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 Nov 2020 Judithju
Katy Owens

I keep falling

If I could walk around
on my knees,
would You expect less of me?

Because the bar
seems too high
and I believe that
You've asked me to die

To myself
self-ish gain
to my ways
man's high-ways

And I think I've said
again and again
to the whims of my
fellow man

But it's never enough
it would seem
Fall flat off my feet once

Bar's too high
can't reach that high
How much more do You want me
to die?

When do I get to cry
"it's finished"
Have given enough to
once again feel
Your touch

When all I want
is to know You more
and this world around keeps
pushing me to the floor

Are my ways ever good
when only Your ways are God

Do I only reach higher
when I find myself lower
Cuz every **** day
I fall even shorter

I'm seeking perfection seated
on a throne
and today feels like I'm battling alone

Do I only find perfection
when I'm sitting on the ground
where heaven and earth meet
In a glorious dance
this miraculous romance
to find truth in the dichotomy
of dirt and divine

To stop reaching for a
kingdom in the sky
find eternity in my heart
this Kingdom is nigh

I'm still falling
flat on my face
growing use to dirt in my mouth's
gritty taste

Maybe in moments of
my greatest failure
are where I meet
my relentless Savior
 Nov 2020 Judithju
Katy Owens
 Nov 2020 Judithju
Katy Owens
for my independent self feeding off lies and trying to live on my own
to pull me back to the throne

because I say what I'm doing is divine,
but the reality is
those plans are all mine

For my glory, for my fame,
but instead He gave up His name
Came to earth and
bore a cross for my shame

because I know I don't deserve it
I'm still trying to earn it

Living as an orphan
instead of a child
No longer lost, because for me
He was meek and mild

Lamb of God, slain
On Him all wrath was lain
So I could be free,
grace covers my iniquity

because I say I am strong
But really, it's His grace
that carries me along

because all that's left to see
is the cross as I cry,
have mercy on me

Grace because it's free,
and the beauty is I can never earn or deserve it
Grace that has set me free
Grace that says I'm redeemed

— The End —