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avery Oct 2014
tick tock
his lips graze
church bells
in time to his
shiny new stereo,
in better shape
than his eyebrows
he raises
like a puzzle
we fit
helplessly together
iI know nothing
of peace but
tick tock
of his
heavy breath
on my scripture
he keeps locked
up tight
in a mason jar
with all his
closest friends
for prayer circle
friday nights
Henry Brooke Jun 2014
Yet another skeleton,
yet another bag of grime
emptying slowly its bowels
like a kiwi spills out lime.

No famous cross for this one,
the roman men were lazy that day,
dirt served as the mighty altar,
blood, spewed onto the holy hay.

Meters from this,
the savior died
in peace he was tortured
and left.
But our fellow liar here was tied
and couldn't repent from theft.

Two men were lucky
one was saved,
all the witness stood amazed:
As from the limb dripped golden blood
that shone with peiercing rays.

The biblical scene had happened;
the book could be printed out.
But one thing had been forgotten
one thing was never shout.

A man had tried to reach the cross
and ask the savior for help,
but instead his throat was slit and cut
he was not fast enough.

That hot night as the wind was blowing
a banquet was held but with toast,
bread was divided wine kept flowing :
though was cristian meat on roast.

Surely someone was there to look
upon the poor man's soul,
hopefully enough some early god
must have played that kind of role.

Forgotten relics, that man was there,
he did see more than mary herself,
kept away by tears,
blinded by her hair,
she did not see god's heir.

His bones were given to the dogs,
his face to be eaten away by pigs.
He was never honored, is it wrong ?
God’s abandoned kid.
Religion is absurd. Use your head.
Johnny Zhivago Jun 2013
@ a cristian @ a catholic @ an all round ruddy good athlete. @ herd roast beef @ herd mutton. @ i used to lead the pork and dairy through the fields of cotton. @ wear football socks and wellingtons and fleeces and march to the top of the old south downs. @ make a jump jet from bits of old pieces @ act a goat or a hero or a clown. @ do front flips straight from the backflip @ sing who put the dog with the cat fish @ say ship! Take the P add a T @ break the day with a bowl of muesli. @ play snake if my mate had a phone, but playing with others isnt always better than playing

@ like films made for kids my age, glamourised ideas of aristocracy and faith. The good will win and the bad will be sad and the age of the raging mad will begin, its a fad! @ wear jean jackets, go to the parties @ have fanta and chocolate log rushing through the arteries. @ chew through books faster than a vulture, faster than the fastest man at the height of zombie culture. @ play football everyday football winter time football, dont need sun. And then we play cricket. 40 legs of cricket. 3 days later im counting up the runs
Sara Soko Jan 2018
I can't remember a thing I did last night,
after leapfrogging in a field drinking wine.
But, I know that it's okay, since you're here.
I know that it's okay because you're here.
You make everything feel fine.

So how embarrassing was I?
Did I puke before my house?
I hate not knowing but, as long as you say,
"Don't worry, you were okay."
I can relax as long as you stay.
Posting this now, hurts because it was the budding of my most recent relationship that has broken my heart.
Alex Baldwin Oct 2016
I'm am Kyle,
Not Kylie, not Ky, not she.
I am a boy!
No madder how I Wright it,
It's true.
I am at Cristian Therapy,
"Don't let Satan tell you this"! And "it's just a phase"!
But that's not true!
Why don't they understand?!
This is a ******* poem, about Kyle, not Kylie.
Take me high-
So high up with your powder wings
Angel of dust and up,
Let me drink from your cup.

Show me the world from your height,
Intoxicate me with your wine,
And poison me with your poisons.
I love it.

Every time I fly alone,
I miss you most.
Always on the top of my tongue and
The front of my thoughts,
Always the first on mind
And first I speak.

Ask them,
Those around me,
I can't shut up about you.
I take Cristian mythology and apply every
Hyperbole and analogy withing those books
And weave it into your holiness,
Your true light.

You possess a place more pure than Eden
Within me,
And a heart more red that the fruit we indulge,
I could get lost inside of you,
I would love to get lost inside of you
Every night.

Studying your doctrines,
Learning your covenants with my finger
Across the pages,
Running my eyes, face and hands all over your tomes,
Breaking down and reassembling your information.
Study you devoutly,
Every day and every night to dedicate to worship
Through practice and through study.

You are a testament to man's virtue
And a testament to his ability to wait.
You are St. John's gift upon me,
The land behind his gates,
My Zion of knowledge and joy.

I will count my blessings,
And take it for what it is.
I love you.
I love what you've done​ for my life,
Unintentionally, too.
You've made faithful this secular man now monk,

I believe in you,
And light of the sun every morning.
The taste of my coffee, roasted every day,
My carcinogin cigarettes,
Your sweet kisses, teasing,
And the drugs I take regularly.

You've made the mundane magnificent,
And I thank you,
God, thank you.
I will never under appreciate what you've given.
My God,
My Gaia.
So long ago, before the cristian came,
on this land people believed in their native gods.
So they would pray to sun and moon,
As we come from nature, as we are it's part.

And back then there used to be no evil, no pain.
Back then the balance used to rule.
And life was so easy people so honest,
And days were so bright, with no darkness to begin with.

Oh, this is your legacy, your origin.
hold on to it and embrace the life.
Oh, it is no dream, it is truth,
as we are a part of nature, at it is a part of us.
ok you wanna post scripture
then block me so we can't respond
you ain't me
we never judged you
you come with words in my private box
did you think we were your girlfrien
aww you are so cute
chasing paper weights
your right I ain't your brother
we never claimed to be an preacher
we claimed to love Jesus
nobody's perfect bro
and for you to tap your fingers
and then block me so we couldn't respond
ha ha ha
how cristian is that you freak
we have returned evil for evil
we know you have another user name
probably several
you come tryn cop an feel from me and find words of your very own
well guess what buddy
let me show my age
and my belief in your face
see we may get mad at you
but we can't hate you
having an really hard time
oh yeah guess
it's my

we messaged you first
and said
oh Billy Graham huh
and then you wrote back some crap
about the universe
you must be in that
star BG Cult

we remember you preaching
then we remember going

ok Jeff we are over crying now
we must try to control ourselves
don't ever bring the universe's devil

and we wish you luck with your
she is to you

sorry you couldn't accept my truth
Jesus still loves you

yeah we forgot
we forget
the time
some people
can't help
but he
than they are

— The End —