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33 · Sep 5
Drab Sep 5
It's a far, far, far, far better place,
Than I've ever been.
Inside my limitations,
Along with the gin.......
Note to Notes - Don't go there.
32 · Aug 26
Hand Talk
Drab Aug 26
I wash them when I come inside.
I wrap them with gauze the wounds won’t hide.
I seem to be on my way.
To rhyming everything my hand doth say.
Monday?, August 2th, 2024.

At least it rhymes....
32 · 7d
Real Stuff
Drab 7d
If I'm going to meet you.
I want you to be the greeter because  you want to be.
Not because you have to be.
NOTE - Real
32 · Aug 30
Pathologist or Cops?
Drab Aug 30
The cops were lots, but the docs won out.
They took me and my mum in for years.
The families, the friends, the memories are still here I know...
That’s what matters to me.
August 30th, 2024 – Dedicated to my Uncle Bob (aka “the Doctor Quincy of Orange County”….and Trev and Georgy, three fine people in blue suits), some of the most influential individuals in my life. For those who have strong experiences contrary to on these vocations, my father used to say, “Life is not a bowl of cherries”. (You can finish it if you want)….8<
Drab 5d
Like a bottle or my brain,
I have a few necks and thoughts that are narrow.
The turkey’s have it easy……..

Except on…………..
NOTE – b# - Except for most people.
Drab Sep 2
For years they knew who I was.
Now they find out who I am.
Irony has a way of biting one in the ***....
Drab 7d
High, I’m Dan

When I was high
I kissed this guy.
His name was Billie.
He was from Singapore.

I left hoo

NOTES – I’ll probably delete this after I stop laughing….
                   Matter of fact, I’m not even saving it………………………………
32 · Sep 2
Drab Sep 2
I’m voting for my son,
For Son of the Year (Called a SOTY).
His mother doesn’t like me…………….
09/02/24 – She's a type B personality.  in case you are wondering…..
31 · Sep 7
World Fan
Drab Sep 7
I was in asia,
One winter's day.
I saw some movies,
That came my way.

An Officer and a Ballerina,
were on display.
Something got Lost In Translation.
Or so they say.........
Notes 1982 and 1983....oh yeah, and the "other one"

Not an AD.....
Drab 4d
Call me a nephew, and I was there.
Look at a mountain, and I was there.
The streams of tears, and I was there.
Humanity, and it was there?
Oh. Hark, I must pause...

The trust, and it was there.
The compromise, and it was there?

or here?

The news, ban those butheads.

All of them!


N – Sorry I’m getting  silly
#grapes of wrath!!!!!!!

HINT: The worst is yet to come...depending on your POV>......

THanks Alex....
31 · 7d
A Bad Gateway
Drab 7d
To what? I say.
On yonder dawn,
I see the light.
I go towards it.
It's flight of fight
But I step through,
And see my fate.
So i can just do something.

NOTES - I forgot what I was going to do.

Perhaps I'll remember later..
NOTES none
31 · Sep 2
Drab Sep 2
Someone told me they loved me today.
It just goes to show you that it doesn't matter what you think of me,
it's what I think of you that makes me who I am.
31 · Sep 9
These eyes.....
Drab Sep 9
The lookers should show when sad.
As some puppy dogs do.
But they show I’m always glad.
The creases prove my view…..
NOTES – Picture this.
B. Cummings I love you
Drab Sep 1
He’s politically conservative and morally liberal.
The best of both worlds to his liking…
She agrees too.
So do they.
Or not.
08/31/24 - To ponder is to live......
31 · 7d
G.A.S. Chamber
Drab 7d
I walked into the chamber.
Turned left into a vestibule.
Climbed up a mountain of stairs.

And Jumped.
Into the absurd.
With both feet.

It’s shallow in here.
NOTES - I don't need NO fluffy NOTES!!!!!!
30 · Sep 3
Heart's Home
Drab Sep 3
It's not so much the languages,
It's not the colors of the spectrum,
It's not anything.
It's where you live.
Notes = Where do you live? I'm in a galaxy far far away....
30 · Sep 3
The Spider's View
Drab Sep 3
I killed a spider just today.
He was walking by, as if to say
Here I am, I’m big and free.
The freedom’s gone.
What about me?
I left him there.
So he can see.
Me on the throne.
Of infinity.
09/03/24 - Just another day in the neighborhood I think I hit the head on a Morrisssssettism. You know, the spider died from insecticide? IRONIC -see Freudian Slip
30 · 1d
In memoriam...
Drab 1d
Keep  your enemies close.
Keep your friends further away.
Study them both.

