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SøułSurvivør Sep 2014
Another video I had produced last year.
The youtube link is:

You can read the poem while listening.
It comes onto the screen.
David Adamson Oct 2015
At night rise, to the buzz of my son’s blood,
I wake and blow aboriginal dust from my lungs,
Get up and take a turn around the house.

The place has gotten cold.
This ****-eyed family – good God, they are helpless.
I tried to help by leaving things behind,
Like this prayer on the wall
About the timelessness of beauty.
And did you find the poem
About Freud and mountain climbing?
All they do is wail privately
And try to pass it off as singing.

My son sleeps like a chessmaster,
Shocked into resignation.
He dreams about me,
And his dreams are riddled with light
And longing for the past.
Such nocturnal naiveté.

But he knows the stars
And because, like the ancient Greeks,
He can follow them home,
He will leave this place before it leaves him.

This house gets smaller all the time.
Still, the furniture breathes quietly,
And the dancers in the tapestry sway
Though faded by the sun.

The dust from my breath settles down in layers.
Pale light silvers the living room mirror.
My steps leave footprints before each foot falls.
The footprints lead back to my door.

It is time to lie down.
Soon my son will wake up,
And shake off the ashes of sleep.
I don't live here any more.
My death will begin again.
Annika J Feb 2020
Twists and turns, riddles and layers
Are you a chessmaster or just a player?
How much do you know, do you really know at all?
Can you trust anyone to catch you when you fall?

In the end, behind every tangle
Behind pain and memories and words that mangle
One mantra of mine I've often said while I've fought
Turns out to be truer than I originally thought...
People have a lot of layers to them, and tonight I pulled back yet another on one of my closest friends. I've learned a lot about him these past few hours... all good things, in the end.

PS: The mantra I was referring to is "Love always wins."
Andrea Corona Jul 2014
We must bring
our own light
to the

nobody is going
to do it for us.

as the young boys
ski down the

as the fry cook
gets his last

as dog chases

as the chessmaster
loses more than
the game

we must bring
our own light
to the

nobody is going
to do it
for us,

as the lonely

as the great beast
in nightmare

as the final season
leaps into

nobody is going
to do it
for us.
Maggie Apr 2017
Through glass tinted blue by summer air
I watch the edges of her frayed fur
gliding past the evanescent youth of greenery,
a stripped spirit sailing through an ocean of blooms.

Her image blurred by the straying remnants of frost
infinite as the barren oak she crouches beside
still as the surface of a frozen pond
pointed ears two arrows pointing towards the silver sky

The wide, eternal greenness of her eyes
divergent in a sea of oranges and reds,
demonstrating the quiet moderation of a chessmaster
prepared to wait until the earth is verdant again.

— The End —