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 Sep 6 Jimmy silker
 Sep 6 Jimmy silker
whatever i do
will always waste my life away
at least that's what you say.
i guess you managed to sway
me onto your side.
because i'm not doing anything i want
to do at this point.
you've made me use another font
to write my life
instead of the messy handwriting
that i'm supposed to use
Freed from
Superfluous material

When no human
Could gaze

The statues danced
With grace and might,
In the twilight

Perfect bodies
Would bring desire
To the most
Prudish of minds

Each movement
A mathematical

If only
Could witnesses
This phenomenon,

Never be
They had
Hearts of stone
i'm inviting Time inside.
offering a seat;
a room in my house so it can unpack its things.
letting It live with me
until all this tension i feel is relieved.

we're spending moments together (intentionally):
a song of silence sung during the sweet sunrise,
a solemn sulk just before bed.
i'll permit It sit with me.
let It remind me that there is so much left.

it'll wrap Its arms tightly around me;
pat my back in rhythmic beats that once felt cruel, but which now reduce me to infancy.
offer me a tissue in the shape of
'the right person at the right time.'
and for a moment, in its embrace
i find solace.

because there really is so much of it left.

because you are not dying.
(no, not yet.)
and it will be there in the morning,
your life is no less than palimpsest.

so i'm welcoming It in,
offering it a drink.
tea brewed long, but not bitter.
i refuse to live a life
with the string wrapped around the handle.
because seeping and stewing are not the same.
i saw a little lovebird sat up in a tree
sitting on the branches looking down at me
then he sang a song a lovely melody
made feel so happy and filled my heart with glee

he had lots of colors there were quite a few
yellow red and green and a lovely shade of blue
singing there so sweetly his little song of love
singing it to me in the branches up a above..

he sat there while as happy as can be
then he flew away and waved goodbye to me
i still here his song as i lay in bed
his lovely melody is still there in my head.
 Sep 5 Jimmy silker
Living in a cornfield.
YOU gain perspective.
There are ryes and ears all around.
So breath deep and walk silently.

Old people like me, we just fade away.
Into your nightmares........
NOTES - 9.5.24 - POV =  It's good to be real. In my mind anyways.
Someone you love
May never touch you
Someone you love
May never hurt you

Both can be
With words

And it is
You love
Side effects can be permanent
 Sep 5 Jimmy silker
“GOT’S” is an economy of words.
Like so many turds.
It means an entire LOT of words.
At least growing up, that’s what I  got.
I mean heard…………………..
NOTes) suitable for contextual arguments please….

Note # 2 - 9.5.24 - upon further review........
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