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  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Larry Berger
I drive my head into
the buttress of Inko
to prove the truth;
it makes no sense
to you or me, we are
programmed to survive,
we make up words, ignoring
obvious cautions, and
delve, we delve
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Larry Berger
Have you ever heard
a parking lot bird
rejoice in the sun?
No, parking lot birds
don’t have much fun,
constantly busy
looking for scraps
that aren’t really there,
they stare at the
undersides of cars,
they peck at nothing
there’s no food there,
no plants, few bugs,
they ought to be
full of despair,
but a parking lot bird
never complains,
and sings as if
he hasn’t a care.

They fly under cars
looking for crumbs
from hungry bums
who eat their meals
behind steering wheels,
then open the door
and brush their laps
and parking lot birds
grab up the scraps.

Have you ever heard
of a parking lot bird
being struck by a car?
No, by far, they boast
the most incredibly skilled
virtual acrobatics
of low-flying flight,
they flit and alight
and never are killed,
none are hurt,
they all fly free,
when you crank up
your trusty Subaru
they always manage
to get away from you.

A parking lot bird
hasn’t much to hope for,
lost from his woods
and full of woe, he
just has nowhere else to go;
they grew up under
the big marquees
of some of the finest
groceries, and
they just keep singing,
never complaining,
hoping one day
you’ll bring them a scrap,
a morsel, a tidbit
a crumb or two,
leave it on purpose,
it’ll be good of you.
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Larry Berger
when we scroll
through this and that
looking for hearts
and minds similar
to our own, we are
full of hope, but the
reality is that there
is just too much stuff
out there, so we often
confine our search
to the first five words.
so, concentrate, and make them matter
Looking over the canyon,
Grand and conniving,
A grim smile across the broken earth.

My voices echoes from it's bounds,
Without the faithful demeanor from which it came.
It calls back to me in the gambit of hatred,
'Shall you let evil rise again, or will you ***** your hand to end it.'
One who is made in the canyon's image may never begone of it's scar.
When asked about how to earn confidence and respect,
An old rail monopolist answered the following;

'When in interest and pursuit of respect,
A peaceful man must learn how to wield a sword.
Whether or not that may be figuratively or literally,
The quietest must teach themselves to yell the loudest.
Then once they are fit to chase away the thunder storms,
To slaughter the lightning and winds,
They have earned confidence and respect within.'
They are some of the only people that can say, I risked everything and anything to get here.
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Lizzie Bevis
I remember
when chased butterflies
proudly flew their colours
and grass-stained knees
were medals of honour.

With Mother's lipstick on my face
smeared like war paint
meant for a warrior,
not for the war
that ageing would become.

The weight of survival
sits heavy with me now,
where feathers of ignorance
once floated weightless in the air
like innocent childhood fun.

I didn't know back then
that shadows belonged
when moving with the sun,
or that time was anything
but an endless summer.

Tell me, when did puddles
become mirrors,
instead of being
wellyboot splashed
into imaginary worlds?

©️Lizzie Bevis
I wish that I could turn back time and relive my youth all over again. I didn't ache as much back then.
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
I worship
The glass deity,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.

With spirals for eyes,
And darkness for lips,
She shines in the moonlight.
My goddess, I bow to her.

She gazes
With eyes of pity,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.

Her skin was glass
And I was oblivious to my nails.
Her blood bathed in the moonlight,
My goddess, please forgive me.

On her throne
I'm sitting,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.
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