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Simple songs, with aplomb
Sincere hardship, the tact of poised
Welcome and heroism, to know an avid come
With the silence of friends, comes a worlds choice

Taken hope, to a lip we approve
Since in every definable way...
The taste of catharsis, a host with energies to loose
Adage in the day, with a soul's moment to say:

Resolute, no, with a fidelity to youth
Sour old hysteria; with a mercy in mind...
To collect a troubles key, for beginnings become the couth
That has us, for a considered play of light, that is kind

Means to an end, from here to eternity
An evening hour, to compare the more, to a solemn wish
Wizening at the dour, even as we confirm integrity
Do you know the repose a harmony, a place of sense that insists?

A wish with a soul for method, but know no patience
Without the common to step forward, your denial
Is a lend to powers that question, the music for relation
Of a still coming and with want, need is ours to go all the while
Till the brief and the grief say hi, will a burden of deliberation sit in the push?
Sad, knowing what was said
Applied silence, metaphor for a friend
Saving the grace we dote, is ours, for lead
To the worthier cope, coping so softly to amend

New lovers with a stoic plan
See the guests in the light
A winking wager, to tell a story so ancient
That they slept in the now, with stray eyes might

We dance in the know...
A happier strength, than a callous lip let
We will swear, by the many and the owe
We gave time a breath in between, sincerity and such, met

Golden heed, of a weary need
Found in the proper way we few, and become
The tout of privilege and its best, blessing a we've
To keep a better behalf, than us, the other side of giving love

So whispers in the night...
Have a moment to tell the could, courage grows
Strictly the cares of another, is a waiting hope right
About the stars themselves, to ask the world if it is all right to know...
Hugo gave
A top hat, to save
A night of times, singing about freedom...

What is first?
Sakes alive, the richness of a host...
Or the significance, of have for worst?

Which brings up, hatred
All of such; decency and measured
Presumed innocent, the salt we lead...
Is a family of sincerity, fated as curious?

With worth as an asking marvel...
Is now and never, ever how?
Worth one more look at hell...
Was kin the many, any to avow:

Courage for a new friend...
With a brand new hat
With a secret for you, when
A hat smiles, like saving a heaven from silence...
Make a choice from three days alone; two ways to atone, a single voice to own and of course none, to see you run faster than a sunshine sung. Can, rancor, and cope - do they ever know when to win an argument?
Beached craft
Begging a current...
When the sun shines, does water laugh?
Dependency is the joke, to never relent...

Oil, has forgotten the cares of us...?
Slippery and truthful
Teeth are sincerity's weapon, poised to hush?
A saving ask, of when the truth is same's goal...

Justice for a tear?
Simple chaste, to entail charisma
Form and function, with pity's honor?
Sake promised, a fate before silence and sanity...

A ****** eye, with a stark devotion...
Paired to consume
The deeds of actual shares, a time for notions
That played their part, to a divine doom?

When is water, a living miracle?
When it feeds you...
Spare shadows and hunger, and means to lend a will...
Avid to terror's dream, who else sniff's glue?
The weight of the world? or the wait of the world in the works... Notice the madness of a world over a horizon. Psychosis, or prayers to knowing a timely God waits on you
David Hilburn Mar 28
Slow Joe
Have a heaven, the order, to sulk?
With the ought, a handsome moment
Considered an angel's heed, will we ever fall?

Avid as salt is, we are owed...
A pace of might, the times are real, to sigh's
Stirring a house for a flower, sincerity is our force?

Our salvation of promises, still a world
We made, with an overt harmony
Two of unity, one of vanity, and none blessing courage
With the muse we made, simplicity with legend, only?

Tired eyes, that came with life...
Saying if not saving, a chance meeting
With bared integrity, a fire striving
To be, the coming choice, of a worth's meaning?

The world owed, the world loved
Cares of omnipotence, fate to understate purpose
Passion is but a wish away, from a covenant's some
Promises found to be, a climate for what heaven knows...
David Hilburn Mar 27
Shadow education...
Vows to step forward
Create with me, a words intuition
Told to sake, unrest for pardon

Sorry thunder...
Smoke is where a fire, sings along
Interested in a voices blunder?
Lightning sits the well, willful and strong...

Men with a shoulder of intimation
Separate a shyness, from the miracle we want
An ode to hope, the rhyme of syncopation

Oil in a lover's hindsight...
Through and owed, more
May is a wish to understand might
Wisdom to venture, a silent war?

The beauty of worth
Set to irony's music...
Justice pale, just served
A moment to say, the world of a soul's wits...
Catch on it, watch onto all, and match a care any...
David Hilburn Mar 21
Upon a time, with frank decision
Spare to fore, the choice we delve as begun
By a simple truth that has an eye, for my intuition...

Flowers with predatory instincts...
Sated fears, that develop a taste for wit
Where love can be so bitter, a chaste to remember kings
Any of solemn pity, the praise of sincerity is us, for since...

Peace, never pieces of a roaming neglect...
Has the voice of society for all of a day, with dread
And the pout of simplicity you mind, is my heart to reflect...
A stone of response made from needs of virtue, that you lead?

Tarry with a friend, until obligation...
Has made you the stark, the cant of biding judgment
The stare of resolve, we notice is us, by definition
The brightness of a solitary share, in the world to relent:

Add me when saviors die...
Acknowledged with the sameness we invest
In the name of solace so fine, the final straw of a sign
Of the times, with a golden opportunity to accept your yes...?
And a happy face, made from oblivion's fingers...? bothering fate for another one? family lives on...
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