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 Jan 2021 Beau Donner
 Jan 2021 Beau Donner
I’ll walk clifftop.

Watch the sunrise fractured by a hundred different puddles, made whole again by the sea.

I’ll bleed peace and spill calm over ground that should’ve been cared for by now, and I’ll draw maps of the old season in battleship blue and a half-healed ****** crimson.

I’ll love them: Today they are mine.
Tonight I’ll give them away, and I’ll love them more.

I’ll walk clifftop.

I’ll pause. Watch the sunset rain copper-coins into a rolling-smoke sea, and I’ll miss him.
in the cause for a
whippoorwill the effect is
so so amazing
 Jan 2021 Beau Donner
 Jan 2021 Beau Donner
A deep loneliness
Falling in love with strangers
Feigned intimacy
my first Haiku
On this winter morning
I’m daydreaming
of warm summer daysprings,
blue lake glistenings,
butterscotch skin,
heartbeat quickenings,
and unmade decisions behind blue eyes.
lying in bed, on a holiday morning, the mind is free to frolic
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