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Quinn Aug 2013
I'm taking ten steps back
Figurativly speaking of course
Really I'm just going back
To all the old things that used to make me smile
A year or two ago
That seems
So very long ago
A day or two ago
The lines are blured
Knotts Island  10:oo pm wedsday Feb  9   2011

It was like any other night spent at the doctors office slash
Dr Jerry's trailer.
Drink fine deep conversation about world events and *******.

I had went to the porch for some  introspection  and to take a ****.
Dear Lord Man!
What I saw was proof i had done way to many drugs and slipped yet into another rambling state of Gonzo.

White  powder covered the ground  it was a gift from Jesus or Elvis really   whats the diffrence?
Hunk a hunk burning  clap  it was pouring ******* from the sky !
I burst through the door like Lindsy Lohan fresh outta rehab

Jerry !  
What are we yelling about Jerry?

I dont know but zip your pants up.
I know your a **** but I dont need to see it as proof.
Jerry a doctor a fellow brother of Gonzo
and true deep thinker.

****** man what was i gonna say i really need to lay off
the drink *******  Dr Pepper.
Well smack my **** and paint me purple and sell me to the Canadians.
dont ask.

Jerry good lord man look  outside its a true miricle.
Now only if it would rain strippers and wild turkey.
That would really be proof the easter bunny existed!

Jerry shaking his head for he knew his drugged out mental asylum bound  friend with a heart of gold or at least bronz  needed some alone
time in a padded cell looked out the window.

See i told you !
It's ******* snow Gonz ya *****.
snow what the hell's that I thought to myself while speaking
out load on a poetry site   where people think what the **** is wrong with him.

****** I should go outside more than once a year.
these seasons really throw me off like Skeeter  on
a cold night.
****** i told you  not untill you pay for last time ******!

She was a true lady just wish she took credit.
After a breif explanation time travel and where babies come from.
Dr Jerry returned to his favorite hobby surffing facebook
for underage *****  hey dont judge  how do ya think i met my wife?

Yeah man look at this one amigo sent me a friends request.
Jerry showed me a pic of a hot looking chick
and being she was good looking and talking to Jerry ment either
two things.

One the Gonzo On facebook page was down due to such high traffic
cause im super awsome.
Dork  you got like 14 friends.
Jerry went back to looking at the computer screen.
ha ha ha ha ha *** not funny.
I know you are but what am I?!

****** man he always get's me with his mature 40 something living
in his grandmas back yard  logic oh snap girlfriend.

Or Two  this little monkey  was really a ****** or a mormon
whats  the diffrence but enough with the foreplay children.
Jerry sat deep in thought and four **** hits and ten shots of turkey later sat the puzzled.

Amigo what do i say to break the ice?

The lights dimmed  a voice from the heavens spoke or New Jersy
John Tesh  apeared from the closet  ****** man i thought i herd really boring music from there i thought the rat poisen would get him for sure.      
When thought's are blured and both hands are busy.
When you just cant seem to find the words to break the
ice to that hot little hamster across the net,

Take that extension cord from around your neck and get
head out the oven dam you Slyvia Plath.
Just call dah da da dah da or however it ****** goes
sorry i dont watch   super hero movies although
I need a pair of thoose tights.

Move aside silly girl I'll break the ice for you!
Umm  no Gonz thats okay Jerry replyed in that no
but it means  yes seductive five packs of cigs a day
sandpaper voice of his.

Trust me Jerry  Im a writer and i know how to
talk to the ladies  yes my friend how they do love Gonzo
Oh they pull out there pepper spray fire there guns
but inside they have a thirst for crazy.

No Gonz it's okay.
Dont mention it Jerry.
Gonz !
Jerry !
What the **** were we talking about and why the ****
are you in my lap!
Good question my friend but least your happy to see me.

At the keys the master or insane half wit began his
works of geinus this would break the ice for sure!

Dear Sarah

Wow all I can say is me likey.
And may I say that sweater really brings out your *******.
We should get togather and  talk  bout  things
while naked in bed to bare are souls.

Something about me.
My name is Jerry im  superbadass hells yeah.
I like drinking other peoples beer i can bench like a
thousand pounds.

