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Betty Ponder Dec 2013
Sorry you're not finding it to your liking and to my knowledge,
"Borrowing" isn't the "norm" on this site, it's the exception to the rule.
I read poems; but, far less than what's posted. Who has that much time?  
From what I gather, the alleged person who "borrowed", was a tad upset.
Upset and sought revenge due to comments she didn't agree with at all.
Her revenge; a rapid and endless stream of posting posts by fellow poets?
I am so not into and highly allergic to mentally draining drama. ARRGH!
I'm on daily when I create poetry and my friends are also to lend support.
Does it matter how many hours adults spend on this site or on the net?
Better question; Is it really anyone's business? Short answer; Who cares!
In regards to criticism in general: They're "personal opinions" and that's it.
If you fall apart, get upset or are seeker of revenge over random's comments,
lock yourself indoors, don't go out in public and don't post on the internet.
What's truly impossible; Finding a way to please everyone at the same time.  
Grow a thick skin, roll with the punches and graciously learn to take criticism.
echo Jun 2013
Through this head

Onto pages
Early stages
Of this fret
Played strings
Don’t bet

SelinaSharday Feb 2019
Reach Beyond
Da Mist..
Ohhh arrgh ooh I can't reach this unwanted.
Sighs tugging I can't figure this Mist.
I'm aware of the solemn because of this lone.
My internal lag is weighing my heart with emptiness.
Seems I no longer fit.
With all the wanted clicks.
Please um hello um someone.
I need a heart message I can't reach deserted.
I need a specialist maybe a therapist.

My minds on an island called secluded.
While my nerves feels comfortless.
Is it cold now or is it only me.
When I drink it feels like a glass of withdrawn.
No one for special dinners meals eaten alone.
Temporary escape are lil chats on the phone.

Sobs water flows from my cheeks that spells uncherished.
I'll get a cup to catch these tear drops.
The sobs seems like they'll never stop.
My body feels so love malnourished.

I'm happy with my desired creative solitudes.
It's my lonely mist that drags my soul adrift.
My need to be supportive.
And to get support, to feel accepted and appreciated.
My want for deep connection.
And to give sweet affections.
Feels like unopened gifts cast away unshipped.
Stuffed with love unreceived..Forgotten places unachieved.
Sulked alone hidden deep within.
Trying to reach beyond this Mist.
Reach my heart touch my soul remove this mist.
Wherds          Wirds

Arrgh                our

At                     ­   Rat

My                     Mye

Mer, sea            mercy

Words               Whords

Ah                             are

Rat                        rhat

Meye                     Mie

Merci                  mer see

Whirds              Wurds

R                                ­ar

Hat                           hgat

Mye                         mai

Myrhh c            murse sí
Having fun with pun intended....hahaha
Patricia LeDuc Jul 2019
Oh yes that is what I am
All of the time
Gotta get out of bed...Arrgh
Someone calls and wakes me up… Seriously?
Pain in my knee…**** that hurts
Get in the shower and almost fall… Oh ****
Climb stairs…No no no no way
Clean the house …Really again?
Can’t concentrate…Why bother?
Rock back and forth on my couch…Huh?
Change my thinking…You mean I can do that?
Maybe another day…
So today I am just Aggravated

Shattered Thoughts 2019
Written by Pat LeDuc
It was that kind of day
“You don’t take life seriously.”

“You take life …seriously?”

“You have a problem I see.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“I am beginning to get annoyed…”

“Tell me about it!”

“Is there something I am missing here?”

“I am not sure how to go about finding it then?”

“Stop! Just quit. You will not make me out to be a Logical Positivist.”

“What does that mean?”

“Clearly one of us needs to respond with a logical argument?”

“Thank You!”

“You’re turning things around again, try to act responsibly, be serious.”

“You mean logically?”

“No, I mean, yes, try to respond in a way that shows maturity.”

“You mean like age?”


“Do you seriously take lives?”


“I’m sorry; I thought time was a synonym for age?”

“This is getting old…”

“No doubt.”

“I’m done. If you can’t have a serious conversation I’m leaving!”

“Wait, I thought we were talking about life?”
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
And I should stop now
I'm sorry I wrote so many
And I realize
This is yet another

The problem
Could be worse
than I thought

This is
Me stopping


Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Your gravitation
Positive attraction
Pulls me compass North

Last line is six, not five syllables, arrgh!
Anais Vionet Jul 2020
arrgh!. Zoom didn’t connect? - more tech issues
USPS can’t deliver any more - Trump's America!
I wasn’t dragged & dropped - is wireless down?
no Facebook notifications? - ok, who uses that
My image wasn’t swiped! - I knew my hair was..
My email was returned? - call that Alphabet guy
No Amazon deliveries. - a probable traffic issue
FedEx hasn’t arrived! - there must be a mistake
I didn’t get pinned? - maybe there’s a pandemic
I wasn’t upvoted. - I question the entire process
No iMessages - maybe the upgrade was buggy
No likes? - is it me or am I seeing patterns here
a pattern poem about connections

— The End —