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Don't Debar
Heart is that innocent child which can not be educated
It has its own way and style to celebrate its passion
In presence of beauty it knows how love be celebrated
It gets rainbow from its own drop of water as fashion
Innocence prevails over intellect to be just overtaken
Truth dances on the verge of eternity to just celebrate
On arrival of love beauty is shaken and just forsaken
The glow of eyes make real love enlightened moderate
My heart and soul are always in a way to be on war
We love and love and get excellence in the process
My sweetheart my beloved please do not but debar
Me from my right to reinvigorate and not to just debar
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
No more of talk where God or Angel guest
With Man, as with his friend, familiar us’d,
To sit indulgent, and with him partake
Rural repast; permitting him the while
Venial discourse unblam’d. I now must change
Those notes to tragick; foul distrust, and breach
Disloyal on the part of Man, revolt,
And disobedience: on the part of Heaven
Now alienated, distance and distaste,
Anger and just rebuke, and judgement given,
That brought into this world a world of woe,
Sin and her shadow Death, and Misery
Death’s harbinger: Sad talk!yet argument
Not less but more heroick than the wrath
Of stern Achilles on his foe pursued
Thrice fugitive about Troy wall; or rage
Of Turnus for Lavinia disespous’d;
Or Neptune’s ire, or Juno’s, that so long
Perplexed the Greek, and Cytherea’s son:                        