I have a big   tv. What get your mind outta the gutter!
Lets drop the small talk you know ya want it why fight it.
Let that inner tigress out meow kitty  
Lets get naugthy and do things to make us both
purr in the litter box.

Kisses Dr Jerry   giggles and a gay *** emicon,

Yeah I know what your saying no wonder im such a ****.
And no wonder i have to pay for *** and im always alone.

After some mock tears and a snuggle   we waited for I know a
turned on little nymphs  reply.

Hey Kids it's  time to play are favorite snow game.
car surffing  in the blizzard cause im a drunken idiot
okay that kinda hurt.

Driving around the mean streets of KI  hopping officer
Rutherford was off duty or searching some drunk woman
looking for  some goodies hey I wonder where my sister is?

We at the rip roaring speed of 10 miles a hour What ?!
Hey saftey first that and the snow made it really hard for Jerry to hold onto the roof and pass the bottle.

We laughed we cried we lit are farts and made a beautiful
snow sculpture of two snow people getting freaky right in the middle of the road  hey kids blame it on the Beatles.

After we took out a few mail boxes stole a few garden gnomes
And taught a jaded soul how to love agian  we were
back at the office slash trailer in jerry's grandmas backyard
yes to think he's really come a long way since the tent.

By the warmth of the fire  music and fine drink to
match are deep conversation.

Hey dude ya think think that extenze stuff really works?
And if so if you took a lifetime supply  could you answer the door without getting outta bed?.      
The knock at the door was sudden.
****** man I knew it! Snow monkeys hide the
penut butter  and  put on some Kenny G!
Hey **** Kenny G  
Dam you John Tesh Go back into the closet where you belong!

Jerry looked at me as he usally does.
Like this ******* really needs some shock treatment.
Talk about a charge.

After Jerry assured me it wasnt the artic monkey's come to take there revenge   and promised to read me a bed time story what!
I have a inner child oh was starved of kickass stories.
Like Jack And The Beanstalk ,Catcher And The Rye,Or Debbie Does Dallas.

I opened the door to see a  large angry looking man
with a axe in his hand hmm dam lumber jacks  there always
on the job.

Are you the perve that wrote my 13 year old daughter that perverted
email on facebook?

Oh no im Gonzo im the other pervert who writes really long rambling stories on a a poetry website that arent really poetry
or very good,And drinks alot and doesnt make much sense

Yet always bring a laugh to demented people across the globe
cause yeah im super bad ***...

The man stood unfazed gritting his teeeth *******
me with his eyes hey it's cold okay.

Uhh no sir that's the perve your looking for over there
looking at your daughters pics hey ****** man we have
company  stop that.

I made my exit to the sound of screams it was like
a pit bull was latched onto a girl scout the agony    
Well looks like things were off to a good start Jerry was already meeting Sarahs  parent.

No need to thank me  Jerry
Remember kids if ya need a little help in time of need.
Look no further than Gonzo.

Slower than a fast moving virus.
He can leap small dwarfs and some short big girls in a single bound

Gonzo fly's  of into the night in a epic soon to be forgotten.
B movie moment.
Stay Crazy.

Look Im flying.  **** tree!

Splat , Crash, Boom  Ouch Shitfire And Flying Monkeys
Next time I'll take a cab.

Adios Amigo's
Id like to thank the  academy.
Blues clues  Bigfoot.

Skeeter for passing out that one night and not waking up or at least not charging.

and to think i took screen writting and they had the nerve to
tell me i was crazy and id never find anyone who thought this was funny.

you like me your really like me well kinda and you thank God i dont
live nextdoor.

The credits roll  Gonz and Roses play.  

He's just a small island nut job living in a naughty minded world.
He took the midnight train  and as the semi hot hurled.
Yeah held here hair.

Dont stop reading.
Hang to that ***** feeling .
Just not in public or it can get ya trouble im just saying.

Thank you  Detroit  
Nazmi Mahamood Dec 2010
When close my eyes at night
I feel that nothing is right
People are crying,they are unheard
We keep watching,like everything is blured

Everyone keeps living for today
Through thier life's own way
To everyone's surprise
They still dont realise

How hard they try
From thier hearts they cry
All they can do is look at the sky
and pray

Some are young
they are strong
they could die for one another
but can we trust each other?

