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 Jun 2023 HOPE
Universe Poems
"The sun was beating down on me
I am an artist I said to the tree"

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
 Jun 2023 HOPE
Mitch Prax
 Jun 2023 HOPE
Mitch Prax
It does not matter
anymore but that does not
mean it does not hurt

8:50 PM
 Jun 2023 HOPE
Stephen E Yocum
Dads are people sons never
forget, for good or bad and
when the son is gone there
is no one to remember the
father. Say for some fading
black and white photos in a
scrap book: "That was your
great grandfather. He fought
in the war. People called him
Bud, but his real name was
Wyett with an E. He taught
me to cast a fly in a mountain
stream and tune the engine
in my first car, and not to lie."

My grandsons almost grown
are good and loving chaps, but
never ask me about their Great
Grandfather. Out of sight, out of
mind, I guess. Maybe I am the last
to remember or care. Our touchstones
to the past are frail at best.
Yes, on this day and everyday
I remember my Father with the
same love he bestowed upon me.
 Jun 2023 HOPE
Bound wings
 Jun 2023 HOPE
The clay bird said to the caged bird, "There's this burning desire to fly and soar, but my clay heart chokes on the fear of finding my shattered pieces on the ground."
 Jun 2023 HOPE
 Jun 2023 HOPE
you float like an enchanted nebula in my mind,
pass like the clouds inside my veins,
are the easiness of breathing in my dreams
you forget me for millions of seconds in the imaginary time
you are more real than reality itself in your spontaneous combustions
so that I destroy you each day inside my bones,
I ignite the narrative of dawn, the blueness of your ribs
I forget about you like I forget crying in the aliveness of lovers
I need to forget you like one forgets faraway explosions, storms and miracles because I love you with all the songs of the wind,
the wind that spreads the seeds further away from each other the same way the flow of mystery so precise is carring us further and further away towards ourselves
 Jun 2023 HOPE
David P Carroll
His golden heart stopped today
Hard working man at rest
Dad and you'll always be the best
It broke my heart
to see you go but the
Lord Jesus Christ only takes the best.
For You 💝💝💝
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