If answerable style I can obtain
Of my celestial patroness, who deigns
Her nightly visitation unimplor’d,
And dictates to me slumbering; or inspires
Easy my unpremeditated verse:
Since first this subject for heroick song
Pleas’d me long choosing, and beginning late;
Not sedulous by nature to indite
Wars, hitherto the only argument
Heroick deem’d chief mastery to dissect
With long and tedious havock fabled knights
In battles feign’d; the better fortitude
Of patience and heroick martyrdom
Unsung; or to describe races and games,
Or tilting furniture, imblazon’d shields,
Impresses quaint, caparisons and steeds,
Bases and tinsel trappings, gorgeous knights
At joust and tournament; then marshall’d feast
Serv’d up in hall with sewers and seneshals;
The skill of artifice or office mean,
Not that which justly gives heroick name
To person, or to poem.  Me, of these
Nor skill’d nor studious, higher argument
Remains; sufficient of itself to raise
That name, unless an age too late, or cold
Climate, or years, damp my intended wing
Depress’d; and much they may, if all be mine,
Not hers, who brings it nightly to my ear.
The sun was sunk, and after him the star
Of Hesperus, whose office is to bring
Twilight upon the earth, short arbiter
“twixt day and night, and now from end to end
Night’s hemisphere had veil’d the horizon round:
When satan, who late fled before the threats
Of Gabriel out of Eden, now improv’d
In meditated fraud and malice, bent
On Man’s destruction, maugre what might hap
Of heavier on himself, fearless returned
From compassing the earth; cautious of day,
Since Uriel, regent of the sun, descried
His entrance, and foreworned the Cherubim
That kept their watch; thence full of anguish driven,
The space of seven continued nights he rode
With darkness; thrice the equinoctial line
He circled; four times crossed the car of night
From pole to pole, traversing each colure;
On the eighth returned; and, on the coast averse
From entrance or Cherubick watch, by stealth
Found unsuspected way.  There was a place,
Now not, though sin, not time, first wrought the change,
Where Tigris, at the foot of Paradise,
Into a gulf shot under ground, till part
Rose up a fountain by the tree of life:
In with the river sunk, and with it rose
Satan, involved in rising mist; then sought
Where to lie hid; sea he had searched, and land,
From Eden over Pontus and the pool
Maeotis, up beyond the river Ob;
Downward as far antarctick; and in length,
West from Orontes to the ocean barred
At Darien ; thence to the land where flows
Ganges and Indus: Thus the orb he roamed
With narrow search; and with inspection deep
Considered every creature, which of all
Most opportune might serve his wiles; and found
The Serpent subtlest beast of all the field.
Him after long debate, irresolute
Of thoughts revolved, his final sentence chose
Fit vessel, fittest imp of fraud, in whom
To enter, and his dark suggestions hide
From sharpest sight: for, in the wily snake
Whatever sleights, none would suspicious mark,
As from his wit and native subtlety
Proceeding; which, in other beasts observed,
Doubt might beget of diabolick power
Active within, beyond the sense of brute.
Thus he resolved, but first from inward grief
His bursting passion into plaints thus poured.
More justly, seat worthier of Gods, as built
With second thoughts, reforming what was old!
O Earth, how like to Heaven, if not preferred
For what God, after better, worse would build?
Terrestrial Heaven, danced round by other Heavens
That shine, yet bear their bright officious lamps,
Light above light, for thee alone, as seems,
In thee concentring all their precious beams
Of sacred influence!  As God in Heaven
Is center, yet extends to all; so thou,
Centring, receivest from all those orbs: in thee,
Not in themselves, all their known virtue appears
Productive in herb, plant, and nobler birth
Of creatures animate with gradual life
Of growth, sense, reason, all summed up in Man.
With what delight could I have walked thee round,
If I could joy in aught, sweet interchange
Of hill, and valley, rivers, woods, and plains,
Now land, now sea and shores with forest crowned,
Rocks, dens, and caves!  But I in none of these
Find place or refuge; and the more I see
Pleasures about me, so much more I feel
Torment within me, as from the hateful siege
Of contraries: all good to me becomes
Bane, and in Heaven much worse would be my state.
But neither here seek I, no nor in Heaven
To dwell, unless by mastering Heaven’s Supreme;
Nor hope to be myself less miserable
By what I seek, but others to make such
As I, though thereby worse to me redound:
For only in destroying I find ease
To my relentless thoughts; and, him destroyed,
Or won to what may work his utter loss,
For whom all this was made, all this will soon
Follow, as to him linked in weal or woe;
In woe then; that destruction wide may range:
To me shall be the glory sole among
The infernal Powers, in one day to have marred
What he, Almighty styled, six nights and days
Continued making; and who knows how long
Before had been contriving? though perhaps
Not longer than since I, in one night, freed
From servitude inglorious well nigh half
The angelick name, and thinner left the throng
Of his adorers: He, to be avenged,
And to repair his numbers thus impaired,
Whether such virtue spent of old now failed
More Angels to create, if they at least
Are his created, or, to spite us more,
Determined to advance into our room
A creature formed of earth, and him endow,
Exalted from so base original,
With heavenly spoils, our spoils: What he decreed,
He effected; Man he made, and for him built
Magnificent this world, and earth his seat,
Him lord pronounced; and, O indignity!
Subjected to his service angel-wings,
And flaming ministers to watch and tend
Their earthly charge: Of these the vigilance
I dread; and, to elude, thus wrapt in mist
Of midnight vapour glide obscure, and pry
In every bush and brake, where hap may find
The serpent sleeping; in whose mazy folds
To hide me, and the dark intent I bring.
O foul descent! that I, who erst contended
With Gods to sit the highest, am now constrained
Into a beast; and, mixed with ******* slime,
This essence to incarnate and imbrute,
That to the highth of Deity aspired!
But what will not ambition and revenge
Descend to?  Who aspires, must down as low
As high he soared; obnoxious, first or last,
To basest things.  Revenge, at first though sweet,
Bitter ere long, back on itself recoils:
Let it; I reck not, so it light well aimed,
Since higher I fall short, on him who next
Provokes my envy, this new favourite
Of Heaven, this man of clay, son of despite,
Whom, us the more to spite, his Maker raised
From dust: Spite then with spite is best repaid.
So saying, through each thicket dank or dry,
Like a black mist low-creeping, he held on
His midnight-search, where soonest he might find
The serpent; him fast-sleeping soon he found
In labyrinth of many a round self-rolled,
His head the midst, well stored with subtile wiles:
Not yet in horrid shade or dismal den,
Nor nocent yet; but, on the grassy herb,
Fearless unfeared he slept: in at his mouth
The Devil entered; and his brutal sense,
In heart or head, possessing, soon inspired
With act intelligential; but his sleep
Disturbed not, waiting close the approach of morn.
Now, when as sacred light began to dawn
In Eden on the humid flowers, that breathed
Their morning incense, when all things, that breathe,
From the Earth’s great altar send up silent praise
To the Creator, and his nostrils fill
With grateful smell, forth came the human pair,
And joined their vocal worship to the quire
