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Apr 2016 · 363
Victoria C Apr 2016
I am just immensely tired
drained and exhausted
I can hardly pull myself around
let alone pull myself together
Apr 2016 · 385
Victoria C Apr 2016
I long for a time when you can stand to see me when the sun is still up.
till one day you just left
Dec 2015 · 396
wasting our younger years
Victoria C Dec 2015
"I cant hurt you any more" you said as you left.
and maybe that's the biggest lie you've ever told or the biggest iv'e heard and it was so fake so full of hatred and ignorance.
You didn't love me but I believed you.
I mean, who wouldn't. You called me beautiful and told me when you saw my face the sun and the moon breathed out stars.
I don't feel like this is finished but oh well
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Victoria C Dec 2015
without any warning he burst into my life. delicate, detailed yet deranged. I was in awe and he was hung up on the idea that he could make me his. love never last as long as they say. He tore my heart out and smashed it into little pieces and im standing, shaking bloodily in my own pile of broken *****. The remaining sound of the distant beating is barely audible any more. he made me mindless and I grew stoic over the years. damaged, derailed yet dignified, with all the warning I could muster, I burst out of his life.
Dec 2015 · 332
what is love?
Victoria C Dec 2015
What is love?
Love is when im shaking because of an unknown
coldness that never leaves, when my bones are rattling at the
thought of your hands on them, when I cant seem to catch my
breath when you're around. You have unintentionally turned
my entire world upside down and every twist we go through is
a knife pushed deeper inside, Baby don't hurt me.
What is love? I cant seem to grasp the concept, can you teach
me? I'm a quick learner. And don't even touch me with your veins
running with adrenaline, and anger and you spin your story and
I fall for your every word. Don't hurt me.
This is your last chance. I think. But you're back,
full speed with a smile like ice and hands colder
and I respect your decision to leave me because who could love a mess but I picked up my own **** pieces, and you walked away.
No more.
what is love
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
Dec 2015 · 320
Victoria C Dec 2015
you left one night
fingerprints on my
bones and eyelashes
flaked on my bed sheets
come home soon
Dec 2015 · 486
Victoria C Dec 2015
Ragged breathing and liquid eyes you kissed me and I created
a thunderstorm and you gave me an umbrella.
You carried my thoughts gently and pulled back my hair and touched me with
delicate fingers that I wanted to hold forever.
"please don't ever let me go" I recited repeatedly in my head.
and you listened, heard me loud and clear with our limbs entwined.
I wanted to stay embraced like this for as long as possible
but nothing lasts forever and I am a fool and you are bright
and a whole world away.
why couldn't we stay, in that little piece of peace.
with sheets of hair and skin sun-kissed and heated and to feel
another persons body around yours, to feel their every move and
twitch and to hear their heart beat through their caged insides
gives so much comfort and release
and in that moment I knew
id given too much.

— The End —