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 Apr 2015 MKD
Love Shown
 Apr 2015 MKD
I'm the *****,
the quiet girl in the front of the class,
according to the handicap stall in the upstairs boys bathroom, a ****.
I love, and when I do I love to no ends.
But you'd never know how much this ***** loves, because there is no love shown.
 Apr 2015 MKD
Emma Kolditz Jensen
when I get drunk before 12 a.m. people tend to,
leave because I keep repeating how much I miss my ex girlfriend and her ******* amazing brown eyes and how,
much I hate how my sister is so **** perfect when I'm not. she must have forgotten to give me the recipe.
I hate when people brag about their new boyfriends and how many times their,
parents have caught them having *** because it's not me and I'm so ashamed.
I hate that if people beg me long enough I'll,
do as they please because I need the affection and the,
attention I never had because I was abused for 10 years by the people who was supposed to give me attention,
support. I guess they were never meant for loving. maybe that's why divorces are always an option and I'm so glad that I don't even have the ******* opinion to,
marry all over the world yet. but what if I fall in love with a country through a person,
who gets down on,
one knee with a beautiful ring, and asks me if I wanna spend forever with them,
as if forever even ******* exists?
then I'll at least forget my ex girlfriend and her ******* amazing brown eyes and my sister's recipe for the perfection I craved but never got because my happiness rely on the people,
who tend to leave when I get drunk before 12 a.m.

 Apr 2015 MKD
Jessica Cain
The ******* of my reflection has really heightened my realization...

I realize the mirror speaks volumes
To who I call on,
Reach out to,
Cling to...

Only you, mirror,
Only you who sees me...
Feels me, comforts me, loves me.

All who claim to
Dont do..
Just speak the words due.

They taunt you,
Leaving haunted a body so blue
From the holding of one's breath in hopes that love will anew...

We all are guilty.

None of us are free.
Caged like every bird sings of once or twice...

Just might...
Find freedom in reflection,
Freedom that penetrates,
Freedom that really sets us straight.

— The End —