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Niveda Nahta Mar 2016
Once there stood a Sailor,
Tall and Bold he was,
Upon the waves was his home,
Eye of the storm he was.
Some called him Charming,
Cindrella was in love,
Sindbad wanted a friend
SnowWhite could'nt succumb.
Jasmine searched the seven seas
To bring him back to ground,
And Alladin pushed him underneath
Hoping he'll fall.
But there stood a Mermaid,
Upon a stubborn rock,
Her eyes were like wet sand
Her nose a pebble soft,
She lured the hearty sailor,
Into the sea so dark,
Hoping he would see a world
Where he never had to stop,
Hoping he would call it home,
His home upon the rocks.
He wore his mighty hat aboard,
Underneath he was at flight,
Fought the world of challenges,
With his awe-some sight,
To all he was a Sailor,
A person in disguise,
Wid arms like boulders
And chest fierce
But light..
You would ask
What's their story,
Well here goes,
It might be right,
But Sailor met the Mermaid,
Mermaid fell in love,
Love is what sailed along,
Under the waves of lust,
In a world so arid
It turned hearts dry,
He searched for a place to swim
Where he could also fly,
He swam with the mermaid
Into the glassy ****,
Glossy waters
And coral reefs,
After years of gliding by
He decided to stop,
Not to make him stop,
the Mermaid cried a lot..
The sailor found a new place,
A place called a 'Road',
She thought their adventure was over,
And the Sailor was lost,
She tried to tell him,
Asked him to stop,
For she was no longer she,
Plural now she was,
She cudnt tell him
For he was in a hurry,
And about everything
He forgot..
But alas!
Was she happy
She saw the Sailor pray,
The prayer wasnt an ordinary one
He wanted for her to stay,
He'd seen Her world
For years together,
He now wanted her to see,
His own world of wonders
Above the choppy sea..
He prayed that She could
Join him
With no other blocks,
The only thing he wanted..*
"If only she could walk",
She cried and cried
In the sea of course
She knew that wasn't possible,
She knew He was lost..
One morning she woke up
Washed up on the shore,
The sea no longer wanted her
She was thrown.
She'd seen the seas too much,

Now it was time for her to go,

To Walk with the Sailor
With new legs, aboard.
Happiness got the best of her,Tears would'nt stop,
He caught her arms,
Pulled her up,
And showed her how to walk.

*She told him he had to love her,
And two other people too,
The Sailor was astonished
He dint know what to do!
A few days later
He did understand,
They were now four,
A bundle of all,
Joy had at last rejoiced!
He gave her a pearl,
From the very sea she came from,
To remind her of That world,
She accepted and
Now they were one mind,
A family,
One of a kind..
this is a real story..half of which we have completed and half is left for us to complete..a must read..
Hira malik Feb 2017
I felt bad heartache in my dream
A dream, that came at the time of dusk
When the clouds were escaping
And the sound from mosque was dense and sad!
It shattered and saddened me too much,
This much that still i cry in pain of that heartache.....
It was burnt into dark ashes
Like dark sky indwelling upon the heart of gold dust...
And he screamed through the broken window;
"Take care of him, he cudnt walk
He cudnt speak
My heart has shattered into millions like a broken dream,
And like these ashes that you see,
Darkness has occupied completely Me!
He had my heart
And he was the mode of my breath
Now that all is gone
Speech has lost its ways towards me!"
And me;
I looked into his broken eyes
Filled with thousands of his unheard screams,
"I cudnt hold him to my chest
His toys still i keep but
That smile those glee
I cudnt soake myslef in thee,
Lost and saddened and shattered,
Like this ever-lasting gloomy eve"
Mahesh Hegde Oct 2013
Once upon a tym there lived a Crow..
It lived happily with its family.. Then there came a part of its life called "to be in Love".. It fell in love with a Pigeon.. It was hard, but the crow won the pigeon's heart and they lived together being under each others shadows.. Then there came a storm when they were on a long drive in the sky..
And the pigeon died..
The crow cried..
Hopelessness filled in him.. Heart broken into pieces.. Life was doomed by the fate.. But then the crow moved on but cudnt love anyone else cuz no one cared for it like the pigeon did..
But as the proverb says, "Light comes for the rescue when there is complete darkness", the crow met a Cuckoo.. Infatuation filled in him.. But it was helpless cuz the cuckoo was in love with the peacock.. Still crow stick to the cuckoo and acted foolish with her to just hear her voice to keep himself happy.. And the cuckoo who was totally opposite in many matters respective to the crow cudnt stand its behaviour.. But it still spread its wings for the hug of friendship.. Now the crow who doesnt know if the cuckoo will accept him or not is on his way to attain peace just with their friendship and remain alone all his life with its sweet and sour memories..
The end..
Twinkle Mar 2017
She lost her heart inside his the words his mind composed...inside the myriad memories of this emerald eyes...that shone with a light she had never know...a longing she thought was hers alone...

She loved him more than life itself..
But feared that even the shadow of her
scared, wounded heart would cast
an evil that could not be dispelled.

The proof of her love was in her eyes..she loved him each moment...knowing well that even the sight of him killed her a thousand times over...
She wanted the best for him...even if it meant being without her.

His future, his dreams meant more to her than that ache deep down to see him behold her with a longing she saw in his eyes alone....none ever looked at her like that...ever
Lust was all she got....disgust if at all.