Of creatures wanting voice; that done, partake
The season prime for sweetest scents and airs:
Then commune, how that day they best may ply
Their growing work: for much their work out-grew
The hands’ dispatch of two gardening so wide,
And Eve first to her husband thus began.
Adam, well may we labour still to dress
This garden, still to tend plant, herb, and flower,
Our pleasant task enjoined; but, till more hands
Aid us, the work under our labour grows,
Luxurious by restraint; what we by day
Lop overgrown, or prune, or prop, or bind,
One night or two with wanton growth derides
Tending to wild.  Thou therefore now advise,
Or bear what to my mind first thoughts present:
Let us divide our labours; thou, where choice
Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind
The woodbine round this arbour, or direct
The clasping ivy where to climb; while I,
In yonder spring of roses intermixed
With myrtle, find what to redress till noon:
For, while so near each other thus all day
Our task we choose, what wonder if so near
Looks intervene and smiles, or object new
Casual discourse draw on; which intermits
Our day’s work, brought to little, though begun
Early, and the hour of supper comes unearned?
To whom mild answer Adam thus returned.
Sole Eve, associate sole, to me beyond
Compare above all living creatures dear!
Well hast thou motioned, well thy thoughts employed,
How we might best fulfil the work which here
God hath assigned us; nor of me shalt pass
Unpraised: for nothing lovelier can be found
In woman, than to study houshold good,
And good works in her husband to promote.
Yet not so strictly hath our Lord imposed
Labour, as to debar us when we need
Refreshment, whether food, or talk between,
Food of the mind, or this sweet *******
Of looks and smiles; for smiles from reason flow,
To brute denied, and are of love the food;
Love, not the lowest end of human life.
For not to irksome toil, but to delight,
He made us, and delight to reason joined.
These paths and bowers doubt not but our joint hands
Will keep from wilderness with ease, as wide
As we need walk, till younger hands ere long
Assist us; But, if much converse perhaps
Thee satiate, to short absence I could yield:
For solitude sometimes is best society,
And short retirement urges sweet return.
But other doubt possesses me, lest harm
Befall thee severed from me; for thou knowest
What hath been warned us, what malicious foe
Envying our happiness, and of his own
Despairing, seeks to work us woe and shame
By sly assault; and somewhere nigh at hand
Watches, no doubt, with greedy hope to find
His wish and best advantage, us asunder;
Hopeless to circumvent us joined, where each
To other speedy aid might lend at need:
Whether his first design be to withdraw
Our fealty from God, or to disturb
Conjugal love, than which perhaps no bliss
Enjoyed by us excites his envy more;
Or this, or worse, leave not the faithful side
That gave thee being, still shades thee, and protects.
The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks,
Safest and seemliest by her husband stays,
Who guards her, or with her the worst endures.
To whom the ****** majesty of Eve,
As one who loves, and some unkindness meets,
With sweet austere composure thus replied.
Offspring of Heaven and Earth, and all Earth’s Lord!
That such an enemy we have, who seeks
Our ruin, both by thee informed I learn,
And from the parting Angel over-heard,
As in a shady nook I stood behind,
Just then returned at shut of evening flowers.
But, that thou shouldst my firmness therefore doubt
To God or thee, because we have a foe
May tempt it, I expected not to hear.
His violence thou fearest not, being such
As we, not capable of death or pain,
Can either not receive, or can repel.
His fraud is then thy fear; which plain infers
Thy equal fear, that my firm faith and love
Can by his fraud be shaken or seduced;
Thoughts, which how found they harbour in thy breast,
Adam, mis-thought of her to thee so dear?
To whom with healing words Adam replied.
Daughter of God and Man, immortal Eve!
For such thou art; from sin and blame entire:
Not diffident of thee do I dissuade
Thy absence from my sight, but to avoid
The attempt itself, intended by our foe.
For he who tempts, though in vain, at least asperses
The tempted with dishonour foul; supposed
Not incorruptible of faith, not proof
Against temptation: Thou thyself with scorn
And anger wouldst resent the offered wrong,
Though ineffectual found: misdeem not then,
If such affront I labour to avert
From thee alone, which on us both at once
The enemy, though bold, will hardly dare;
Or daring, first on me the assault shall light.
Nor thou his malice and false guile contemn;
Subtle he needs must be, who could ******
Angels; nor think superfluous other’s aid.
I, from the influence of thy looks, receive
Access in every virtue; in thy sight
More wise, more watchful, stronger, if need were
Of outward strength; while shame, thou looking on,
Shame to be overcome or over-reached,
Would utmost vigour raise, and raised unite.
Why shouldst not thou like sense within thee feel
When I am present, and thy trial choose
With me, best witness of thy virtue tried?
So spake domestick Adam in his care
And matrimonial love; but Eve, who thought
Less attributed to her faith sincere,
Thus her reply with accent sweet renewed.
If this be our condition, thus to dwell
In narrow circuit straitened by a foe,
Subtle or violent, we not endued
Single with like defence, wherever met;
How are we happy, still in fear of harm?
But harm precedes not sin: only our foe,
Tempting, affronts us with his foul esteem
Of our integrity: his foul esteem
Sticks no dishonour on our front, but turns
Foul on himself; then wherefore shunned or feared
By us? who rather double honour gain
From his surmise proved false; find peace within,
Favour from Heaven, our witness, from the event.
And what is faith, love, virtue, unassayed
Alone, without exteriour help sustained?
Let us not then suspect our happy state
Left so imperfect by the Maker wise,
As not secure to single or combined.
Frail is our happiness, if this be so,
And Eden were no Eden, thus exposed.
To whom thus Adam fervently replied.
O Woman, best are all things as the will
Of God ordained them: His creating hand
Nothing imperfect or deficient left
Of all that he created, much less Man,
Or aught that might his happy state secure,
Secure from outward force; within himself
The danger lies, yet lies within his power:
Against his will he can receive no harm.
But God left free the will; for what obeys
Reason, is free; and Reason he made right,
But bid her well be ware, and still *****;
Lest, by some fair-appearing good surprised,
She dictate false; and mis-inform the will
To do what God expressly hath forbid.
Not then mistrust, but tender love, enjoins,
That I should mind thee oft; and mind thou me.
Firm we subsist, yet possible to swerve;
Since Reason not impossibly may meet
Some specious object by the foe suborned,
And fall into deception unaware,
Not keeping strictest watch, as she was warned.
Seek not temptation then, which to avoid
Were better, and most likely if from me
Thou sever not: Trial will come unsought.
Wouldst thou approve thy constancy, approve
First thy obedience; the other who can know,
Not seeing thee attempted, who attest?
But, if thou think, trial unsought may find
Us both securer than thus warned thou seemest,
Go; for thy stay, not fre
Don't Debar
My heartbeats repeatedly repeat your grace
Eternal stream of love has to flow till the end
I carry you my beloved from place to place
I do understand that you are my sincere friend

