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There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                           ­         Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
                                                              ­                                                      9:00PM
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                         ­                                                                 ­                                  
                              ­                                                         Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                               5/13/2021 AD
                                                              ­                             7:30am
We all have to Believe,
During, our life this time,
Everyone, makes different choices,
We often change, in our mind.

What to Believe,
From what we see, or hear,
Always sorting ideas,
Some seem so far, others touch us near.

Somethings, are hard to Believe,
Hearing them often, in many way’s,
If actions, don’t follow the words,
Change directions, for better day’s.

In your future, always Believe,
Not for tomorrow, after this life’s stay,
Be prepared, you can’t wait A minute,
The call could come, anytime, on any day.
                                            Tom Maxwell ©
Looking ahead, as far as my eyes can see,
The beauty, of the ocean, brings A peaceful feeling to me.
Walking across the dirt, balancing on rocks, with my hands,
As my step’s approach, I start to feel, the warmth of the sand.
I can feel A warm breeze, from the wind upon my face,
As I watch the waves, coming to shore,
As if they were having A race.
Such a powerful force, as the moon controls, the tide,
I can see some brave souls, on their thin boards,
Trying to catch A ride.
During the day, the glare of the sun, so blinding, and bright,
In the evening, the reflection, of the moon,
Creates, A romantic night.

                                                        ­                                                          Tom Maxwell © 03/11/2006 A.D.
Feelings, emotions, smiles, and tears,
Someone, you can count on, to be there,
Whenever, life brings you, fears.
A person, who won’t run,
From the unexpected times,
As you share ideas, for future plans,
They will listen, while giving comfort,
Even if, it’s just holding your hand.
You cannot create true love,
As if you were planning a meal,
Shopping, at A mart,
Just looking for a certain,
Age, wealth, and looks,
That is trying to create, a situation,
A reason, many relationships,
Fall apart.
                                  Tom Maxwell 5/22/2021 AD 8:15 pm
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                              5/13/2021 AD
Looking ahead, as far as my eyes can see,
The beauty, of the ocean, brings A peaceful feeling to me.
Walking across the dirt, balancing on rocks, with my hands,
As my step’s approach, I start to feel, the warmth of the sand.
I can feel A warm breeze, from the wind upon my face,
As I watch the waves, coming to shore,
As if they were having A race.
Such a powerful force, as the moon controls, the tide,
I can see some brave souls, on their thin boards,
Trying to catch A ride.
During the day, the glare of the sun, so blinding, and bright,
In the evening, the reflection, of the moon,
Creates, A romantic night.

                                                                                                           Tom Maxwell © 03/11/2006 A.D.
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