He made her feel beautiful, feel complete..seem ageless...almost magically as if his love alone could transform her demons into ashes....
He was all she ever wanted..hoped for..he was the answer to her aching heart!

She loved him like she would die every day just to be held in his transcendental embrace...

But then she ran away...frightened at the plethora of emotions that coursed through her hopeless body..afraid of her own shadow...afraid of what it meant...a reality she couldn't dream of..cudnt imagine..
worlds colliding.. hopes shattering...
she dare not love again...she dare not love again..she promised herself.."Not this time...not again"
Hira malik Sep 2018
Between the world and her heart
She cudnt find a place sustainable
Like a shaking earth and volcanic eruption
A thunder in her part was too horrible to be seen by the world!
And between her heart and art
Those zig zag lines she tried to convert into mozart
She found out at the last
The music was sung with tunes unheard
The volume was too low
And the curcuit was short!!!
it seems we lost our way. you couldnt handle the shades i had to me. so long gone you thought i was incorrigible. why couldnt i be like other girls you asked. why cudnt one simlpe thing satisfy me!!! you always questioned my moves. doubted if there was anything that pleased me!!! why was it so hard to get me? not once did i make it hard; i was an open book that you failed to read. made me wonder if you were iliterate. lost lovers we were whose spell was never ignited. i had shown you time and again but  you seemd to forget that i am nt the sun but a rain ball
to u my departed. hope we never reunite
it seems we lost our way. you couldnt handle the shades i had to me. so long gone you thought i was incorrigible. why couldnt i be like other girls you asked. why cudnt one simlpe thing satisfy me!!! you always questioned my moves. doubeted if there was anything that pleased me!!! why was it so hard to get me? not once did i make it hard; i was an open book that you failed to read. made me wonder if you were iliterate. lost lovers we were whose spell was never ignited. i had shown you time and again but  you seemd to forget that i am nt the sun but a rain ball
to u my departed. hope we never reunite
CenterGravity May 2014
I stumbled into you like a drunk. lost and disoriented i held onto you. Sobered i cudnt let you go. Recovered id be lost without you.

Thomas clark Mar 2016
i,d pluck the stars
from out the sky
and place there twinkle
in your eye
i,d give u the dust
from a butterflies wings
i,d search the world
for special things
i,d give my last
and a little bit more
i,d walk a million miles
just to knock on ur door
i,d give u a shoulder to cry on
and always a hand to hold
a small ring with a diamond
and then a band of gold
every minute
of everyday
you,d know u were special
in everyway
cudnt promise you 4ever
but its wat i,d be aiming for
you,d always get my best
and even a little bit more
i,d give you my everything
and all you have to do
is learn to love me
the way that i love you
Hira malik Feb 2019
sometimes i denied the importance of a breath
that keeps me ajar in times when everyone sleeps
a secret keeper of my naive heart
that has now been surronded by orchestra
a fresh start as if flowers have just erupted out of a fertile land
seeing through such veil,
behined the bars of the old wet times
i miss them, so eagerly, so wantedly i miss them
that my heart goes silent suddenly ,in a memory!!
i painted my walls, the color was so bright i cudnt see the amber,
i decorated my art wall with random childish faces, that made me smile even when i am astray,
she said today when she came upstairs, remember the ones that made themselves surrender in ur love,
and yes that love, a true love, will stay in a room filled with cups,
empty, full of beer, juices of different colors, and beverages of all types,
i put down them on the table bedside,and in nights i remmeber the laughters and joys...
and than tym flies on until i am flourished with the orchestra of different llyrics
and flowers are still fresh on my bed,a bald womb yet,
still filled up to my dreams,
a life so swift, a time keeps on drift,
until dawn turns to dusk and dusk to dark armor of night,
and untill u take last minute of  breathe, of ""The end"" sight!!
Hira malik Dec 2018

today after a long time, i took myy tools and went out on pasture-land, sat there infront of sunset..vivid icy brezze touched me and i shivered not out of cold but on strange play of Summer breeze.... i took off my shoes and felt the wetty grass-field under my soles..they tickled and i giggled...

i am going again on that voyage that we used to plan once.. the enticement, thrill and joy of its imagination is making me so restless that cant even i sleep at nights... sun is still blooming and will be ,once ill be on expedition but ill miss ur naive smile u used to pass on even in ur laziness.. my heart yet again on enthusiasm and it is meeting to the rays of heaven.. last night i held arm of an angel and  i travelled ur land.. it was an amazing feel, still i can feel the scent of those daffodils....

dear, i wanted to tell u that as u used to dream and fantasize of color fields and believed that every color has its own beauty, today i dare to contradict the statement of urs with great pain....  i made a statue today with my these tiny tools and attire was bright too, but even after my diring efforts cudnt shape the weariness to brightness.. i chose red ,yes dear red, ur favourite color, but it mocked itself ,the presence of sadness.. i made it naked at the end with this conclusion '' colors dnt makes look everyone happy''...

my heart bleeding so is my  eyes teary, for i never thought of denying ur little dreams, tiny pretty dreams.. but i am leaving my tools behined again where we met, in memory of u, or may be i am giving up, for i  failed in naming colors, i failed badly in bringing brightness with mere those colors u admired... i am a looser for i took long to learn the lesson of life in ur colorless eyes!!

Meera Baasuri Oct 2020
Tried to mend the fragmented pieces of my favourite portrait
But cudnt coz one of them is lost
Each time I try to retrace its origin nature
It cannot be completed
When did u hide from me?
Where did u vanish?

— The End —