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 Jan 2020 Michael Messinger
Kept my word to myself
The dream came true
Need to redirect for the next challenge
If that is possible
The voices still rear their messages
Silencing them is always a chore
No excuses just not ready for whst is next
Writers always have doubts
Is this all there is?

 Jan 2020 Michael Messinger
Have you ever looked evil in the eye?

           I have

    And he winked

A tone as smooth as velvet

A grin of a boy

His lips parted seas,

of churning lava

But I saw a pool,

     to dip my toes

He splashed playful twists and turns

    Till I was soaked

And drops trickled down my skin,

    scathed by sin

That murky tank of burns.
This was on my old page & I didn’t want to lose it as part of my collection, so here it is.
A beautiful face fades—wrinkles surface and it decomposes along with the body once one’s borrowed time is done. A beautiful mind doesn’t. Ideas from such a mind endures the test of time, and is immortalized through art, literature and research.
Dreams I see
Dreams of you .....with me
Dreams I live
Dreams of us....I see.

Wrapped around my heart
I feel your fingers
Bleeding through
The warmth ....icy.

Deceptive real
Virtual perception
The truth I see
The truth of reality.
I never travel afar
as a little stone lying alone
at the bottom of the bottom of waterflow
the current of life carves my bone
year after year, day by day
stripes ripen and lines grow
I became me, and no other stone

I never travel afar
but the world finds her way to me
she writes me poems on floating leaves
she sends breezes to ripple my dreams
year after year, day by day
a window opens, an epiphany dawns
I am an acorn, and not a stone

A little sunlight, a little soil  
rise up and grow to the sky
befriend the bird, kiss the wind
my journey starts and I have no fear
wherever it takes me to, that--
shall be my promised land

I will travel afar...
 Jan 2020 Michael Messinger
A waterfall
Black and tarry
Flavoured waves of licorice
Lapping like kittens
Against the shore
Her garden is not one of Eden
But one of thorns
Dark and bruising scrub land
An ink stain against the sky
Filthy with life
A broaching scuffle
In richly opulent underbrush
A white and twisted creature
Seeping with magick
i was texting my friend earlier and she was spitting some real fancy language and I was totally feeling it, and it made me realize that it's been way too long since I indulged in my wordy, prosey side.
We love each other but
We never need to fall in love
We talk to each other but
We never have to use the words
We travel in our separate ways but
Different routes bring us together
We have been prepared for this moment
when we see each other and say
Hi, you are here...

There is no beginning
and there is no end
Our love is about:
A missing half found
A hidden purpose discovered
Your molecules, my molecules
Your soul, my soul
Intertwined and entangled
to the rhythm of Universe
We are as whole as an atom
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