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Jun 2019 · 276
Everything & Nothing
Tadios Yeab Jun 2019
She knew to wear seclusion for insignia;
In the battle to rescue part of herself,
But, What if was what had preyed on her,
Sought to make her dwell on anomie,
That alone, did nothing at all for her,
Yet that alone, did everything to her,
Feb 2019 · 242
Solo Duet; Hide & Seek
Tadios Yeab Feb 2019
Playing hide and seek, you and I,
Searching, where you won't find me,
Hiding, where you're sure I'd find you,

We kept on singing our hearts in solo,
As time kept doing what it knows best;
Leaving marks behind as it passes by,

Our hearts still alive slowly dying,
Patiently waiting to start dueting,
Hoping it'd wash all the pain away,
Leaving the past as it was engraved,
Jan 2019 · 226
There better be...!
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
A world in an another dimension,
Where nobody imitates perfection,
Where truth is never underrated,
And a lie is completely desolated,
Jan 2019 · 200
Oh Dear...
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Oh dear,
For how long shall you play hide & seek,
For how long shall you swim in fear,
For how long shall your face soaked in tear,
Oh dear,
How long will it take for the heartache to heal,
How long will it take till the mist clears,
How long will you play dead lying there,
Oh dear,
Come out, out from your sea of fear,
Let's get lost in each other out here,
Jan 2019 · 286
Dear Mistake...
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
I met you so many times in different colors, one after the other,
All those times, I hoped not to meet you ever again,
And this my friend, is not the last time to hope that in vain,
I know you'll find your way back to me and I to you,
But the first time to embrace you,
You remind me that I'm imperfect,
And make me see the righteous,

P.S; I still hope not to meet you ever again.
The point is not, not to make a mistake, for we are human & it'd be foolish to imitate perfection, but to EMBRACE it, LEARN from it and MOVE FORWARD.
Jan 2019 · 688
Dear Second Chance...
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Remember that time I bet on you and you left me hanging,
By then I've learned to think before I do the things I do,
Instead of counting on you,
Yet again, I went right back on counting on you,
Still, you were not there to back me up,
Took me a while to figure out where I went wrong,
But now I know...
It's when I took you for the second time,
After all you're just a "chance",
Today I met someone,
With first name New and last name Beginning,
Jan 2019 · 376
The Power of Prayer
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
In his head, "I see you see me see you,"
said the wolf fixating at his prey,
"Even I know you have the will and
the zeal to crush me if you pray,"
Even our greatest challenge is just a bump on the road, but only if we pray and have faith.
Jan 2019 · 181
Tweet Tweet...
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
See the light and feel the wind,
Hold a hand and love a soul,
Nothing ever is yours to hold,
If you take them for granted,
"Tweet, tweet...," sung the bird,
Jan 2019 · 210
Tic Tac...
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Be careful when you look back,
So you won't stuck in the past,
But to be grateful and whatnot,
"Tic tac, tic tac...," said the clock,
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Loyal for Long
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
“Woof, woof...,” I am not now,
“Errrrr...,” nor have I ever been,
& will never be disloyal, ”Woof,”
Said my dog
What I hear whenever I see my dog, Klevera... :)
Jan 2019 · 358
The He, III
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Like a mere memory so obsolete,
Where darkness and light meet,
He is a prisoner of his own thought,
For he's right when they're all wrong,
Jan 2019 · 544
The She, III
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Over and over, she seeks
comfort in a world so unjust,
Only to find her creed in her
own conflagration to trust,
The She,
Jan 2019 · 251
Question To Self
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
Wedged in between what it's
not and what's not what it is,
"What am I?" I always ask myself
as if the answer would suffice,
Dec 2018 · 207
If Only
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Rain weds ground in winter,
Teased and soaked the dust,
They held on to each other,
They were no longer alone,
Then they prayed for summer,
Hoping to annihilate the cold,
If only they knew...
They need not warmth,
If only they knew...
Cold was what kept them close,
Dec 2018 · 347
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
For a frail & a lie is the flesh,
The truth lives in the bones,
Dec 2018 · 183
I Am;
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
But what makes a rose rose,
Not only the vibrant petals,
But all the leaves & spines,
As chaotic sea of thoughts,
Good & bad, wrong & right,
Strong & weak, dark & bright,
Tangled into one; into me,
The who I will come to be,
Dec 2018 · 302
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Wondering or loving,
Missing or fraying,
To leave is to grow,
Give in to the draw,
Dec 2018 · 447
My Book
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Have I a book for a friend,
Who has pages for a brain,
That endures all my notions,
& nurtures them with devotion,
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
My Pen
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Had I a pen for a friend,
Who had an ink for a blood,
That bled out until the end,
To let me out of my head,
Dec 2018 · 335
The He, II
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Not one to tell what he is,
He is but untamed,
Inflamed, disoriented & raged,
Burning in emotional turmoil,
And stuck in reflection of a dream,
The He,
Dec 2018 · 417
The She, II
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Like a buoy that caught up in a tide,
Inside a world full of storm ride,
Yet, calm as the eye of the storm,
Yet, blind to the wind in the storm,
The She,
Dec 2018 · 179
Inked Pages
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
You stayed for as long as a blink,
Only to live in my pages as an ink,
Promised myself to turn the page,
Hoping you'd stay in my book cage,
Dec 2018 · 333
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
They say, "Poetry favors introverts,"
But, of course, if oxygen does extroverts,