Please do not debar me from your graces
Let me embrace you to make me but mine
I consider you dear one of the best races
Let me sip you bit by bit my eternal wine

I love you I love you let me just assure you
I You belong to you and you belong to me
Let me pursue my love through and through
I am just a drop of water and you are the sea

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2019 Love Glows
Di satu sisi aku ingin mengaburkan batas raga antara kita
Menggagalkan objektivitas yang tersurat
Sehingga berdua adalah entitas jiwa yang ideal dan bermakna

Di satu sisi aku ingin menghukummu
Merobekmu hingga berkeping-keping
Menghilangkan eksistensimu agar kau tak memenuhi benakku

Di satu sisi aku ingin membimbingmu
Meniti sehelai rambut menuju altar suci
Bermandikan mentari, kita adalah makhluk yang paling dinanti

Di satu sisi aku ingin mencabikmu
Menikam segala urat nadi yang berdetak
Beriringan dengan debar jantungku kala visimu terbayang olehku

Di satu sisi aku ingin bicara, di satu sisi aku ingin menerkam
Menertawakan humor renyah gestur yang kikuk dalam bertindak
Hanya dengan menyakitilah aku dapat mengungkapkan
Perihal aku candu akan dirimu
Kepada Pria yang menjadi Psikedelik Pribadi-ku selama tiga tahun.
Trevon Haywood May 2016
A man was driving in his car,
Or carriage, on the road the runs,
Where with his wife and little ones,
His horse did stop
On mountaintop–
Over the vale of Chappaqua
Black as night without a star
Came pitchy darkness on men's eyes,
And then great hailstones from the skies
Rattled around
And with rebound
Drove creatures mad in Chappaqua
The awful grandeur of the scene
Impressed him so it made him clean
Forget himself,
His house and pelt
And all his goods in Chappaqua
Thank God, they're safe! One did debar
Destruction on the road that runs–
To him, his wife and little ones.
Tornadoes pass,
Green grows the grass
In the valley, aye, of Chappaqua.

