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Arman Jul 2013
Nightingale dances to a union jack's tune
Blonded and bonded to the winter wind's croon
Black leather lost, soul-searching for safe havens
Soothing the streetlight as she serenades,
Healing the moonlight as her honeymoon fades.

In flocks, it is said,
That safety will travel
And numbers protect those that fly,
But the heart, indeed, is a lonely hunter
So land your weary arms in mine.

You can return with the swallows to Capistrano
Or follow the flamingos as they swoon and sail
You can hang onto a hummingbird's heartbeat,
Just wrap me in the wings of this nightingale.

It's the lark, that's true,
That sent me to you -
Nursing the daylight until it flutters then soars,
Nestling the twilight by the hospital doors.

In the dark, it is said
That the truth hangs lower,
And slower move the birds in time
So un-tether from your trembling sadness,
And land your weary arms in mine.

You can sing the songbird's symphony
Or fleece the  feathers off a sparrows tail
You can hang onto a hummingbird's heartbeat,
Just wrap me in the wings of this nightingale.
Actually song lyrics, more than a poem.
Gary Gibbens Nov 2011
His hair is poofed, 8 out of ten
Teeth polished soft white
Back is naired, nails all clipped
Underwear still clean
He is bouncy and blathy
A brassy baritone rips across the set
Co-anchor all Xanaxed and blonded
Can’t feel her glowing red mouth

About to show their favourite clips
Starving umber skinned babies
Distended bellies, chopstick arms
Fly clouded eyes, light fading
Mothers with vacant grey faces

Collapsed buildings, bodies sprawled
Terrified animals dying

Video Head man turns to the camera
Mouths the teleprompter tales
Without meaning
Can’t feel his heartbeat

He’s thinking about his *******
Of 17 year old Crack babes locked in his suite
‘N Just as he starts to get jazzed up

The lights go down and he knows
He knows
He’s just a digital clown
The electrons are gone.

Songs of the Illustrated Zombies 2010
petuniawhiskey Dec 2013
the clustered up foggy breath,
my molded basement, my solid
brain teased me.
I ran, I ran further than
I thought I'd ever be found.
The worst part, I turned
myself in. I know it won't be long,
until i fight this feeling once again.
This is a Hell's Winter.
Remember, tip-toe and watch your back.
Speak less, and you'll remember the
name of the game.

In my dream, the Nike Corporation
set flame and fire to the development,
cookie cutter, ****** houses.
I raced away in car full of hopeful and
***** kids, who knew a better place to
call home.

And even home can feel like a smothering
mess, so what then?
Will there be a day that this paranoia will
resist the simmer setting?
Pick up your swords, don't forget your guns,
and please wake me up.

These dreams scream for a louder life.
school-books, normality, sobriety,
gravel underneath my skin.
And just when you thought
puking until you were thin was enough,
you're kicked in the gut.
Bleach-blonded bombshells, breaking
barriers, crossing borders, barring resistance
to breeze through your body.
When I die, please bury me
with my brighter side.
Psychosa Aug 2017
What if I was the girl,
the girl who walks through life with ease.

What if I was the girl whose perfectly blonded hair
flew behind her,
just as her worries.

What if I was the girl whose stomach didn't budge
no matter how badly she wanted it.

What if I was the girl
whose skin was kissed so gently by the sun
that she couldn't dare being a blade to it.

What if I was the girl,
who people told that they love her.

What if I was the girl
who wore scrunchies up her wrist
not to hide the marks of a blade
but simply to push her hair out of her face.

What if I was the girl
who could stand to see
myself , bare, in the mirror.

What if I was the girl that people
not only wanted to love
but couldn't help but love.

What if I was the girl whose happiness came from
living her life,
not ending it.


I am not that girl.


I will be this girl.

So I will be this girl,
the girl who knows that her light will dim her darkness,
like the sun painting a blackened sky.

So I will be the girl
who knows that those men can't hurt me anymore.

So I will be this girl,
the girl who chooses to smile even though she has every reason to not.

So I will be this girl,
the girl who chooses not to run from her past
but to walk away from it .

So I will be this girl,
the girl who knows that her demons are merely written on her skin,
not a force to which she will give in.

