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Apr 2015 · 5.4k
Blanket Fort (Not a Poem)
Our love was like that blanket fort,
your mom told you to take it down but we liked it so it stayed up.
Later you wanted another in the fort that was built for two and it came crashing down on top of us.
I decided to let it be and accept it's failure.
We tried to live with out it.
The blankets were still out and tempted us with every look, you finally asked me to rebuild with you.
After hesitation, I saw it brought you joy and that's all I wanted.
We had a tough time getting it to stay up on its own but once we did it wasn't bad, just not the same.
The inside was smaller and was much more cramped.
We realized how much it had actually changed though outside it looked roughly the same, and no matter what we did we couldn't get it back.
The first great fort was gone and it was time to take this one down, for it caused us too much frustration and too many tears.
Our blanket fort was taken down and it seemed like all that work was for nothing.
Yet now we can build something more permanent and learn from our mistakes.
Hopefully to each find that person who's blankets keep us warm.

I'm sorry this isn't a poem but it was something I spent a lot of time on and thought I should share.
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Please do not say that, lie to me.
You've turned into a liar, see?
If this isn’t working, why are we?
The End is lurking, finally.

Apr 2015 · 1.4k
you just don’t get it
you just don’t ******* get it
when will I get it?

Apr 2015 · 764
The End
I remember the End.

The End was when she cried of guilt,
with broken trust her tears built.
It was the hardest thing to say
She was so stubborn with her way
But she didn't love me
She just thought I had some miracle elixir,
that I could magically fix her.
Fix her insecurities
Fix her doubt.
That I could give her the amenities and teach her what life was all about.
She made me believe it too!
That I could eventually get through.

Piece by piece I chipped away.
Problem by problem I saved the day.
The End was when I found out I couldn't mend you,
and in all that time all I did was pretend too.

I remember the End.

Apr 2015 · 892
it's weird to be afraid of yourself,
to be afraid of who you are
i'm always trying to change myself,
make myself that much better

i'm always struggling to see,
who I am or attempting to be
i never seem to figure it out
i always fear, I always doubt
always regretting my regret
blaming others for what I forget
and that's not right
that I'm so god ****** doubtful of my decisions

was that the right thing to say
did I do that the right way
should I go or should I stay
should I throw it all away

these are the questions I'm afraid of
the fact I ask these
the fact I actually answer these
with some dumb decision
that I'm not really sure of
unless it's against me
separating I from we
making myself a victim of imagination
created a home full of confrontation
and the lies I told were the worst
all those bubbles I had to burst
and there is still so much left
i wish I just got up and left

and that's my fear day by day
asking me to throw it all away

this one is very aggressive
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Heart, please don't give up on me
i'm sorry about my current life style      
but please don't give up on me
i'm sorry about the meaningless girls
i'm sorry haven't been nice to you
but the abuse you take fills the void
that i ignore....

please don't give up on me
please don't give up
please don't

Apr 2015 · 2.4k
The Universe's Ettique
I use the universe’s etiquette,
our death is simply imminent.

I abuse the fact i’m fine with it,
no use crying about this ****.

but that’s not what I do
that’s not what I do
**** it its true
that’s not what I do

Apr 2015 · 285
The Bridge
The bridge was there,
right in front of me.
I started across,
with out a thought.
Not realizing my fate,
as it changed with every step.

The chasm below was vast and dark,
the bottom never in sight.
I stood in the middle of that ****** bridge,
and saw my foot steps in the snow.
I felt alone as I had ever been,
though I was doing this for her.

The wooden planks creaked,
with obvious warning of my mistake.
I was not listening,
I continued on my way.

At the end of the bridge,
the chasm spoke.
Telling me I must go back,
that I wasn’t ready for what I faced.

She looked at me in reassurance,
promising me I could.
The chasm said I could never cross that bridge again.
I stupidly chuckled and spoke my mind,
though my words were not informed.

She and I did not survive the challenge,
and I was left alone.
I made an attempt to go back,
but all there was was empty space
between two ridges.
That’s when I learned of what the chasm spoke,
telling me not to burn my bridges.

Apr 2015 · 855
Too Many Books
When she was a child
is when she found her love.
She explored the stories,
and they fit her like a glove.
It was amazing,
how they kept her so entranced.
It was beautiful,
how her imagination danced.
But then came the characters
that had no fatal flaw.
Everywhere she looked,
her dull reality she saw.
Unhappy with this,
she read more and more.
She ignored those to close to her
and it struck them to the core.
She was too busy
in her grave of books.
Hiding herself away
in her secret nooks.
All there was
were printed words,
that flew around
like cartoon birds.
In the end she kept adding
to her collection.
Hoping one day,
Society would reach their perfection.

Dec 2014 · 583
Dolls Are Fun To Play With
Dolls are always your friends
and never scream or shout.
They are where you left them
and never move about!

Dolls can be fantastic,
made of cloth or even plastic.
They always have poise
and never make too much noise!

Dolls make a fine guest
and understand when you need rest.
They won’t laugh when you sing,
Dolls say the right thing!

Dolls are just so utterly great!
But don’t you control their fate?

Dec 2014 · 270
The Journey
It’s not too common,
to find those lovers
that level you up.

They are not easy to find,
you search and search
because you must do so.

But you do eventually,
they instantly help you
and make you stronger.

You must remember:
those lovers don’t have to be on your team
those lovers don’t have to be in your life

You choose the happiness on your journey.

Dec 2014 · 302
Time Lost My Innocence
I once was a believer,
in everything good and pure.
I found comfort in balloons and smiles,
the things that brought joy.

The simplicity of happiness used to be a hug.
I now know it is something that I can't have,
I can't deserve it for the things I've done.
The way she looked at me, when I told her so,
It hurt the worst, but I smiled at the thought.

I could feel again, and that was a need.
Though, it didn't change my decisions,
on who I used to be.

I found comfort in love and all it's hellish lies.
If it was my trust that broke,
then my trust is my demise.


— The End —