"Poetry truly loves & feeds on misery,"
But, of course, as she does on anything,
Poetry lives in whoever that loves her...
And gives back in full & more whatever is being given to her.
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
A New Day
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
New year is a reminder,
That everyday is a new day,
A new day to breath & breath again,
To let go of what lies behind,
And strain forward to what lies ahead,
Live more to give more than to receive,
To start over and forgive,
And most of all to be grateful,
Thank God it's a new day,

Happy New Year to you all,
With so much love,

Dec 2018 · 163
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
With the world pushing her to fit in,
Her Rebel soul fighting not to give in,
She became anomaly to the custom,
And it gave her misery for a wisdom,
Dec 2018 · 234
The Selfless Sun
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
"I need to refill my light," said the Moon wondering behind the world,
"Come out," whispered the Sun, "I'll bath you with my light even if I get burned."
Dec 2018 · 504
The He
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Pain is never his strongest suit,
So he gave himself a gift of anger,
To shun the pain from sinking in,
The world gave him the seeds of madness,
So he gave himself a bundle of pain,
To hide behind agony from himself,
The He;
Dec 2018 · 491
The She
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
A birth of a beautiful pain,
A never ending war,
Indefinite and not to be won,
Between what she knows & what she feel,
A wound that won't easily heal,
A scar she won't reveal,
Emblem of beautiful pain,
The She;
Dec 2018 · 151
Your All
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Like the wave bathes the sand on the beach,
There's not a part of you I couldn't reach,
And, surely, not a place you wouldn't feel,
Dec 2018 · 415
I See You...
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
It is you I want to see,
Randomness in beauty,
You wear art for a chiffon,
To keep your heart warm,
And passion for a lingerie,
That take my breath away,
I see you...
Dec 2018 · 131
The Day I Died Twice
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
In the hope to reconcile their irreconcilable differences,
I, once, tried my mind to read-in on my heart & my heart to my mind,
Between my mind telling me of the reasons;
Why I should only listen to it,
And my heart, of the feelings & dreams;
How it always keeps me afloat,
I was convinced by both to the fullest,
I stood completely on the side of each,
Twice, I died that same day,
Dec 2018 · 325
My Monsters
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Always, they come running,
My monsters,
With persistence and wildness,
Sometimes, even with yet unformed chaos,
Some of them weak; I stomp them, tame them & keep them closed,
But there are those, I prefer to others,
The kind that sanity can comprehend them not,
So much so, they tend to help with what they've got,
A lullaby to my insomnia,
Dec 2018 · 184
The Swan
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
You were a pen in a dream I had dreaming of you,
Then I woke up and you are gone
just like a dew,
Dec 2018 · 203
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Do the dos not the don'ts,
Knot the bond & be close,
& love will never be a loss,
Dec 2018 · 160
Dear Expectation
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
How you find a way to get inside,
How you don't seem to be defied,
How you take the lead and drive,
How you **** my heart while I'm alive, How I keep dying and you survive,
Is a mystery I'll always have,
Dec 2018 · 639
My Sane Insanity
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
My mind has got in to scrutiny,
I am about to reach insanity,
This time I chose not to see,
In a mind-numbed ignorance,
And insanity is now my sanity,
Dec 2018 · 163
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
"What do you want the most in life?" Looking into his deep eyes she asked,
"To be happy," He said smiling, "Happy enough to blow in love with the wind,"
Dec 2018 · 163
The Dreamer
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Waiting for it like a scarecrow,
Dreaming how it would grow,
Trusting the wait not the bait,
"Only for love," he said, "I crave,"
Dec 2018 · 700
True Crave
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
As your lips caresses mine,
As our souls scream in silence,
As our eyes locked while closed,
As my all reaches out for yours,
As my hands run through your all,
I crave for the touch of your soul,
Dec 2018 · 398
A Dream and A Fool
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
You are but a dream
and I am but a fool,
How about we read
each other in full,
For dreaming is the only
thing at which I excel,
And you, my dear, are waiting
for a fool to cast your spell,
Dec 2018 · 259
Where to...?
Tadios Yeab Dec 2018
Endless sail after the setting sun,
A search through the galaxies altar,
A run from the numbness of reality,
An odyssey into your abyss thought,
Where to...? Where to...?
To follow you, I'll be waiting still,
Say the words and I will,

— The End —