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  Mar 20 Mr and Mrs Andrews
i don’t always
think about you
with soft skin
wrapped in satin sheets
nor do i always
think about you
with wide eyes
and a forgiving laugh
but i do always
think about you.
i always think about you.
sometimes i wish i could stop.
sometimes i wish i’d never stop.
sometimes i don’t know
what it is i am even thinking of
but there you are.
between each thought
between each flash
an infinite number of neuron's
firing through my brain
an endless electrical dance
and still
there you remain.
  Dec 2024 Mr and Mrs Andrews
i gaze upon the horizon
in the stillness of the night
moonlight spilling  
from the blackness above
as if cut from another realm
pouring into the ocean
a reflection in the water
an ethereal ghost
wandering across the waves forever
in search of their beloved
  Nov 2024 Mr and Mrs Andrews

moonlight spilling from her eyes
magic pouring from her lips
the universe in audience of her beauty
even the stars would weep with envy

The smile I stole from you now graces my face, concealing my tears and pain while revealing yours.
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