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By: Cedric McClester

There’s no rhyme
Nor is there reason
So who declared it
Open season
On the Asian community?
They’re attacked if
You’re asking me
With what appears to be impunity

What did an Asian
Ever do to anyone
To make them victims
Of an errant person’s gun?
Is that just someone’s
Sick idea of fun?
Just take a look at all
The damage that it’s done

Asians are more than
Just Chinese
They hail from many countries
In the Near and Far East
Like everybody else
They’re deserving of peace
So tell me when will
All this madness cease?

The Corona virus affects
More than you
Asians are susceptible
To it too
It may have come from China
Which we already knew
But that doesn’t make it
The China or Kung-flu

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021.  All rights reserved.
The Humming Bird feeder is full to the top.
Do they not come around any more?
The tree is bare of its sheltering leaves
So it’s not out of sight like before.

In this Winter of feeling afraid and alone
The tiniest bird can bring joy
And hope that tomorrow will come as a gift
That we can unwrap like a toy.

The days have drug by at a crippling pace;
People have gone by the wayside.
It seemed like eternity marched on ahead
And life was just one frozen sleigh ride.

As we slowly awake from a desperate sleep
It’s clear we’re not out of the woods,
But at last in front of us there is a path
That will lead us from evil to good.

A light has come on in our government’s home;
The dark specter’s been wafted away.
A promise of better times floats on the breeze
With the chance for a sunnier day.

As I look out the window, my heart skips a beat
The sun glances off glistening wings
I see not one, but two humming birds
At the feeder, and now my heart sings.
Error 502 kept me from posting this for 2 days
the old lady didn’t mind being
called crazy

or being laughed at for
spending her days
in her small cottage
facing the dark corner
of the room and
talking to
her dead daughter

encouraging her to eat up
and grow up
and complimenting her on the good
looks she’d gained

“Oh, I bet the boys are all dropping
dead in your wake, hehe. Look
at those legs. So slim and long and
deadly. You’re a beauty
among beauties, my dear. Here, have another
one. Eat up to grow up. You’re gonna
have hundreds of strong, beautiful
children, hehe.”

The neighbors and the world
could keep calling her crazy, she
knew she was just very happy

She grabbed another grasshopper from
a jar and ripped its hind legs
and placed it
on the spider’s web

“Here’s another one, dear. Eat up
and grow up, hehe.”
In the morning
she ****** him off
and had him
*** in the cups of her
bra and then
he watched as she put it
on and went about the
rest of her day like

She worked as an
elementary school teacher

believed in the

and witchcraft

and aliens

and demons

and told the students in
her class that
her dead husband reincarnated into
her dog and every morning
she took his seed to
hold in her ***** for good luck

It definitely worked
because she got a raise in
the next few weeks
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