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26 · 7d
On The Pot
Drab 7d
She told me with wit and wisdom.
He yelled some more.
The messages…..

Went straight to my intestines (both of them, gut and candidates):).

And the struggle continues……

The search party gave up….
Drab 3d
Sitting on a perch of deedlebobs.
Skqueezing in the slime out of the ***** that came in before him
One eyed snake, it seems to be mate.
She said.
Get the ***** out of here!
25 · Sep 2
Star Gazer Sagan
Drab Sep 2
Carl Sagan wasn't smart.
He couldn't even count to a BBBBBBillion!
That's what Johnny said anyways....
Notes - Stardate Morrissette Irony from the best....
Drab 7d
I don’t mean to point fingers.
Philosophy is great.
But some people take it too far.
The love in their hearts breeds fate………..

25 · Aug 31
Absurdity is Absurd
Drab Aug 31
It's what I live for.
It's what I breath.
Every day,
Every moment
Every **** time, over and over again.
08/31/24 - They are coming to take me away a ha!!!!! -Too much Danbien.
25 · Sep 3
That Hurts
Drab Sep 3
My hands are punctured
With many holes.
Don’t try my arms, the story told.
I just need, to find today.
A junkies dream, until THAT day.
Notes = That Hurts
25 · Sep 1
To an influence...
Drab Sep 1
The crux of the  bisquit...
Is the food of the bear.....
I miss you dear Frankie.
You took the dare......

NOTES - RIP F. ZAPPA (1940-1993)
Dinamohum anyonje?
25 · Sep 11
The Lambs
Drab Sep 11
They come in SUV's.
They come in carts of gold.
They practice in the shade
And want to get paid,
ANNNND,  they live in California!!!!

New York
as the case may be...go little giants!

What's up with that?
NOTES - Sports fan here #nutrition #world
25 · 2d
Mirror, mirror
Drab 2d
I prefer to talk of myself as a first person
My third choice is the second.
The one I use is the third.
She’s the one that judges a lot.
NEATs - this poem, 91724
25 · Sep 7
Ode to the Toad
Drab Sep 7
I wrote this is in Word.
It’s true I’m a lie.
Just ask Bill.
He will tell you why.

I’ll follow his shadow,
Into that dark place.
As long as he doesn’t show the world,
His his lying *** face.

Sorry Bill…….WORD
NOTE – My favorite kind of guy – Please make donations to the Mr. Bill Foundation. Oh Nooooooooo LLC

NOTE 2. - I was an I.T. professional.......operative WORD is w.............
Drab Sep 1
The land of liberty.
The land of the free,
The cynic comes calling,
To set you all free….
riddle you this....
24 · 6h
Another dilemma
Drab 6h
Dan, heard what you said.
Devil, didn’t care.
Angel did, but was busy.
Vlad just shot me and went on with his business.
Joe, just sits there and sleeps.
Kim, just sits there and eats.
Xi, smiles and kills a lot.
Time of course.
Shapiro?, well he just hides under logic.
**** couldn't hold anything except his........
The rest of em? I wouldn’t have a clue.
NO way out....
24 · 5d
Drab 5d
dont do anything

it won't get worse.

24 · 7h
Drab 7h
I am retired.
I own little.
I’ve seen a lot.
From my small crib.

Am I happy?
Am I sad?

Yup, on both occasions
But it’s cool
Notable - you
Drab Sep 9
They strip your heart.
Then rip it out.
Take it away.
What is this madness?
Do I stay?

The evil eye, zeros in on me.
I have a stye, it bothers thee?
I guess I better get a mask.
Oh, that’s been done before?