What is life's main purpose?
Is it to be famous?
Is it live aimlessly?
It is to accept life with most graciously
Destre' Jan 2016
Can't stand to think
So take a seat
Hanging on to...I don't know

Losing the battle, between okay and not
Mourning the loss of clarity
Memories are fading... or are they

Screaming for help even though
you don't want to be saved
at least not by someone else

*give it time and youll be fine they said
How much time has gone by?
Georgiana S Feb 2011
Sing me songs of farewell
This red shaded dawn,
Recite me lines about unknown -
Please, recite them well.

Let your tongue disguise the words,
Make them look fair
While I'm statued in life's ropes
Tied to this porcelain cold chair.

Speak loud, stand proud -
Then look at me straight.
Let your shadow strangle my neck,
Bathed in my acid tears around.

It's neither's fault, you say...
Only this mischievious cicle
A clueless timed canvas,
That lead you feel this way.

I can't scream, can't defend.
I only let the ending end.
Take your promises back,
Take your tender looks too,
Burn each of one's illusions,
******* their ashes, take them with you.

Don't leave me your apologies,
Your blured confusions...
Just leave me here,
In eternity's fusions
Drowned in a heart attack.

The years have passed away.
My hands still tremble, mildly.
Wrapped in pottery shards and blindly
This disease have rot me inside
It's what they say...

In fact, I died at the bottom of the sea.
The cure is simple and hopeless to me.
Give me a pill of amnesia
And my five o'clock tea.
Georgiana.S 2011
Jiminy Cricket Jun 2013
Inhale and hold it in.
You don't want to be called a *****
Even by your closest friend.

Exhale and let everything around you disolve.
There are no worries at this point.
There is nothing to think about.
Only the thoughts of what you have just done.
They start to sink in
And your thoughts come at you like never before.

The walls around you have only disolved, as the walls of your thoughts build up 10x as strong.
Tring to break through them only acts as a self distruct.
So you hit the button,
More times than you thought was possible.
Especially after saying you wouldn't hit it after the first.

Running away is hopeless, as you end up where you left
Like many others.
You are not like them.
The ones who are lost in thier own loop.
Learn from thier mistakes.

Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Onto something new we see.
A different country, a different coulture.

Swallow and discover the opposite.
There are no worries.
There are no thoughts.
There is nothing at all.
The only thing that sinks is the liquid inside your empty stomach.

The walls are blured
And your perception on reality is fuzzed.
Like a kid in a bouncy castle,
you don't want to leave.

The echoing sound of your parents escorts you out though.
You follow them home
And before you lay into slumber
They remind you of school in the morning.
Diana Richter Dec 2013
Laying close to death.
Taking your last breath,
eyes closing to shaded black.
Pills in your system, ready to attack.
Rush of sirens all you hear,
all ending in your thirteenth year.
You lay there with a heart rate that is slowing,
you're dying, and your family is knowing.
On the edge of the hospital bed,
where you may as well lay there dead.
Your moms eyes fill with tears, and her heart with guilt,
as she tells you everything, when you're heart wasn't spilt.
You father, your biggest hero never leaves your side.
His ****** expressions blank, but he's crying inside.
The nurse comes in, worry on her face.
Telling you, you need to go to a bigger place.
To far to go by ambluance, so they take you by flight.
By the time you arive, it's deep late at night.
Crew and the nurses talking back and fourth but it's blured.
You know their speaking clearly but their words seem slured.
You wake, and it's finally bright outside.
You look back and forth, see your family never left your side.
The doctor comes in, and explains my condition.
They go over questions, for your admission.
Guilt and remorse is all you can feel,
everything feels like a nightmare, but it's all to real.
Theirs no way to make things right,
you can't even remember what happened last night.
IV's in your arms, you ask the doctor what came about,
the night before, He says  attempted suicide without a doubt.
As memories flood back into your head,
you think I really wanted to be dead....
The doctor asks if I remember what happened the night before,
when your dad asked you what happened, not noticing the pill bottle on the floor.
After three long days, the cops come to take you to a crisis center,
handcuffs on wrists, where scars lay from before. Door opened up, you must enter.
Long ride to think of everything, looking behind you you see your parents car.
Tears run down your face, they're so close, yet so far.
As you pull up to where you'll spend your weak.
You try and talk, but the words are meak.
Your get entered into the system, then you're parents must leave.
The tears come again, but you wipe them with your sleave.
You go to your room, and close the door.
Not wanting nothing more, then someone in your arms, you fall to the floor.
After you wake, your parents are there to visit but it's not expected.
Taking you to a different area, your tears are being collected.
After six days you're ready to go home,
new areas that you're ready to roam.
You run as your dad enters the door,
you run to him and jump to give him a hug almost knocking him to the floor.
You collect your things and say good bye to all the kids there,
never wanting to go back, suicide you'd never dare.
When you get home, you've never felt more joy
Talking to your bestfriend, playing with your favorite toy.
It's so nice to finally be home in your own bed,
Now I realize "I really wanted to be dead"
Jasmin jazz May 2021
She stood there staring at nothing
Thoughts were swirling around
Head was pounding at a thousand speed
All she knew was it had died