The New York Times. 5/13/2016.
Not to worried about tornadoes in New York.

You taught me Waiting with Myself—
Appointment strictly kept—
You taught me fortitude of Fate—
This—also—I have learnt—

An Altitude of Death, that could
No bitterer debar
Than Life—had done—before it—
Yet—there is a Science more—

The Heaven you know—to understand
That you be not ashamed
Of Me—in Christ’s bright Audience
Upon the further Hand—
Emily Laufeyson May 2012
I’ve been lost in my own world for far too long
And the words on the walls still stand strong
I can hear them as well as the seashores around
Hesitation has me bolted firm to the floor

I don’t know if this is the trail I was on
Before too long the footprints were gone
And now I must mark a new place in the snow
That has coated the already-frozen gray lawn

The smells of slick ice still bite at my nose
And my feet underneath stiff from snow of maltose
I’ve been wondering for years around these blackberry fields
Planting wishes in all the surrounding meadows

I’ve given up all of my hope now so far
And the scent of lemons and mint I’ve learned to debar
Still fog up my mind with lovely new dreams
Of champagne in an elegant, white-walled boudoir

If the face of the moon reflects off of the lake
And a third sip of wine is all I can take
Then surely the morning would be dawning soon
In the colors and hues of warm orange cakes

I would hold drops of morning dew firm to my lips
As the fog danced around my still cold fingertips
I still take in the smells of the cattails and grass
And my soggy dress skirt still loose at my hips

I’ll lace those ripe berries with bangles of gold
The lyrics and verses with melodies bold
There’s just one missing note that I have yet to place
But its flavor at last has gone timidly cold

I can’t get rid of the numbing sensation still
It’s lingered on on my damp windowsill
And I can’t bring myself to shoo it away
I am numb but the feeling is dreadfully real

Those mint-woven scents have faded once more
I’ve left them all out at the foot of my door
The feeling was false and planted ideas
I hid them under my paneled wood floor

I still feel the guilt of leaving them there
Under the floors of my home in rooms that are bare
I know I should leave them to collect dust alone
But I hear their old hearts slowly open to tear

I have every power to scoop them back up
To bring memories forth in a gold-handled cup
But to flaunt them around as if some sort of gift
Had the chance to create an alarming slip-up

Then and there I’ve decided to reside to the chore
Of leaving those thoughts under floorboards once more
The thoughts still come back and claw at my ears
But they’re better off left unresolved, unexplored.

I believe that my voice is always too small
To be heard through such a towering wall
And if I had a chance to let my voice be heard
I’d create an effectively stalling icefall

The berries had ripened till they rotted at last
I’ve forgotten of feelings or thoughts from the past
I can no longer hold the dewdrops to my face
Because of numbness I can desperately never outlast.
A lyrical poem about having ideas but being too young and afraid to speak your mind. Tell me what you think. :)
Ravindra Kumar Jun 2013
Let prayer my maker,
Would never be set afar.
Crying out kind glory,
Boil this heart ever unbar.

Ye vigorous in power
Has no match contrast where are?
Run drought wide granary,
All that breed need not debar.

I submit solemn myself
Thy feet O great God!
Liberate soul from frenzy sin.
Put earnest breath alter lot.
Prayer to the almighty.
Your beautiful cheek have a deep dimple
Your neck is clear like water in a crystal
My heart wants to play with and ******
My sweetheart you are so lovely,graceful
My sweetheart you are so youthful,graceful
Your soft skin is so enchanting and sensual
You are like a moon soon rain to just drizzle
Your beauty is delicate my love is forceful

Please give your hand in hand not to debar
In real love chain we in togetherness are at par
Please be my suture to heal my wounded scar
Let us be like real lovers to vanish every war
Spring is in bloom so please be on guard not mar
I seek light from your beauty my northern star

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Life is a set of very many sunrises and sunsets
Love and beauty are interwoven in a love chain
Your love letters and your photos are my assets
Most of the time we do travel in drizzling rain

We are shelters to each other in all difficult times
My love I love you whatever the circumstances are
Our sincerity of hearts, souls will take to sublimes
Extend your sheer love and affection not to debar

My sweetheart I will accompany you to other end
We will cover all distances just being hand in hand
In entire cruel merciless world you are only friend
Let us be together to celebrate ceremony so grand

