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I got a thing for you
And I’m pretty sure you know it
I regret yesterday
For I let my feelings show it

Ever wonder why
The skies weep from above?
It’s to hide the tears
Of the dejected from rejection
There’s no objection
To my explanation
Pardon my lack of discretion

We do it all for love
We do it all for hate
There’s no neutral territory
There no time for explanation
There’s no time to set my mind straight

If only you could fall in love with me
Then we do it all
For the possible chance
That our one true slice of heaven
Will be sweeter than,
All our past miscalculations
Life is as predictable as a pair of dice. At times not so nice, at others, glorious. The notorious mix of dreamy-eyed moments with dreadful surprises, not knowing how or when. We are at the mercy of the winds of vissicissitudes. Our attitudes, our presuppositions are tenuous at best. At one instant, your head will be resting on my pillow, at another, on a hospital pillow because you are dying of ovarian cancer. Uncertainty is our highway;  there are many detours ahead. Kiss when you know it is possible, hug when you know the same. Love, in any given situation, is always the antidote. Memories are but for the future, so live now, always with your heart.

A man without a woman
Is like a bird without wings.
Women make you love
And be loved.
Women make you fly
So high.
Be my wings.
  Apr 2021 Naceur Ben Mesbah
April came and with her hope
A little sunshine helps to cope
Her kiss sweetly soft caress
A heart frostbitten now be blessed

A simple smile of inward child
Takes the breath away
To calm the cold of bitterness
The Ides of March display

She comes to heed the mother’s call
Her air so fair and kind
April sings her early songs
Nature speaks her mind

Gypsy flowers peak their buds
Expose the coming season
Ducks and geese return at last
And life returns her reason
Traveler Tim

Caesar knew well
The Ides of March
The dread of anticipation
fell upon his heart
But we made it to April
And here a new beginning starts!!
By: Cedric McClester

From the lynching rope
We clung to hope
Fought for the right to vote
And also take note
We spent long days and nights
Fighting for civil rights
And the salient fact is
We’re not going back

We take two steps forward
And three steps back
I can’t help but think
That’s because we’re black
As for others of color
The same thing applies
They impede our progress
Through half truths and lies

But what they should know
Is there’s an ebb and flow
To how things will go
And time will show
The check is in the mail
And we will prevail
Our option’s not to fail
Or go off the rail

From the lynching rope
To the scourge of dope
It’s been a slippery *****
Though we’ve learned to cope
So as a matter of fact
We’re not looking back
We want what we lack
Not to subtract

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2021.  All rights reserved.
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