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Our visions, that we see,
Never are the same,
Mine are realistic,
Yours are just a game.

We can see the beauty,
The stars, bring at night,
Stare at them for hours
Never seeing, the light.

The moon appears,
So big, bold, and bright,
It’s the suns reflection’
Illuminating, our
evening nights.

The trees are swaying,
Are they waving, at you and me,
The force behind them,
The wind we will never see.

Our life this time,
Not a rehearsal for a play,
It could end, at any moment,
Then you will look, at those wasted days.

Those lost years, are gone,
You can not go back, and change,
For the time that’s left,
You can start to rearrange.

There will always be things,
That are different than what we see,
Why add more confusion,
Saying words, you do not believe.

Tom Maxwell © 01/03/2004 AD
As I grow older I often think of you in my mind, everything you have done for me, over the years of my time.
I am so lucky to have you in my life today, for I have so many friends, who have lost their fathers, years ago along the way.
I have learned a lot, watching how, you survived, over three quarters of a century, so many changes, you are a hero,  to still be healthy and alive.
I could not imagine all of the changes, you’ve had to live with,  from the outside, separate reading room, to modern day plumbing, with a telephone in the bathroom.
You are one of the lucky ones, to make it to the summit in your life, your retired, healthy, do what you want everyday, might sound like a dream, you had, fifty or sixty years ago, on a long hard day.
Enjoy life, and make it easier on yourself in every way, you’ve earned the best, and most of all I love you, Happy Fathers Day.

Think its a hassle to hang around dad, you think different when you know , never again! RIP DAD  2011
Enjoying moments alone,
Having fun by yourself,
Just entertaining, your mind,
Not thinking of, anyone else,
Your enjoying personal time,
Exploring spontaneous thoughts,
That appear, in your mind.
Not worrying about your troubles,
Keeping visions, on positive signs,
Searching, through your stuff,
Seeing what treasures,
You may find.
A period of relaxation,
Forgetting, all your binds,
While keeping your lips, wet
With a glass of your favorite wine

The Original : Tom Maxwell 6/14/AD 2:45 PM
I woke up this morning, you were on my mind,
A lost dream, that keeps giving me, special signs,
So many ideas, and dreams, knowing someday,
I will run out of time.
We spend A lot of time, in this life, dreaming,
How many hours, do we waste,
If you live to be, eighty, sleep eight hours a day,
Watch television, for four, along with the other time we waste,
Give or take, half our life away.
We all have different vices, to spend, our time, on being positive,
Or wasting it away, Remember, this is our only chance,
I’ve never seen anyone, come back, after their final dance.
Keep A positive attitude, enjoy A dream, when one comes your way,
Use your time wisely, your time is counting down,
Each second, of every day.

                                                           ­                                                        The original Tom Maxwell © 06/07/2021 10:47pm
A one-of-A-kind planet,
In A universe of space,
The only one known,
With life, the human race.

Many countries divide,
Planet Earth, our place,
Different cultures, and religions,
Along with colors and race.

This globe, of land and water,
Reproduces, all survival needs,
Slowly being destroyed,
By the people, and their greed

© Tom Maxwell 06/22/07
We use to be close together, shared good times,
Helped each other through, bad weather.
There were few days, you would see us apart,
We had A friendship that connected,
Right from the start.
We could feel each other’s emotions,
As if we shared the same mind,
We would guide each other through, lonely times.
Our last time together, was just A normal day,
Then for reasons unknown, our friendship,
Just drifted away.
Over the years we cross paths, it’s just like the old days,
Then we part again, journey our separate ways.
We all have friends, we hold so close in our mind,
When we think of them,
A feeling of peace, happiness, comes every time.
During this life, most friendships, will drift apart,
We will only have A few, we keep as memories,
Close to our heart.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­   Tom Maxwell©
To write Poetry ,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                         ­                                                        Tom Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
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