to facts...
      so few mentioned,
   as to assert the groundwork of sinai.

hence the castrato song -
  struggles with silencing the grief -
as of those once bound to a harem -
these new castrated - to the grief -
the "benevolent" man chose
a third of ownership to a harem -
with one third to secrecy -
and the last third to paedophilic "intuition" -
with the lies being his ******...
and not even 0.33 to a worship of

      it's almost a shame, using the guillotine
on such people:
   and not 20+ blows on the neck
of ****** mary, with a blunt axe;
god, give me a nibbled-off-clean leg
of lamb, to chop these *******' heads off:
then again i don't want to chop these heads
off! i want to knuckle them off
with a dozen or so plum sores,
so they feel arthritis momentarily,
while strapped to a, ******* wheelchair!
nivek Dec 2017
whoever it is that chooses the 'news'
the TV controllers, the deciders of what's worthy but not necessarily 'new'
the rolling banter of newsreaders on repeat

whoever it is who gives everything their OK
before its screened all over the World

I would suggest have a very strange idea of what's important in the lives of most of those on planet Earth.
Brenna Gracely Nov 2017
Dull murmurs commenced as some rose and some lingered
in the established court.
The dense wood doors swung heavily open with a sigh of stale air,
their wrought-iron hinges creaking sharply, the sound reverberating down the empty halls
save all but one,
a young miss who sat up with the muffled movement and shuffles of feet exiting the formerly private session.
Shivering with anticipation she searched for an answer the the eyes of the deciders
who had meticulously reviewed her with great care but little abandon.
All avoided her eyes, not advertently,
just simply unaware of her own perceived significance,
regardless that the decision  so recently made was a direct judgement of her in particular.
Finally, a court clerk caught eyes with her, by intention rather than chance.
At his approach her chin lifted in question
awaiting his word.
"The judgement was unanimous," he softly spoke.
"They determined you are worthy of love and forgiveness."
She collapsed under the wave of her gratitude
as the clerk purposefully shuffled away.
She was left alone in the corridor,
and as she rose her heart rose too,
while her tears of joy fell to the earth
sprouting freedom with each drop.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2015
We, the people loves to dive into others business.
Offer an opinions.
Open their lives up for discussion.
Until you run into the truth of someone saying, it's none of our business.

Affairs, of the heart that hits the press.
Some dealing with the famous.
More dealing with the unknown.
And , we the righteous becomes the deciders.
Until that one person states truth.
It's none of our business.

Think, we get upset when others in ours.
So , we should comprehend others business is none of our business.
But it pays to see the conflicts.
It's just apart of our human nature.
Graff1980 Dec 2020
Shots are fired thoughts inspired
by the desire
to see it never happen again.

Heroes walking right beside her
helping hands and lights to guide her
to a less bitter, sweeter, and brighter
world of Justice.

March or die riders share hopeful flyers.
Peaceful protest inciters instead of rioters
fight back against government deciders,
failed healthcare providers,
and other authoritarians who try to deny her
the light that burns so much brighter inside her.
the black rose Sep 2018
like the scars from the cuts to my wrists with razor blades, the deciders of my fate, these emotions are faint.. but still here.
saint Nov 2019

A room full of well dressed NYU kids that are all A & Rs, models, artists, and film students chat in a the corner. Buzz cuts everywhere. The spotify pollen playlist plays on repeat.

A point and shoot rises and FLASH. You've made it to a scene where well dressed and well connected kids think they know everything in the world. They think their parents money gives them a vision. And the number of monthly listeners that the data brought in actually means something.

If you try to say something about that tho, you're blocked by the deciders of the culture. So you better work for free and give them all your ideas so their shallow lifestyles don't seem so wishy washy.