IT was born five years back
On a fine sunday afternoon
She cradled IT and took care of IT
Yet it lost its cost because of him

IT was her only hope and her
Only reason to exist in world
Nothing could spare its importance
But IT died because of him

She stared at the dead corpse
She knew IT will never be alive
Her heart weighed ten thousand pounds
Now she's pale and broken because of him

Someone walked in and asked her
"What had happened to you?"
She was so weak to answer
Yet she said "IT died.. five years old"

"Er...Sorry for that.. What's IT's name?"
Her vision blured.. Yet murmured
"Love" she said ".....he lied to me"
Someone walked away with a sigh...
she's    broken
she   was  dumped
she      cried    aloud
no one  did  . care
all     that   left
was dark and
She was happy until then.. She believed him blindly.. Even she closed her eyes to some of his cute naughtiness.. Yet he didn't realised how amazing she was... What a pity!!! He don't deseve her😇
Tyler A Sullivan Jun 2017
It was in pastures of green when first I saw her
She was the daisy at the dawn of spring
In my heart a fire stired
In my soul a symphony rings

It was in piny groves when first I loved her
She was the majestic pinus resinosa
My senses flashed then blured
Tis sweeter than mimosa

We mingled and danced in autumnal fields
We were with ancient amber grass
From our courtship love we yield
Like the soil we will forever last
Karina Putri Jun 2016
It's not about black and white
It's a grey
Like an earthquakes
It's cracking, falling down
Some thing blured goes real
And the real goes blur

It's not a ground anymore nor a land
It's a fata morgana
It's not a word or a sentences, nor a story
But a spell
Burning down all the mirage I lived with
And take me into the world
They called it reality
keki Nov 2010
Silents beats.
In rythem of slow dazed clock
Ticking back and forth.
As time frezzes
Every thing motion less
Nothing moving
Except tears with crystal blured reflection
In the gloomed dim sky
The cloock sticks the empty room that
Onced filled with light and life
Now laid the soul of silence to this room
And never had one
Ever to this room again
Not in
Every in life time
That rebon each year
Jasmin jazz Nov 2018
It begins from the red gem.
It was created by the glittering stone.
The stone turns yellow, orange, sometimes red.
Color changed by the force of wind.
The stone breathes so hardly.
It breathes out black air.
It was dying and was having last breath.
Stone's expiration was much slower, thick white air.
The housewife forced it to glow.
But it was its last effort.
It was its maximum.
The red gem gave its life to
the one next to it and
Finally the images became blured...
And the stone closed its eyes.
The last breath of the burning coal;
the smoke, began to rise in the air
Its hands were longing to touch the sky
As the wind blowed it faded away,
May be melted, in the air
and it vanished away like a ghost.
It is difficult to understand.
How many of you realised that I wrote about a dying coal and of smoke?
Dakota Pompt Jan 2014
Long time anger churning inside
blured vison but no one traveling aside
Handicaped, slowly moveing
Longing to hear your voice soothing
Looking up at the night sky
Always wondering why
Puzzeled glazes burning a hole
all wonder if i poses soul
Dropes of liquid burning my cheek
Will i make it through the next week
Im broken inside
yet you still give me goodbyes
Empty dreams
These are words
that cry out with depression
It's always in winter im left facing the truth's of my past.
The bar my home the whiskey a old friend  who still
remembers enough to forget.