So I will be this girl.
Derrek Estrella Dec 2018
Before the world calls again
We must make amends with the wind
Look not towards, turn around
Learn to challenge your mound
The world is erupting in earnest
Pearls rim the bulletproof vests
Another bay of mammals
Stripped of their enamel

Watchful eye, clockmaker
***** hands on blood bakers
Stagnant relics of the past
Wailing worms on salted masts
Crowded church, bullet tears
Limping for the flaking fears
Mountains bring a gilded path
For the saints, a shallow bath

Handcuffed legs, boarded hands
Folded on a calm command
Rotting hope, livid arms
For the magnate, no alarm
Bracket helm, grainy green
Swords are drawn on gabardines
No God will eat a tear
And dead they flow, winded pier

Dead they crow, winded pier

Billowed fire, riverside
Cower under thickened hides
Excess arms upon the dock
Sandinista on the rock
Triggers sold in tragedy
Lilting light, youth will cease
Leaders sleep in padded wells
Suffer mother, drink from hell

Here’s the hero, banner flown
Ruby paper, nature grown
Skeptic in the eye of rhye
Naked comics sing to die
The site is exiled from the shore
Stricken by a fiery pore
Steel-laced curtains, hesitance
Infidels in happenstance

Here is fortune, there lays war
I have sold a solid car
Husband creaks, mother moans
Children bred to take a bone
With a blonded, slanted eye
Astronauts will learn to fly
All the while, a preacher seeks
A pinstriped caddie and a freak

I am born and I am weak
Jayne E Jul 2019
At the thick end of night all are sleeping
not me for the black thoughts creep in,
not invited in nor welcome here
doesn't stop the monsters my dear,
they all dance in of different flavours
one constant all seek my graced favour.

I'm tired.

It may be fear dancing and leaping maybe memory keeps me from sleeping,
perhaps it's shame leading dancers play
laughing to beat back at my sunnier day
or a blonded man blue iced eyes tithing
knots throwing knives & no nice thing.

I'm tired.

It's been 30 plus years stuck in here playing dodgem cars with all these fears
smash one over hit one to the side,
just for another to hit on the fly collide,
one more trip on the helter skelter slide.  

I'm tired.  

So weary tears stain cheeks eyes bleary,
will it soon end or stay this way forever
strive to untie the bond break the tether
but the monsters ha! they know me better than any close friend, family or lover
so I'm stuck in here wed to this terror.

I'm tired.

As the clock slows beats me backwards again I paint on the smile feign the act
I'm ok to any friend say hey hey
much easier less ugly to just pretend
rather than confess admit to say
I'm unable to unbend the bend
straighten the wires and unrip
so to interrupt the continuum slip.

I'm tired.

As thick pushes through into pointy end of dissolving night  
with pale washed out insipid
weak tea pre-dawn light
still no relent
no peace
no love
no joy
no relief in sight
I wonder if it'll ever sever
or never again going to be alright.

I'm tired.

J.C. honey-tiger 01/07/2019.
OnwardFlame Jan 2020
It was so good to be wanted by you for a time.

Though the wanting did feel as though
It was fading
Like when my newly blonded hair, the roots start to shine through
And I was out here thinkin' and hopin'
I was out here
Always longing for more than you
Wanted to give me

I deleted all our events, vacation
Threw away items
Boxed up pictures
Lit fire to my fears
And I wonder if you're laying in bed
Watching tv endlessly
Leaning into the love and friendliness
Of your headset
Enjoying your phone not buzzing
Enjoying your phone not buzzing
By me.

And I know in time
You'll so miss that buzz from the bee
From the bee you tried to
Squeeze the honey out of
Only for your own use
Though it was always you
Who was sure to never claim
The ways you hurt me
The ways you put me down.

There was a time when you were so proud
It was like through the screens of our phones
I could sense, or want to sense
Your pride, your joy
To get to be with
Little, mighty, magical me.

I know it must have been a delight
And clearly such a damper
To be with someone who shines so brightly
And I wonder if you're already out there looking again
Trying to quiet the sound of my absence
Trying to quiet the sound of my goneness.

You said once you loved when I wrote you poems
And I wanted to imagine you
As more cheerful
Than you presumed.

I'll miss the songs we sang
Or when we would play video games
And you would refer to us as
We. We. We. We.

Maybe thats what all this was for
And I don't think I'll ever
Forget the way we tried to adore
But I was always looking for more
I was always looking for more.

I'm glad it was so on my terms
All of it
And you'll never know the true weight
Of how much I learned from you
And a part of me still sorta hopes
That you'll want to try again.

But I give up.
For now I give up
The way you couldn't look at me
That morning before you left
When you denied my embraces
When you denied your embraces

— The End —