Commentary on COVID – the silent killer
NOTES - Somewhere in a galaxy far far away....
24 · Sep 4
How do YOU feel?
Drab Sep 4
Lazy I guess.
A bit sleepy.
But I'm WIDE awake.
A bit disinterested in anything.
Maybe it's depression.
I've never been depressed.
Either that or I never haven't been depressed.
Either  way I just started writing poetry and it all goes away.
Until it doesn't
Backwards moves mountains......
NoTeS - PoV - Thought for the day.....
24 · 7d
Poetic Heritage
Drab 7d
Leonard was a good man.
He carried a good tune.
And Johnny was a beautiful boy.
So was Gilbert too.

A poet scans the sky for words,
That form into a cloud.
Of confusion and dishonorment,?
Of this, we should be proud!!!!!
NOTE – Legendary poet to be for sure…..
Drab Sep 2
Picture this, if you will.

A swollen mushroom on a mound of grass.
Reaching for the sun at last.
A simple nest upon it's bow,
Two eggs inside, of this I vow.

How am i doing?
09/02/24 - Yeah, I know. It's bad. Don't think about it or you can flip it and say it's a poem of the year candidate
Drab Aug 29
kamalLALA - cackle cackle
BelindaLinda - Snowtop
You choose which is which (of the two)
I can't tell....
Pat Paulsen for me

Paid for by the I.D.G.A.S Society. All attempts to copywrite are prohibited by these two dicheads when THEY get into office.

Get it? I left out the main ******* trump...........
Read the news this morning. GOD, if you exist, a fine mess you've got us into now........the world I mean.
Drab 7d
He hangs his head in silence
And shuffles towards the door.
And SLAMS it in front of him.

NOTE – Moral of the story??
They are in for it now….
91224 - tomorrow Is the 13th......
Drab 2d
Throw the money
Into the sea.
Run real fast.
Away from me.
NOTE – Unless we are talking badmitton…..

RIP E. Banks (Let's play two!")
23 · 2d
Take Notice
Drab 2d




NOTES - I accept paypoo
Drab 4d
Give me your poor.
Have a monster…..
Have the mass (or is something on your face), removed.
Watch a movie….
Don’t keep reading this poem.

Let’s just not worry about the little things…..
Knute – none
Drab 2d
This just in?
This just out?

Everybody lost!
NOTES – Nostradamus……. when he was correct that is.
Drab Sep 5
“GOT’S” is an economy of words.
Like so many turds.
It means an entire LOT of words.
At least growing up, that’s what I  got.
I mean heard…………………..
NOTes) suitable for contextual arguments please….

Note # 2 - 9.5.24 - upon further review........
22 · 5d
Drab 5d
Dune, great movie.........
Drab 13h
A word’s five syls.
A lucky number is 7
Isn’t this haiku?
NOTE – by any other name.. And a contraction is NOT one syllable.  And Haiku is an  exercise in maternity encouragement. .
Drab Sep 2
I grew up in a paradise,
Quiet, and near a beach.
The skin got quite eroded.
And now I feel like my feet.

A place where I grew up and my mind wandered.
A place where I thought I could fly.
The airplanes would slowly fly over.
So i could spy them with my little eye.

On my back as they flew over,
I imagined I would never let go
Of the feeling of wonderment tightly
Did more than I could ever know.
Drab 6d
Tigre was a dog
Poodle though he may have been
A terror to us all.
When he got out on his own,  his chosen whim

But he stayed around, for only five years.
Not many disasters.
Not many tears.

We had to give,
My life away,
So he could swim,
With her today.
NOTES - Good doggie. Lady had to swim for her arthritis. Tiger joined her daily.......
Drab 5d
I’m so ******,
I don’t know what?
But who, I know…..
He’s in first.
Little does I don’t know, BUT, they’re gaining.
NOTE – Had to have been done before, but I haven’t noticed.
21 · Aug 31
The Puzzle
Drab Aug 31
This person knows me like the back of their hand.
My face knows me by an unknown presence.
I need it sometimes for it to be this way.
As long as you are trying to help me figure out what you want………
08/31/24 – Ouch. That hurt.
20 · 10h
Drab 10h
Life is what I'm doing.
Death becomes me.
I just sit here and wait.
Note - see above
Drab 6d
The Shirts are Too Big
Amazon *****!

