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a lyrical poem about King Midas, and how everything he touched turned to Gold and how he learned not to be greedy.

This is the tale of an ancient king
Who loved all thing that pleasure brings
Who as a babe at sleep in bed
A trail of ants marched to his lips and fed
The young prince as he lay asleep
With the choicest grains of wheat

Midas grew and gathered wealth
With which he might enjoy himself
But more than wealth, his fingers were green
To he loved to prune and **** and clean
His garden, every sort of rose
He planted there and watched them grow

One day the old satyr Silenus
The teacher and friend of young Dionysus
Had straggled, drunken, from the crowd
And staggering lost and singing aloud
Then he sleepy off the wine in Midas’ Garden
(he better pray that Midas gives him Pardon)

Silenus woke and by guard was brought
Before Midas in the palace court
What brings you here, I would like to know
‘Did you harm any of my roses.?’
You didn’t !?
Silenus. Take your pleasure
And dine and drink to double measure

So Silenus,the old fun loving Satyr
Grew steadily more drunk and fatter
All merrily the old soul chaffed
King Midas who with him laughed
And when both had ate and drank their sate
Silenus did this tale relate

And he told a story to the king
Of lands where he’d been wandering
(perhaps yarns spun from his dreams)
of lands beyond the oceans stream
peopled by folk of long life and health
with very vast amounts of wealth

Now Midas listened good and well
To all silenus had to tell
And wehen the story
Came to end
He said please do point the way my friend
For though Midas had more wealth than he would ever
He was overcome by greed

So he sent ships and many men
To sail the hyperborean
With eager brave intent to find
A land that existed only in Silenus’ mind
And since no such place was found by Midas’ men
They turned the fleet
And sailed home again

Silenus loved to loaf around
All day about the palace grounds
He grew indolent and quite lazy
And ate and drank all he could see
He thought” This is the life,
Good stuff !
But by now the king had had enough

By now the lord Dionysus
Was much concerned for his lost friend Silenus
Thjough not far need he search or roam
For Midas sent the old man home
And most pleased was the young god-boy
For Silenus was his favourite friend and joy

SoDionysus sent his gratitude to the king
Does Lord Midas require anything
For the Lord Dionysus will grant
Anything the king may want
And so the messenger was told
May all that Midas touch be turned to gold

And all that Midas touched upon
Turned to gold and brightly shone
Midas’table and his throne
And all the contents of his home
And soon he had turned everyone
To gold
Even his wife and sons

All this wealth it brought no good
For Midas could not drink nor eat his food
Not a morsel could be ate
But all turned to gold upon his plate
Golden fruits and golden meat
Golden wine and golden wheat

And so the days they did pass by
And a very hungered king did cry
That he did not want
No he could not stand
His golden stores of treasure grand
for he was hungry,thirsty, weak and dry
And not a morsel could that treasure buy

The poor king Midas he did sigh
If he did not eat he soon would die
Alone he blubberd in despair
He cursed himself and tore his hair
He could not stand it any more
So he crawled half dead to Dionysus door

So thirsty, famished, very thin
Midas begged Dionysus to release him
From the blessing that had become his curse
For what fate could be any worse
Midas begged, he cried implored
That life be restored
As it were before

The god he drank
Deeply perusing
He found the matter quire amusing
But although he laughed at Midas suffering
He had some compassion for the king
He said “ I hope you have learned your lesson well
Midas listened to what he had to tell

At the source of the river Pactolus
Near the mount of Tmolus
Ther you may drink and wash yourself
And be restored to natural health
And all your golden treasures stored
Shall all become as they were before

So Midas journeyed west to seek
The water spring near the mountains peak
His thirst was as a burning flame
But travelling onward soon he came
Upon the mountain
When he saw it’s water
He broke down and cried with tears and laughter

They asy that Midas was so relieved
That never again did he ever greed
He learned that his greatest treasure was his life
His health, his sons and wife

