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pookie Jul 2014
Stars above my head,
Gently caress of wind on my face,
The sound of song birds in the distance,
The smell of wild flowers in the meadows below me,

O life how you can be so beautiful.
O life how you can tempt me to be at peace.

Tall moutains around me tall enought to have snow caps resting on top of them,

Forests so lush with life even the deafest ears can here the songs of forest life,

O life you, you tease me with these sweets.

Even as I stand here in this meadow of flowers dressed in moonlight i can not stem this feeling of unease,

It's the knowing that at some point this will end this peace.

Because peace never lasts long.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
One night my love and I were out observing the constellations
When from nowhere we hear to our consternation
Incessant notes of outrageous declaration.
My love and I upon closer clandestine inspection
Observe a drunken troubadour torturing such inflection
As to sour the deafest of men upon hearing such disconnection.
As we run hand in hand unaware of our direction,
Pelting objects sound crushing the object of our disaffection.
For Can you spare a word or 5?
Troubadour.  Sour.  Incessant.  Crushing.  Constellation.
JG Reposh Sep 2010
strand of rocks
doused with gulls
and the sea
they sit under no cliff's edge
as not to allow any man
to plummet to them
(gathering salt
not blood)

and the fish
flit so between them
with awkward glinting grace
as though god
did breathe his own air
into the waters

shapelessly the sun
does lean upon them
telling time
to deafest ears
Oculi Jul 2021
The song that I once wrote
Reverberates through the halls
Sang by a lonesome *****
In his rasping, croaked tone

He sings and he sobs
His tears falling faintly
Drops as though large diamonds
In the shapes of the zodiac

What is a song, then
If not something to be shared with those you love
What meaning is there to singing
If it must fall on the deafest of ears
Jamison Bell Apr 2018
Your parting lips only serve to decimate. To remind me of what I already know.
How it is and what isn’t real, beginning to twist and intertwine to a point where I can no longer follow any stream of thought with trust.
I roll back. Holding my nose out of habit the dark waters in the back of my mind envelop.
Tranquility doesn’t reside here. There’s no shelter. No rest for the wicked. And I’m wide awake.
Chaos and order dance here. Like Astaire and Rogers. They waltz and spin across a floor of fire and ice. It’s beautiful here and there’s nothing to see.
I write here. I wallow in angst amidst the pages that don’t make sense. Dripping with ink and tears I’ll scratch at the walls in vain for hours. Until. That word that fits comes to me. That word that I hope will drive my point home and scream “*******!” into the deafest ears.
And sometimes I write about you.
My bane. The Achilles’ tendon that keeps me grounded. A reminder of who I’m not. One who cannot be so fortunate but must toil in a pit of my own design.
I’ll emerge from those tranquil waters. My bath that does nothing to cleanse my soul. And I’ll fall again into my role of perpetual sadness. Because I cannot see beyond death. Her wings unfurled before me. Her warm darkness longing to envelop and shroud me from my own reflection.
Where are you my love?
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Science hears what,
  Philosophy why

The deafest of twins
  —singing in the same choir

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Quetta Rose Oct 2018
with my wrist slit and my lip bleeding; chapped,
The winter slithering and nipping my skin; kissing my hips.
I’ll write a song with my tears and blood and I’ll let the birds sing it in the morning; well they make the most innocent love,
The crickets will hum it at night and the wind mixed with the autumn leaves will carry it to you.
The night will whisper it in your ear,
The tree will dip it in your fears,
Even in your sleep, you’ll hear.
You’ll hear my sorrow and my wrath at tomorrow,
My scars on my arm will show you that I have a voice that needs to be heard,
My beautiful pain filled tone will be learned.
The birds will sing,
the crickets will hum,
The wind will carry,
The trees will let it be heard by even the deafest ears,
Your dreams will know my pain and the fact that I have nothing to lose and probabilities to gain.
Asominate Feb 2020
The hardest diamonds
can be broken.

The mutest of tongues
cry out,
they've spoken.

The deafest of ears,
they hear
their tears.

The emotionally numb,
they still...



T­he hardest diamonds...
the living die out

But I wanna die now
There is no way out

to escape

You lie and lie me down
I'm not safe

Whatever it may be
It wouldn't last

Whatever it's made off,
Eventually, it'll be of the past

— The End —