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Zywa May 31
Squadrons fly overhead,

without the slightest shadow --

on anyone's eyes.
Composition "Deviations" (2024, Casimir Geelhoed), for hyperorgan, performed by Casimir Geelhoed in the Organpark on May 29th, 2024, with a light show by Zalán Szakács

Collection "org anp ARK" #6
Zywa May 31
Everyone sits still,

yet there are shadows walking --

around on the walls.
Light scenography by Zalán Szakács at the concert of Maria W. Horn and Mats Erlandsson in the Organpark on May 29th, 2024 (a form of sound and light show - "Son et lumière")

Collection "org anp ARK" #11
Zywa May 30
I'm a sane person,

but out of love I believe --

in some afterlife.
Novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 21

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa May 30
The light at the end

of the tunnel is my hope:

heaven anyway.
Novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 21

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa May 29
A photo: I'm six,

in the garden I bury --

a box with secrets.
Poem "dood in die familie" (2008, "death in the family", 2011, Ronelda Kamfer)

Collection "Glimpsed"
Zywa May 29
The Mystic Lamb moves

him much, so I keep looking --

at his emotion.
Painting "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb", 12 panels / Ghent Altarpiece (1432, Hubert en Jan van Eyck)

Article "(Aan) Mannen e-mailen over *** pak. Is dat nuttig werk?" ("Emailing men about their suits. Is that useful work?", 2024, Walter van den Berg, in the NRC of May 25th)

Collection "Glimpsed"
Zywa May 28
Each sway turns over

another sway, all night long --

we keep on dancing.
Composition "Gaillarde" ("Galliard", Italian jump dance, 2024, Dirk Veulemans), for the two self-built mobile organs and the Utopa-*****, performed by Dirk Veulemans in the Organpark on May 25th, 2024

Collection "org ANP ark" #199
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