The sands of the river’Pactolus” some say
Are golden to this very day
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
K ind
y ou can talk
l ikes to be silly
e asy going
R ight there for you
i like to hang out with him
g oes crazy when mad and he is protective of people
i love him for him
H e always knew she would be
E xactly as he saw dreaming of her body,
A nna was the name of his 1985
R olls Royce's of cars, a
T hunderbird
B lack, shiny,  with chrome size 18
R ims, sleek black tires
E asy money he made working
A ll stopped-- he wrecked, she went to junk
K icking himself wishing he had stopped at
                                               the stoplight
Trying to write about cars
And with vertical words
Something new I wanted to test myself with
softcomponent Oct 2013
I consider myself a pyromaniac by design.
**** me softly with your absence --- you ar
e dead to me
as in you are gone, but you
continue to haunt my loneliness with your i
nflicted trauma. and all I want to do is make
you understand that *you are an evil disc of
make-believe in make-up - - - you are not m
y sun - - - you are a cheap fluorescent ligh
tbulb hanging by a dusty chain and it's been e
asy finding a replacement with every step outsi
de - - - even the most overcast days are brighter
than you.
Àŧùl May 2017
Harshly I trod upon the ground,
Even as I get tired I do not stop,
Atypical life I am leading alone,
Very lonely I edge towards death,
Youth seems to be fading away.

Blessings all seem to fade away,
Lying on the bed I will take rest,
In my usual days I suffer pain,
She has given me enough of it,
Too much is never a definition,
Easy is to bear this pain I invited,
Reddish-brown these toes get,
Should not be anything else.

On my head lingers this probability,
None might be with me during my end.

May my sufferings end soon,
Yes I need help with my state.

Toiling hard to lose weight,
On a weight loss spree I am,
Exhausted is the will to live,
So hard I strive to survive.

Showering her love she is not anymore,
Her healing touch is not here any longer,
Owe I do my life to my parents today,
Unending ordeal it may seem today,
Let some time pass and it may shine,
Dub the suffering as another exam.

Now I just wish you to shine, oh life,
Of light be the torch bearer, oh life,
Today I will request you, oh life.

Beautifully you can also be bettered,
Exploring you I have been always.

Do not be so harsh, oh life,
I** am definitely so tired now,
A ray of hope I see in the future,
Better be somewhat happier,
Especially when I request,
Till few days I want to live happily,
Eating some good ice-cream,
So please let me breathe, oh misery.
My body is rebelling against me.

And I am too young for diabetes.

My HP Poem #1518
©Atul Kaushal
Jeff S Sep 2018
...And kirchéglise(Notre) dame
   o u r l a d y m y l a d y
encyl-able, Pope or Pope or popedeux
and vindicate the waysteland
   My caska is openclosed!
(pews is pause is putride and prodigious)
Et tout-en commun?Gizerly pharaoh HA
lf gone.
Source-error of Oz
and dust, and dustinction

   god pull downwhich?

or fleurs-de-litigation.
Vini, vu/gesehen, conquered/konkeri?
And tot
And mort
and trunks gefallen.
Fantast-asy—I flail.

S e m p i ternam.
AnxiousOcean Feb 2018
F-or I've been yearning for a bond or two
R-are it is, for my sad tableau
I- was plain till I found a book
E-asy not, it's a slow and gentle cook
N-ot a one can ruin this sweet, simple art
D-on't falter it doesn't stop there
S-ometimes, importance swims in the air
H-orrible it truly is when death takes place
I- miss those times when everything's ablaze
P-arted we may be, but kept in each heart
My teacher asked me to write a poem about friendship, and so I write a poem with a rhyming scheme of A-A-B-B-C-D-D-E-E-C. It's a very simple and short poem. Thank you :))))
Beth Decisions Apr 2015
E asy is nonexistent.
S orrow is upon us all.
C ant escape from reality.
A ll the pain is coming back.
P eople are surrounding me.
E veryone has left me though.

F reedom is all I want.
R eal freedom.
O f a different sort than the one I posse.
M ental turmoil is what I want to escape from.

R eality *****.
E scaping is all I want.
A lthough I'm scared of letting go.
L ove has a hold upon me.
I wish it wasn't there.
T hough I doubt you know.
Y ou are what I hold most dear.
Written: November 7, 2013
TreadingWater Jul 2016
@ genius
to know
you're. doing. it. wrong.
swear _ ing; swearing _ ing; swear

this life is too.     ~ long ~

&   all.    stretched.     out
hands | gone |   hol. low
mouth\ just\ a \ gap
&lips; and lips&lips;
still sting from the sliver
{of her kiss}
teeter on the° tip° of° it°

what. Ever. is.    left  

in your: chest
= some mess of ribs
&the; bits of spine
{not enough to}
stand up. 》               Fine;

   ....   you.   stay.   still.  

what's ¿one ¿more night
On the <cool> kitchen Floor
#everything in reach
none of this is €asy//

ju _ st-keep-on
          < >  breath <  > ing <  >

— The End —