Isn’t it ironic?

Don’t I think?

Or is it just me?

NOTE - I need to get a life
20 · Sep 5
Drab Sep 5
I think funny thoughts.


I think not so funny thoughts.

And laugh at them.

It helps.
Notes 000009/00005/00000024- D. Moore - RIP  and B. Cummings I love you.
20 · 5d
Drab 5d
There is no answer.
I am deaf as much.
No direction to go so just sit.

A better way to go as I cower in the corner.
20 · 7h
Drab 7h
You need to do something.
To see something.
At least more, than if you did nothing.
Which is better than something.
In some cases.
NOTE - life is a loop
20 · 9h
Drab 9h
I do like to travel.
And stay in seedy motels.
I am comfortable there.
I’m a farmer in the middle of a cornfield
Drab 6d
It all turned out OK.
With a shitload of bumps on the way.
My **** is tired…..

NOTES - N by S by East by West ……….
Drab 6h
I am adversary.
Hear me roar.
I take your kindness.
I’m its wild boar.
In sheep’s clothing.
I shall creep.
Into your mind.
Just not too deep.
not the spiritual kind
19 · Sep 5
The Evil Alternative
Drab Sep 5
"Real poetry".
It beats the alternative.
Or does it.

It beats tearing down all that I don’t like
Or does it.

Rhyme, rhythm and drums are for The Turtles.
Best leave words well enough alone for me.
9424 – NOTES – to self.
Drab 6d
“Tax the rich.
Feed the poor.
Turn around,
Rich No More”

NOTE – that will teach em…..

RIP A. lee

Drab 2d

I just won a *****.
I’d like to thank the little people.
But there are not any here.
So thank me very much…
9/2024 - waiting like a wounded deer....

***** - Poet Of The Terrible Year - 2024 - candydate only
Drab Sep 3
She gets up early, to feed the cats.
She lives alone, she’s near a heart attack.
The cats they pray, they couldn’t help.
Cause cat’s aren’t God.
Notes - see above. Oh, and PETA notified!
18 · Sep 11
Information Overload
Drab Sep 11

Cable – How I send info to someone these days.
News  - Very old today, and repetitive
Network  - How we all find out about what we already know.




Sounds like it reads.

NOTE – PICK none
NOTE – PICK none
17 · 7h
The Last Lemming
Drab 7h
I refused to jump.
Off that jagged cliff.
Not a pill, just a hill.

Some are followed.
Some follow.
They do both.
Depending on the cliff.
NOTE - have no idea again....
Drab Sep 9
Sticking in my craw.
Then I crawl…
Then I stand…
And get pushed down.
“Stepped on when I had no shoes”
Who is this foul beast inside me?
Do I dare to cast it out?
Or just sit here and wait patiently.
This thing, what is it about?

NOTE – Can’t shake this….
All due respect for R. Wilson and Daddy Cool on line number, whatever….090924
Drab Sep 5
The less I say, the more you are around.
WT**** is that?
And when I talk, you disappear?

This thing called people.
It Is very strange.

I think I'll go to another place.
And not stay there, for it is space.
Notes - Like all the rest, they have all been used. It's just words,  order, timing and stupid symbols that some THINGS call music and, dare I say, POETRY. Can't understand a **** thing they say either.
Drab 6d
I don’t remember much of them.
That was my “early  period”.
Then I got pregnant.
And terminated the poet.

15 · 7d
Eye Candy
Drab 7d
It’s just a view.
From the edge of the ocean.
Looking outward.
To look in.
15 · 9h
Unknown Ending
Drab 9h
They trudged up the steps,
To the Sad destination.
They looked back,
In nostalgic forlorn.
NOTE – feels like a secret code in “The Longest Day”
               RIP – Marion Wayne
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