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 Mar 2015 janie
Gaby Comprés
is it silly to write you a poem
when we've never kissed,
when we've never spoken,
when we've never met?
is it silly to tell you that i love you
when i don't even know
if i'll ever know you?
is it silly to want you,
to crave you, to say that i miss you?
is it silly that i can't write these verses
without wanting to cry, wanting to mourn
the loss of someone i never had?
is it silly to think that one day
i'll show you these words
and you'll smile when you
think at how things turned out?
is it silly to believe that i won't be alone?
 Mar 2015 janie
The mask
 Mar 2015 janie
I hate the mask

But I hate the person underneath more
 Mar 2015 janie
Lila Valentine
Once there was a small ray of light
Alone, it wandered through the wood
Around it shone a small cloud, bright
It distanced farther from the good.

To delve deeper into the dark
Would only bring more harm to it
IT thought the night would make no mark
How wrong it was, when light was split.

The cloud was infiltrated now
It couldn’t get its own shine back
Light had to get away, but how?
The happiness begins to crack.

It’s gone too far, there’s no escape
The deep-set misery is strong
How can I get out of this scrape
If I’ve seen the dark for too long?

I can’t break free, it claws at me
It’s like a beast of gloom holds tight
It blocks my vision--I can’t see!
Inside of me, it’s dead, the light.

I wander aimlessly, alone
Yet never in a hundred years
Has any better life been shown
And now, it’s one of my deep fears

That nothing will be just as grand
But my little devil I can withstand.
Long time no post, sorry guys I haven't been on much.
I needed to write this crap for school, so it's pretty ******.
 Jan 2015 janie
Lila Valentine
I declare a time war
Daleks scream EXTERMINATE
Time is up, the doctor's done
There he goes, back in time
Saving everybody's lives
Grabbed my hand and whispered run.
 Jan 2015 janie
Lila Valentine
It's a little funny how you know how I feel
But you keep hurting me anyway
Maybe I'm just too pushy, too real
And you need me to get away.

But honestly, whenever she's with you
It always happens right in front of me
It makes me want to vanish into the floor, fall through
And get rid of this burden, and for once be free.

I know you've been friends for a while
And now this year I just suddenly appeared
But whenever you look at me I smile
Sometimes fake but mostly real, like I feared.

But once I thought that maybe you liked me
I've been this wrong before
I made the same mistake once and he
Hurt me and I would never love again, I swore.

I wouldn't make the same mistake
But I just keep doing this, I don't know why
All I do is cause myself more heartbreak
So can't you just get out of my mind's eye?

I'm just hurting myself more
But wait, you don't care
I forgot, I'm too much of a bore
I'll leave you alone, I swear.
This is about the same person who I wrote "Scarf" about.....I mean, I like him, but I don't, and it's just agh I hate emotions.
 Jan 2015 janie
WendyStarry Eyes
Hide from the world
Hide from each other
So we don't spread the flu
To one another
Watch out for earthquakes
Can't hide from nature
It will catch you
Hide from the world
It will surly make you blue
I tell you to break confinements
Set yourself free
Take chances
Get your vaccines
God gave us brains
We can use them quite well
We have maintained
In predicaments of hell
Do not let your fears hold you down
Let the accomplishments of
Your life resound
Motivated by the flu going around and the earthquakes in my area. Someone told me today I should not go to the nursing  home and see  my friends because I may catch the flu again.
 Jan 2015 janie
Lila Valentine
 Jan 2015 janie
Lila Valentine
We're all just suicidal kids
Telling other suicidal kids
That suicide is not the answer
True you know
 Jan 2015 janie
 Jan 2015 janie
I watch the chatter of long time friends
The jealousy's blooming
It will never end
The thing that's always been there that refuses to let go
This ***** named jealousy is the only friend I know.
 Jan 2015 janie
Lianna Walters
“How are you doing?”
"I'm good, how are you?"
I'm not okay, I'm never okay, not that you actually care...
"You're so pretty!
"Thank you!"
No I'm not. I'm fat and ugly, everyone knows it.
"I love you."
"I love you, too"
Do you?
"I'll always be here for you. Just call me."
"Thank you, it's good to know I have someone."
Funny, I needed you when I was ready to **** myself, but it went straight to voicemail.
"Do you want anything?"
"No thanks, I already ate."
No thanks, I'm not trying to gain any more weight, Lord knows I don't need to.
"You should go to sleep."
"Alright, goodnight."
Sure, I'll go lay in bed and think about everything wrong with me until 3am, but I sure as hell am getting 0 sleep.
"I need you...."
"Okay, I'll stay for you."
You probably do. But when I need you it's another story.
"You're so quiet!"
"I'm tired."
I'm over-thinking.
"What's up with the sunglasses? It's not even sunny."
"You know I look cool!"
I've been crying and I don't want you to ask why.
"You'll get over this. You're strong."
"Thanks I needed that."
Hahahahahahaha! You're so freaking hilarious!
"Your poetry is so deep!"
"I usually write when I'm listening to sad music- it gets me in the mood."
**I write everything I'm feeling, you just never paid enough attention to know I was feeling that way.
Quotations= what other people say
Italic quotation marks= What I respond'
Bold= What I mean
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