Alone with thoose faces i care to share nothing with I can just exist none care  or worry the Christmas lights bring a comic tragedy to my blured vision of what never can be.

Often it's found me here but tonight i no longer care.
for how many times can the heart bleed?
Till its but a scar of memory.

Answers are for the dreamers who belive there's right to
change the wrong.
A splendid place of ******* that omly holds truth at the bottom of my glass  last call lingers like a lovers goodbye.

My time long since past im turning to nothing only to except my
failures and curse the road that brought me to such a stage of misery
and who gives a ****.

The fools I pitty yet hope they find it although I know it's end.
Her word's hollow as my soul.
Pouring fire to replace passion.
Every fighter knows when it's gone.

But in dim lit smoke cast rooms I find my home.
And haunt this space asking nothing  just
to fade in thought.

Some need pain to exist other need the challenge to drive.
Every drink poured  burns a constant reminder im still alive.
After ive left into the nights air im cast alone.
wandering in a blurred haze to anywhere will I ever truely belong?
sycokitten Nov 2011
does it hurt when i see through you?
like my eyes are ripping away the tissue?
can you feel the lies falling?
when i know that your just stalling.
searching for a way to hide.
save your remaining pride.

your lies play in false tones.
wrapped tightly around your bones.
it seems they support you now
it makes me wonder how
you ended up this way
in a constant state of decay
rotting away on the inside
where all your ***** secrets hide.

does it hurt when
theres no way to defend
from the layers ripping
with the truth dripping
from tears in the mask
that's fallen from your grasp
when we can see you
and everything you do
with nothing blured
reality un slured
just you for you
completly true

it's hideous to see
your reality.
Haydn Swan Mar 2018
The toxicity of life,
I feel it pulsing through my veigns,
like the venom of a snake,
vision so blured that I cannot see,
work, money, house, family,
whilst life quietly passes by,
tip toeing past like a cat to a bird,
the clock ticks louder everyday,
beating like a drum,
louder and louder in my head,
time to spread these wings and fly.
fly away, soaring to destinations unkown.
Haddie Brenner Oct 2017
I am the clock.
Wrapped around an axle.
Hands twisted over my head,
Bent sideways,
No seconds.
No time for seconds.
Hours pass in minutes.
Minutes pass in seconds.
No time for seconds.
I am the clock.
Days pass in a whirl.
Hazy, dazy, blured.
Sunrise as sunset, as sunrise,
No dawn.
No morning, no noon, no dusk.
Just sleep, stagnation and dust.
On the eyelids,
Into the lungs.
Stifling my breathing,
Contaminating my blood.
A thin layer,
All around.
Jenifer C Reyes Aug 2016
I felt the pain of this world
The heavy burden, makes me blured
I couldn’t resist ‘cause the root is wiry
I may fall, and be fallen, be broken
And needy.

I look up the sky and there the clouds I see
Thinking what best thing could it be
Somehow, like a warrior, a soldier
In the fight
Still the battle of the night

Dark clouds on my head, my mind was not settled
The rain pours the water from my eye
The heavy burden world
Then suddenly, someone I had noticed
Someone is walking with me
Murmuring the word, “please”
ALINA Nov 2018
Fake Frnds Fake love
Things got Blured
True Love True frndship
Not what everyone deserved
I stand still
Luking at Ur face
Admiring things that belonged to me in those beautiful days
Its not about Love relationships
Its about a Pure Frndship that never Stays
Fake frnds Fake Love
Why blame all of these
Insecurities and Interpretations
That lack Of Trust ,
A shadow Of Pain Followed
Not My stuff Not my experience
Just some realistic Feelings Borrowed.
Don't blame him/her
All I was wrong
Who am i to Hurt myself
For People who are already Gone.
ASG Jun 2020
Where am I suppost to go
Here, there
They say I can go anywhere
But where my heart is calling me
I can not see
My path is blured
A dense fog has set in
All I can do is put one foot in front of the other
Find my way through the cloud
Some may say I am blinded
Others say I have faith

— The End —