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Gracefully Depart
My sweetheart I am in love please understand
You are so ignorant but so sweet don't debar
For the sake of your beauty give hand in hand
Be in love,  take my love don't be always in war

My love passion when blooms to touch to kiss
I suddenly embrace and take you in my arms
I miss you my miss and do not want to just miss
Your beauty informs me to follow all the norms

I love you, you take my love stance as awkward
You can't understand the sincerity of my heart
In your stupidity you take it a trick and a fraud
If you do not need me then please gracefully depart

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
My shadow casts a shadow of war
So I can’t go so far as to say
It’s a warring world
For war from me I don’t debar!

I never pay heed
When breeds war my greed
But go on to feed
Competition, jealousy…

They too are wars indeed!

The warring world
Starts from me…
My war dance
Don’t give peace a chance.

My righteousness, reasons, religion
Stoke an all encompassing me
That leaves the world with no recourse…

*From me begets the war of course!
Diadema L Amadea May 2018
Radar itu berupa debar;
Samar samar pendeteksi dini sebuah potensi akan jatuh hati.
Around him surrounds noise of motion
He suffers silence of the depth of ocean
Drowned in himself far removed from din
He lives closeted in his world within.

Words reach him in wind’s disguise
Mean nothing he must read the eyes
For ripples emitting when lips do part
Can’t travel the distance to touch his heart.

The storms that rage he cannot convey
Absorbs all not a thing can say
Mocks him his vision in the blasted light
He wished he could cry out with all his might.

His thoughts unsaid debar tales of rejoice
Fate was too blind to leave him a choice
Other than to imprint his mind on his face
If you care to read there his woes and happiness.
Let's not forget them in this season of festivity.
Nita Nov 2019
Kemarin malam
Keheningan datang merayu
Untuk memulai sebuah percakapan denganmu
Dengan topik ringan tentang kehidupan
Duduk di atas motor berboncengan
Sesekali kamu mencuri pandang melalui kaca spion sambil tersenyum
Sedangkan aku berusaha mengendalikan debar  di dada
Ah, senyummu sungguh mempesona
Tapi, apakah kita bisa bersama?
Jogja, 1 November 2019
My love if I touch you, you may erupt like a volcano
Your emotional instability will make you glow I Know
But at the same time in your graces of beauty like snow
I love you I praise you Your alluring style makes me bow

Let not be strangers any more in our real love pursuit
Allow your beauty to share with love your juicy fruit
You are so beautiful so stylish and really lovingly cute
Moon and sun pay homage and salute to your repute

My love do not debar me from taking flowers in spring
Be my queen take me on and on love ride make me king
From eternal force we have have been given a love string
So let us be together on the edge of eternity to take swing

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
In front of my love to your beauty twinkles every road
In winter nights I feel your warmth in my lonely abode
Your alluring beauty at its peak warrants a real love ode
Allow me to cherish my love by breaking just every code

I see water drops moving down on your red sweet cheeks
This makes me fully intoxicated with wine to take me peaks
Please do not debar my heart which being just lunatic seeks
My love is fully enlightened with light of your beauty streaks

Let me explore your beauty from beginning to the real end
Let us in gracious style send real message of love to set trend
In this world of rivals and enemies you are my only real friend
Love has its strength and power never ever to decline or bend

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Whatever may be circumstances and whatever may be odds
But no one can debar me my sweetheart with in your company
Do you know what you are to me as mod of mods god of gods
You are like a golden glow in sheer darkness so sweet and sunny

Love at first sight and beauty at eternal height is what I understand
Fragrance is everywhere as beauty has touched edge of eternity
Light has spread everywhere on the sky and on entire universe,land
Every one is bound to understand that you are wonderful and pretty

Love is always on forefront to kiss the paces of beauty with passion
I am your staunch lover and intend follow whatever may be traces
Beauty in its own charm and graces portray whatever is best fashion
How can I save myself from assaults of your saucy and tasty graces

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
I love you, my love and praise your beauty
Love fire has just started burning me alive
Chains after chains never allowed me to free
Please don't leave me alone and don't deprive

Me to take charge of all your wonderful graces
Do not debar me from the taste of your youth
Let me take you on with my kisses and embraces
My soul is so thirsty allow all truth just to sooth

