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Miss Clofullia May 2016
‘t was nice till now.
I’d be a sad fool to complain.
There are others that deal with
much more **** then I can ever imagine.
There are happy homeless chums
that don’t give a **** about sadness but, unfortunately,
their madness is voiceless
and, sadly, our ears get numb after 3-4 minutes of elevator music.

It was cool and everything but now it seems that you’re only
showing the back of your head, as you’re kneeling down in front
of everybody.

No spine. No dime. No nothing.

Death lies hidden in your breast pocket,
just waiting to bite your hand or that of your loved ones,
in a blink of a blind eye.

My inner black dog chased away the black and white cats
and all that jazz is just not enough for
a healthy restart of the brain membrane.

Get closer and hear me out.
I’m speaking through my heart – this yellow bellow fella’s almost done.
I’ll whisper and you’ll understand my stubbornness,
like an unlit candle in the wind,
like a simple quiet rocket/piano man,
like the unlikely event of crashing in a brick wall.

‘t was nice.
All the dreaming
and drinking
and smiling
and crying
and cringing inside my head.
Oooooooh, what a match!
The crowd goes wild and that’s so unlike them to do – clawless, fangless, white tigers.

You might not recognize this day as being amazing and wonderful and all,
but trust me when I say that you’re in a blind spot right now and
as soon as it will be over, you’ll see it.
You’ll understand.
Those were not drops of desperation but exquisite fine wine left unattended.

Hear the echo inside this caveman’s body.
Look in this broken mirror and admit that you cannot see the eyes.

This generation of morons will stay put and eat macarons all day long.
It’s just a burning house, as Robin nicely put it in his song.
There is still hope for this silly antelope.
There is time for the timeless universe that we live in.

You’ll eventually get tired of seeing everything backwards,
of going against the stream, like a red herring in a Quentin T. dark alley.
You’ll get tired and admit that
you’re the ******* queen of everything wrong in this world.

Stop complaining.
Get over it.
For now.
Julie Butler Apr 2015
waking up is always the same
one lonely body
in her garden of graves
my heat is just that
my heat
my dreams are still mine
just because you haunt them -
a reminder to dread nothing
no toothless lion
clawless beast
I'll fly from your split
jolts, I never come back from
I don't believe in reach
not unless I am shown stretching
arms do not speak
but they release
it's been done
& done & done to me
freed, "you are safer like this"
loveless lips, the only ones I see
& feeding from the tips of a liar's teeth  
fed until I depended on it
then thrown into a gust
I'll fly far away from you;

& hopefully soon
when enough is e n o u g h

my instincts will kick in
goner May 2016
Maybe the cold-hardened truth is;
you're cold hearted and ruthless.
Like a child, you're toothless
and clawless.
You are flawless.
You are wild.

Did I say "flawless"?
I meant "lawless".
The "f" is silent like all
the times you eye-****** me.
But I'll admit now that I ****** me.
Now, I'm awesomely awe-less.
I stare outside where it's wet,
like the way you say I make you.
Drops landing, soaking trembling grass.
We're dangerous and moral-less,
and I wonder if I make your
body feel anything anymore, or less.

- @NoMortalDreams -
Instructions: hate someone's guts.
robin Apr 2016
must have been
the bath water
us kids
we're drinking
back then
maybe they
the wishing well
we're even born
maybe this is something we are simply plagued with
forced to walk around
splintering tooth picks
for bones
for tip toeing around problems
navigating through  
dips and turns
this is what we were born into
this is the way we were raised
this is the way we are bred to be
sophiscated skin suits
filling our parents shoes before us
just another number
just another melting face in the dim lit city streets
but i can't help feeling like a
rabid animal
in a suit
Clawless tiger in a cage
anxiety running rampant in my veins
every time
I have to sit here and listen to the hum of the phone
or the daily gossip about who ****** who
there is a disease inside me
must be
like a bird hitting against a slider door
a repetition you can't get out
of your
as much as you
try peeling away
at the
parts of you
that are fraying
and coming undone
when the night comes
and everyone goes home at night
you end up laying in
praying for another day
of this
but why?
i break the cycle
before the cycle
breaks me
Remi May 2020
I am the maneless lion among the pride
The white horse among the herd
The black swan among the flight
The hornless ram among the flock
The flightless bee among the hive
The clawless kitten among the litter

Yes, I am different
But that's what truly makes me a wonder
Being different isn't always a bad thing. If you're different from everybody else, embrace your difference. Its what makes you a wonder 💖
Satsih Verma Jun 2017
The long tentacles return
to gather you,
in clawless loops.

What do you see in the godless
domain of winged

The colossus had
glaring flaws. Binary
curse falls like a barrel-bomb.

I remained oblivious
of the uncorrupted dawn,
rising from the ruins of fallen saints.

I am standing on the
grey rock, where black and
white meet. Time becomes a moment.
That was us then
using the pen
accusing the world.

Look at us now,
nib less and clawless
and then there's
lNibbles the cat that
can't catch a mouse.

Because we're tired?
put it down to tiredness.

Sunday and I worked like a Trojan
not the registered trademark one
but a man from Troy,
boy do I have to explain everything?

I see no ships as She slips into the bath.

on the perimeter I shall swim with her
we shall laugh and dive into where
it all began.

— The End —