Who are they voting for?
It’s madness I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTES – Edgar Allen Poe (phd: Poet, *******, and ultimately, dead as a canary.)

Also Employee Assistance Counselor, but that’s after he stopped drinking…
Drab Sep 1
The boy was new,
He didn’t know,
There was a conspiracy,
About to throw.

He went along, a dreary trail,
Flanked by his friends, the car was pale.
It wasn’t pretty, It was profound.
He survived, …….
NOTES: - Heavy stuuuff maaaan. he survived rumor has it……..jk
Drab Sep 9
The very old and the very young.
Are the only people who understand me.
The old because they know what I’m talking about.
The young because they don’t know any better and assume I’m either correct or wrong…...
The others are stuck in the middle with me.

Not really….
NOTES this....

Pardon my French...spelling problems on board
30 · Sep 7
Go Trojans!!!!!
Drab Sep 7
He sat behind me,
In what was paradise.
In a French Cafe in PR.
I thought it was nice.

And then he did something.
I noticed about he.
The anger was boiling.
The things that might be

Another human being(s)
Wasted on earth.
However it happened
She/he were never heard.
NOTE - Just sayin......RIPurgatory at best.

Disclaimer, Opinion ONLY. I wasn't Rockingham..
30 · 7d
Drab 7d
My thoughts sometimes are BLACK.
My skin sometimes is WHITE.
The world seems like it's gray.
I prefer the entire spectrum myself.
30 · 4d
Poet’s Choice
Drab 4d
I’ve got some chunky yogurt sitting out in the sun.
I’ve got some some processed cheese that melted in the sun.
I threw them both away and ate some swine……

Didn't want to get sick.

"True Story?"

Merry Sunday, or whatever.....
NOTE – the poem dummie.
29 · Sep 12
Bedknobs and...
Drab Sep 12
Metaphors and Parables
Is all I can mix
Throw in an analogy,
And I’m out of the mix.

Poems are for people
Other than me
Why can't I think of them,
instead of just me?
NOTES – none -sometimes
29 · Aug 31
Dab’s Dilemma
Drab Aug 31
You take me for granted.
I can tell every day.
It’s not that I’m complaining.
It feels normal in every  way.
I sometimes feel alone.
But then you come around.
And remind me of my humanness
A surprise not so profound
08/31/24 – I really need to stop whining. I call these last few poems “The Depressive  Series”.  All due respect to mr. lars von trier, or however you spell it. I’ll cut it out - 😊. “Sorry about that chief”
29 · Sep 1
Diary of a Sad - man
Drab Sep 1
Since he was perplexed, he sat on a log.
And wondered what happened to get lost in this fog.
I know I am wondering what happened to me.
But I’m sure the end result will be something……………….
NOTIFICATIONS ONLY PLEASE! I'm busy doing something personal...
29 · Sep 9
Here Comes The Judge
Drab Sep 9
The one who never judged,
was put to death by others.
The ones who judge the others,
will ultimately be the judged.
NOTES - Thursday, May 8, 2008 - I feel like charlton heston in another form lol
Not everybody fits the mold.
Drab 2d
"la misma cagada todos los dias"......
NOTES - a friend once learned me this here sayin....he was from Iceland....
Drab Sep 9
Spreading joy and other extinct diseases.
That’s what my doctor says anyway.
It’s good to be no one.
That way they don’t look for you.
NOTES – “sure is great the wind stopped blowin”

92498 zip
28 · Sep 11
Realization blues
Drab Sep 11
Questions, are statements of ignorance.
Answers, are what I ignore.

The more I know, the less I feel.
Double edge sword I guess...



Drab Aug 30
Oh yeah, well my doctor says my heart has an algorhythm.
I have no reason to hurry.
Wait a minute,
I must get to her office or I will worry
HINT - not for my heart = ;-) x 70
Drab Sep 10
Oh dear.
Please forgive me.
I read the most soaring poem.

Yet my outstretched hands.
Can’t quite grasp the prize.
Of making sense.
Of my mind’s eyes.

I’m not really cruel,
I’m not really nice.
But my inner self.
Is as cold as ice.
No(te):  ice – Neat please…..
28 · Sep 1
To Gerry
Drab Sep 1
I guess I’m stuck in the middle with you…
But you shouldn’t have been kneeling.
They shouldn’t have either…..
Religion is a strange thing……but it serves a purpose.
09.01.2024 - IT's just a poem....