After all? You need the connections and exposure pays the bills now!
Sa Sa Ra Nov 2012
I went into the DeepWell this morning for another kinda wake up cup more like trying to be with some things need simmering down for the flames are bright and looking hot but but but warm and so soothing ooohing aaaahining awwwwweing inspiring rather blissfull like kissfull and blissing and kissing idk bout hi'way 61 but for your of bro I know about your kitchen!!!!
Anywhohow way idk if I had much a drink at all with wake up or simmer down not a nibble some things are clear once in a blue year; but IDK like wats going on down up once in a while or my preferred self setting dip flip switch  hahaha but reads are packing and that's good; having to get back to too many responses 'um think 'bout the president and the few who get through and we see a few presentations that should all be heard 'n seen too; for I know we're all just blood bearing beings, counting on air, but my cabinet I'm all of 'em unless you have more to say speak on this now; staff budget, readers, recorders, playback digitizers self routing pouting deciders all kinds of chaos chasers 'um not got; I know so like all here 'um wat's wit dis cat; wat's he working three jobs or three wives 9 kids twelve ways; nah not a drop so to say xactly 'dat way no more got a few getting on where I was and they was already born; I'm thinkig metaphysical then overly scrutiny to be careful both ways and wise, she-it I can do more da better than a two way street try me I like 8's and 9's, but I lay all out there b4hand dey way den 'um say cats don't won't can't, what ya ever think I've ever seen any reciprocity; yah Solomon here we're working laughing crying all; say that movie "Anna Katrenina" Leo Tolstoy novel base, ya know the 'precious' 'Lord of the Rings' these sort of 'um things, JC said along at least the 'Greatest b4 me Solomon' two kinds of exemplar (easy SO SO Bud Bud chill!!)one get demons off mans poor missions and happily doing 'Gods' love yet 'um well, I talk about these things with blood bearing beings and I'm not even taking temperature into consideration; just that I hear know 'dis 'da place gotta do 'da be greater things; everybody knows Solomon a key why how hum 'um what ya kidding again oh so far off out heavy or fairy dust to me man, guess coming all together like JC just a bit may out beyond such ganders of wonders what feeling lost looking down the the land your feet even upon 'um man 'that 'bout 'I'll be your solution if you'll be my remedy' how does solution need remedy they just bleed warm red blood bit too bluish, wat if I sat we need 'em all does dat rhyme a chime to too like greedy whoo what me'eedy; what ya want to "Possess Me!!!???" hahahah !!!!<3<3##:):)!!!R
I just wanted to hit dat puchline while I was really in the middle, but I do have a poem 'The Middle Riddle (in medias res)' "When the middle is...
just right, there will be no will...towards an ending...!!!"; so back where we're we before the mention no introductions say already too far gone as a wife would have to be tobe able to have an introduction of such a silly notion no more; re: refer to as; X'yzzzzzleeeeping; with that illegally separated easier straighter to say Fb have not figged 'dat one up yet but Solomon is calling 'em up everyday/night; but let me tell ya man of the woes of Solomon and to me I coined the phrase and so I Google'd it up for just thought those cats yonder dare' might have downloaded my brain and some well it's keys and u've got the rest better; but know I understand it's out there by book but I don't dare look yet before it's clear who wrote that stuff and I'll tell by what it won't by omissions, excessive and unwarranted permissions, I'm wondering I know I scan the great collections not so invasive of more personally reassuring permissions, but there were days where there were a hand full of very warm open hopeful receptive set of beings along some tour that said go west as I was east and by a rather large pond; do I need go on here now, I start your clock too 'den what I'll get nine codes running inside out and backwards inside of you 'den just what can ya do!!!
jeffrey conyers Nov 2020
The best politicians do the will of the people.
Not guided by parties' philosophy or their minister's opinions.

A good judge guides properly the context of the law.
Brings not their feelings into it.

Dealing, with abortion you find great debates and it's the two occupations that decide fate.

We hear various opinions about not taking a life.
Then more about taking care of it.
But the two deciders place themselves in God's perspectives.

When that should be the purpose of that individual?

We ALL know we wouldn't let anyone invades our house to order us what to do according to their life?

— The End —