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her bloom smells e'er sweet
yet when she turns into fruit
there's a bitter taste
Spent a lot of time at Dawn
staring at the mirror.
Sometimes that's all it takes
to attain self recognition,
at least enough to whisper to myself -
You are enough.
Broken, but enough still.
And so I say it
over and again
Until I begin to believe it too
Love is so special in life
It's the meaning of life
And it means everything to me in my life
Because every day I love my beautiful life.
True Love ❤️
Her heart broke into
a million pieces
that day.

She was tortured,
and drowning in
the depths
of her own madness.

she always seemed to remember
the one thing
that kept her going.

But in that moment,
it was too late.

Her mind was a walking time bomb.
Imagine a car being stuck in snow
No matter how hard you try
To accelerate out of
The pit of despair
You will be stuck there
That is helplessness

But if you have one person,
Just one,
helps you
You can get out
That’s the power of
I know this is such a cheesy poem but it’s dedicated to my friends who have been with me in the thick and thin
I understand why
Romanization of death
The world is so exhausting
That death seems like a
better option

However, I wonder
What made life
So mundane and empty
That we seek to
Escape it?
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