Allow me to be on forefront in my little universe
Let me explore your beauty from pore to pore
You may be diverse and you just may be diverse
Let me be in the ocean and do not drag me to shore

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Love is Trance
I am in love let me fly to touch the sky
Love has made me a streak of light
I am enthralled in love ,ready to just fly
To cross all horizons in sheer delight

Destiny and destination are so clear
I find the heart beating in near to me
My heart beat makes me feel so near
Touch of a drop to a vast green sea

Don't debar me from love symphony
Be my partner in this wonderful leap
Take me too on this flight to the eternity
Let me uncover the reality so deep

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Narrative of Love
I do not know what is love But what you are
More than love for me my dear sweetheart
Your very presence is like real love don’t debar
God has carved you with love an eternal art

Let me narrate your fragrance and essence
You dangle and dance but just all around me
You have taken over all my mind and sense
My love is a canoe your beauty is green sea

Why not to take pleasure being in love chain
Why not to transfer taste and flavor just across
Let us play hide and seek in cold dazzling rain
Let us win the moment, let us forget about loss

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Be Sweet
My beloved let me touch your sweet spots
Let me embrace you to caress and kiss
Let me be the owner of all sensual parts
Be my queen make me your king my miss

I can feel romance dancing just all around
The weather has also brought the message
Please do not debar me and you to abound
Be more liberal to give permission to passage

I assure you I will make you the happiest
You have to be with me with all sensibilities
Do not worry leave all remaining for the best
Do not debar me my love be mine please

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
My love is not so ordinary don't sell it so cheap
Please look into my eyes you have gone so deep
I am lunatic and lunatic go but for one real leap
Being my beloved you have to open up and peep

I am all yours and I commit to pursue till last breath
No one can dare to ****** you from me even death
My beloved I appreciate this life is a puzzle, a myth
Let us do not make poisonous the love we just hath

Hence I suggest take every act of mine on wisdom
Do not make life miserable ,nasty and troublesome
My eyes are waiting on the way so please do come
Let us be on one grid not to debar us from freedom

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
After you left me I am in constant torture
My love how can I find you in this desert
Since I am still in trance of your departure
Because you are my soul , heart's comfort

Most of the time I do see a path to follow
But then darkness of disgust takes me on
I do appreciate I am not perfect but hollow
But I know after dark night there is dawn

Let follow the path of God to the heaven
Miracles will happen when we strive for
Beauty of love is in real hidden fountain
Allow my passion to explore not to debar

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Depressed, dejected and just disappointed
I am a man of no consequence any more
Hence for my weaknesses, strength wanted
Through my experience I have to explore

The path which should lead me to right
To come up to great expectations I will strive
To bear utmost pain and torture in sight
But no one dare to make me debar and deprive

I have to have my last leap to cover distance
No one can beat me unless I am beaten by fate
I have to encounter every border and fence
I do know that love is a force to encounter hate

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Symphony of Love
What a beautiful face I have to come across
Do not ask me the joy and do not debar me
From the pleasure of beauty to see because
I find vastness of green and wonderful sea

My sweetheart moments of pleasure are few
Hence we have to have all love but in a go
Petals of rose become fine with drops of dew
Love is an eternal stream to make us flow

I love you ,I love you please do understand
Music of beauty surmounts symphony of love
A streak , a string and a continuous band
My beloved my sweetheart my sweet dove

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Beauty to Pursue
Please do not debar me from your gorgeous beauty
Let me take you step by step my love my sweetheart
My eyes are filled with your sweet and charming free
Let me embrace you never ever to part or to depart
Your sweetness of cheeks your beauty of the moles
Attract and assimilate me to wonderful style and grace
Love and beauty have wonderful and different roles
In your bosoms knot I feel and aspire complete solace
My love I am victim of your amazing beauty to pursue
You are in my heart my soul and in every part of my body
Let me love you praise you and vehemently I do I do
My love has all when it coincides with beauty as valid plea
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
I am in love which made me lunatic
So I lost all in search of real pleasure
Reality of beauty made me fanatic
Let me search for all hidden treasure

Spring is in bloom as the flowers are
Heart and soul have been taken away
Please be mine and never ever debar
From the taste and flavor of the day

What is fragrance, its mark to trace?
Which intoxicates me to really attract?Let my sweetheart be face to face
Let’s follow the rules of solemn pact

