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The new generation of breed,
is constantly seeking greed
Greed is the most destructive desires in human race,
also one of the worst disgrace

A greedy individual does not care and never feels guilty
In their state of mind it is an attribute to be seen clearly
Greed is the biggest threat to civilization,
it can bring disastrous wars to nations

Life  is a never ending circle of endless greed
The seed of greed is only constantly used to mislead
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
Ryan Cripps
The artist picked his inspiration.
The artist found his muse.
He fell in love with her,
But his love was refused.

Until he painted a picture so beautiful
She shed the tears of love.
He need speak no words
Through the painting she would blush.

She was a permanent solution
To a problem many artists face.
He had a troubled life,
And she put him in his place.

Their love was natural,
Their love was pure.
She too had a disease,
But he was the cure.

She would stare into his hazel eyes,
While he stared back into her blues.
It wasn't but three months,
Before they said “I do”.

The touch of her lips
Felt like heaven in his hands,
They would lock lips
For hours on end.

Her hands brought comfort,
Her smile brought joy.
She was so desirable
She was like Helen of troy.

Once dark paintings he made,
Now make the saddest person smile.
He developed a sense of positivity
It became his well known style.

But life is not a happy story,
It has no happy end,
Misery accompanies joy,
They're like two best friends.

The love was still there,
But only in his brain.  
She wanted out,
No matter the pain.

She packed up and left,
Leaving nothing behind.  
While he went out for flowers
To bring back to his lovely wife.

No note was written,
No trace of where she'd gone.
He waited for days,
Wondering what he did wrong.

They say real men cry,
So he must be the manliest of men
He felt his heart break,
And his brain snap from its stem.

He trashed his house,
He trashed his paintings.
He punched the walls
And his body began shaking.

He stabbed his work
He screamed to the sky
He fell to his knees
And began to cry.

From that day forward
He remarried to *****.
He was never a winner,
He was always meant to lose.

Once a popular painter
Because of his happy work,  
Now only paints sadness
Like he did before he found her.
I kind of like this one, but I kind of don't. Let me know what you guys think. I always appreciate your criticism :)

Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll followback)
And follow me on Twitter too @RadicalMartian
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
We found mutual love
while rolling around in grass
wearing daisy bracelets
imagination took us;
American Cowboys and Indians
this was our first awakening;
we always took the side of the Indians
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
What the hell is life
I don't knew wether cut my self with knife
or wait for u 2 b my wife,

but nor i can cut nor wait
bec. It is 2 late,

(there is already some1 who love me more then u could ever)
don't take by heart its just a past written letters.............
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
Hold my hand
And lead me through
Traverse this land
Together we two.

Over unknown terrains
Under weeping skies
Through unforgiving plains
Through pain and lies.

Between grieving mountains
And screaming valleys
Feeding fevered delusions
Fraught with delays and tarries.

Beyond the hills and knolls
Hopeful of salvation
Surviving pits and falls
Not knowing the destination.

My hand still in yours
An arduous odyssey
Must stay the course
Must complete this journey.

Bright skies up ahead
Or so they promise
Soon shall pass they said
Soon will come release.

Still in this; still walking
Not soon expecting the end
Still in this; still trudging
Round this obscured treacherous bend.

Doubtful mad endeavour
I dragged you with me
When this finally is over
We'll look back and see.

Glad that we were together
Glad that together we came
Never cease from being near
Keep holding my hand, just the same.
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
Valo Salo
 Aug 2014 Winter Silk
Valo Salo
My heart is a ****** mess
I guess it’s all the wild boys
Stabbing knifes in white flesh

Life comes with no security
A simple cruel and only fact
Just don’t stab me in the back

Can’t count for one
Idiot on the ground
Can’t count for anyone

Let’s scream like it is 2029
Dream it all up never knowing
Try to cry some tears about it

These days will ever blast
No second will never last
Let me tell you all about it

Let’s count our money
Idiots on the ground
Let’***** them all and run
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