RIP - G. Rafferty

I shoulda been a songwriter, I coulda been a Gazilionaire!

RIP - Alanis.....oh wait.
28 · Sep 9
Kali's Eyes
Drab Sep 9
The girl that came in with the aqua blue eyes,
And took my heart without any lies,
A perpetual love that I have just for her,
She’s an uncorrupt one that has an innocent allure.

She has a father who is loving, and caring though straight
Right to your gut and I love him as a mate
And her mum is a flower that will never decay
The girl like I’m thinking of in every which way

I would like to know her better but she’s so much aloof
She pretends to know me but I am not a goof
All I know is that I love her even though she is three
My precious one granddaughter who's name is Kali.
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - She is my granddaughter and is a beautiful young woman now. Her eyes aren't aqua blue any more but I'll take what the world got. Fledgling poet though i still am and always have been.
27 · 3h
Shank Sphere #1
Drab 3h
The last time I saw a pound of flesh,
Was when I was at my last autopsy.
They put a mirror in front of me.
It didn’t last long.
Two pounds came out later.
I was 14 at the time.
27 · Sep 6
Prayer, Lost or Poem?
Drab Sep 6
You know you have indigestion.
When your stomach growls
And you think it’s someone.
Trying to break into the front door.

These are things that must be explored.
Not abhorred?
Or all aboard!

You mustn’t fret.
It’s just your ears.
They turn to dust,
Inside your fears.

NOTE ===  sorry about this………….I think this could be my ticket to fame or infamy. I’ll let you know after I get kicked off the site. #spiritual II - the sequel, don't go in the water....this ought to clear the riff raff off the site.
27 · 3d
No Idea
Drab 3d
Biting one's tongue is hard to do when one's mouth is open.
It's less hard if you bite it when it's closed.
That way, no one will see the blood.
Dedicated to the two most undedicated people in the world....
Drab 7d
There's a lot more where they came from......😎😎😎
NOTE - One of my two favorite movies. The other one(s) are the ones that teach me something.
27 · Sep 11
A Simple Poem
Drab Sep 11
Sometimes, the message might get lost in the information.
NOTES - B Flat
Drab Sep 11
THis one was a good one.
You should have heard it.
THe circle got me...
NOTE - yup - I'll think of it again....
27 · Aug 30
The Thinker
Drab Aug 30
I know what I am thinking.
Don’t try to fool me.
It’s what I do.
Case in point………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………­…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
27 · Sep 5
The Better Choice
Drab Sep 5
I think and write down now.
You feel and write down, later, and now and then…..
Three to one….

STUFF: 9.5.24 - Or 5 to 2. Whatever it is. you win.
26 · 4h
Drab 4h
Old news doesn’t exist anymore.
Current news is temporary.
And future news…….

The outlook is not good.
I’m so worried about what might happen,
I forgot what was.
And have to look at from now on.
26 · 7d
On The Pot
Drab 7d
She told me with wit and wisdom.
He yelled some more.
The messages…..

Went straight to my intestines (both of them, gut and candidates):).

And the struggle continues……

The search party gave up….
Drab 4d
Talking too much?
I’ll take a break.
Go watch a flix movie…
Go read a, what do they call those?
Go outside, if you can.
Go inside, if you dare.
Go forth,
Which way?
Note  A+
26 · Sep 1
The Epiphany
Drab Sep 1
Someone told me to "put it where the moon don’t shine".
I told them I was full and come back later…..
NOTATION: They did....
26 · Sep 7
Beach Boy
Drab Sep 7
I get around.
Not much anymore.
Unless I'm motivated..

Well I got around. A lot. Too much...
NOT - Jan and Dean eat your heart out. You and the little ole lady....09/07/24
26 · Sep 9
Learning to Fly
Drab Sep 9
The Night bar will be coming soon,
I thought as I awoke this AM June.
What could I do between the wakes.
When Dr. Tom comes singing, that's all it takes.

RIP T. Petty
Notes are Notes - Parts are Parts
Drab 6d
It was held open with toothpicks.
A valve in its womb.
Held on by threads.
Seen by everyone in the room.
A time when I looked,
From within, from just five.
It’s not as good as being dead,
But it’s great being alive!

NOTES – Hmmmm, another name would be Pathology Blues. Changed my mind.
Drab 3d
Sitting on a perch of deedlebobs.
Skqueezing in the slime out of the ***** that came in before him
One eyed snake, it seems to be mate.
She said.
Get the ***** out of here!
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