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Heart To Agree
My love love sparks are fkying between you and me
Your face hidden in tresses is a marvellous scene
You have influenced me to see you my heart to agree
My love you seem to be like a wonderful queen
Your style with all your graces and charms attract
Your face is gleaming like a full moonlit night
Inthis entire world your beauty demands to select
I have neve seen face so shining and bright
My love I love you so please don't debar me
Help me to see you through and through in trance
I can not explain what I just see and foresee
But my heart aspires to take chance after chance
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Jan 2021 Piar Hi Piar
Waves to Whisper
I want to drown in your eyes like green sea
Do not debar me from the taste of drowning
The part of your sensual world let me be
My sweetest queen let me be your real king

The waves crop up and they just whisper
Love has its own vastness and its depth
Beauty but rekindles you have to remember
It travels in blood like flood till last breath

My beloved let me embrace you in trance
I will follow you to the other end in pursuit
What you have to do to give me a chance
I will touch you to make you a tree of fruit

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2019 Love Remains
Allow Me
Allow me to read my love on your face
Permit me to kiss this heavenly scripture
My sweetheart I am from the lovers race
Let prevail the serenity of soothing nature

I do know how to be part of eternal beauty
Being a soldier I can take any challenge
Allow me to be more frank as well as free
Let me taste the fire with more fiery tinge

My love my heart is your solemn abode
My sweetheart do not debar the pleasure
Let be together on the long love road
Be my only asset be and my only treasure

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
A Candle
A burning candle as you are
You will definitely burn my hands
Which may ultimately debar
From frequency of different bands

Let my love play hide and seek
Let me catch you but suddenly
Let me kiss on your soft cheek
Let me feel more frank and free

Both of us can play for hours
Both of us are ready but to burn
Both of us are under love showers
Now there is no way to return

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Fire in Me
Fire in me takes me to burn
My heart my soul in real trance
Path of love takes no return
I have to take this love chance
My passion has all love colors
My sentiments are breeze in spring
My soul is ready to dance on altars
Your sweet fragrance is in string
Don't debar to vehemently praise
Your wonderful beauty on its extreme
Which with a touch may just blaze
Me in front of real love beam
You stir in me like a burning fire
I may turn in to ashes my dear love
But till last breath I will aspire
For your beauty my innocent dove
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
I can explain the pain of being depart
In sheer love its not good to be smart
You will not be able to see my tears
They are dripping down in my heart
Don't debar me from your fragrance
Allow your beauty to be in my love cart
Love is full of contempt and hatred
And my love we have to play our part
Love and beauty are ingrained in life
Man being the crown of creation is an art
Love bids us in shackles to but follow
Our destiny and destination are on chart
Life goes through all ups and downs
We have to shape it we have to scart
Mehr is a poet of love to celebrate
He is strange in this aspect from start

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Thia world is full of hypocrites who do preach practice none
The heaven has been changed in to hell for henious designs
The rascals play with poverity stricken people for sake of fun
They deliver lengthy speeches as guidelines to be as sidelines

Needy remain needy for two loafs of bread till they be dead
Rich are becoming richest what a mockery what a strange circus
Ailments and problems further aggravate situation to get  bread
This cruelity of the richest will detroy thembeing on purpose

Hidden corona has further aggravated the situation to prevail
Is this virus their to demean poverity stricken to remain in agony
And to debar them from the basic right of struggle not to avail
My Lord your slaves are in deplorable plight come to make free

Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyrights 2020,7,April Love Remains
Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Worded minds by words do blend
          Wielded words can break glues too
Often times we cage or pend
          The great wonders words would do
Read to self the thoughts inward
          Ere you spill those thoughts in words
Due, sure comes each word's reward
          Speak or stitch with muting threads
Spoken words can make or mar
         Can break barriers  or debar
My sweetheart I am about to die ,your image is eyes
Throughout my life I aspired for you but see my fate
My love I remained in pain and torture with my cries
My heart iscompletely injured that now I can't tolerate

Any more ebarrasements and pains in love to but bear
Any hatred and contempt to take and to easily swallow
My sweetheart,my beloved ,my dove ,my love my dear
Make me all tears to flow and to be in front to flow,show

Cruelty in love is to debar lover to have glance in trance
You are part of my heart and my soul to take me along
Life is a chance allow me for you to take but last chance
To communicate harmony of my love symphony as song

Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright May 2020 Love Remains

— The End —