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Jul 2020 · 70
This 3rd around
I want honesty from you
No more lies
If I didn’t lie to you
From the beginning
Why would you lie
To me now.
Stop listening to others
You talk about me
Listening to people
Look at yourself first
Before you
Tell me.
Honestly and royality
Especially trust
Mirror, mirror, by the sink,
tell me what you truly think.
Am I fat or am I thin?
Will I lose or should I win?

Am I short? Perhaps too tall?
Are my ears a bit too small?
Is my nose exactly right?
Do I have an overbite?

Am I weak or super strong?
Is my hair too short or long?
Am I smart or rather dumb?
Can you say what I’ll become?

Am I nerdy? Am I cool?
Am I awful? Do I rule?
Am I great or do I stink?
Mirror, mirror by the sink.
Jul 2020 · 30
I could admit I’m sorry
Can you say
That you are sorry
To accusing the wrong person
Can you say
That you really say
That girl is your girl
Can you say
You doubted the wrong person
No, you cannot
Because you be listening to the
Who don’t know nothing about me
Jul 2020 · 21
This is the new me
Good luck
Trying to convince me
If I never close my heart
I’ll be falling apart
And still be fighting for you
Because everyday of my life
I ask God
What did I do so wrong
To be treated this way.
Than my grandma past away
Because I’m so nice and kind
No matter what people
Do to me
I’m just going let them do it to me.
Because my heart is so pure
And big
That’s why stuff keeps
Happening to me
I was blinded by the way I love you
I had no choice
But to close my heart
To able to find myself
Be frankly honest with you
There’s still a little love for you
But it’s not going to be easy
Your words don’t mean
Nothing to me.
You got to fix yourself first
And find yourself
Before you want to talk to me
Like you said one time
You need help. Go get that help
I can’t keep you hurting me
The way you do me.
I’ll be more happy
If you find yourself
And fix your personal life
If I couldn’t help you.
The only person could
Is yourself.
Jul 2020 · 21
You made me this way
Don’t hate me
Because you made me like this
Don’t hate me
If I don’t have a heart
Don’t hate me
I don’t acknowledge you anymore
Don’t hate me
I stop fighting for you
Don’t hate me
If I stop loving you
Because you made me
Like this
Look you want me to lie to you
Do what me to tell you the truth
Here’s my lies
I’m happy for you
Your plant is growing.
Here’s mind
Truth, that’s nothing
To comparing what I got.
When you have millions of
Growing than than
I’ll tell you I’m jealous.
Your sorry don’t cut it with me
Because I’m nuns.
I don’t have a heart
Sorry, right
Jul 2020 · 31
What’s so funny
When your adult
And someone is yelling at you
On the street.
You yelling to in front
Of your family.
Not only the other person
Is embarrassing themselves.
Your doing same
Things they are.
Jul 2020 · 30
Don’t let your anger
Get in the way
Everything you do with your
Will eat you up inside
One point of your life
You have to ask forgiveness
That way
You could
Spread your wings
And learn to love
The reason you not able
To spread your wings
There’s so much guilt
Inside your heart.
Everyone, you hurt or hurt
Ask them forgiveness
That way
You could free yourself
From your own self
I love waking up in the
With a smile on my face
I love cleaning all the negative energy out my house.
I love looking pretty
I love the most
Getting comments from other people
I love when people
Tell me
I’m always beautiful
Each day’s
They see me.
I love being happy all the time
Jul 2020 · 17
One this day
You will meet someone
And that person
Will do the same to you.
How you did a person
That’s was good for you
They going to treat you
The same way you
Treated someone.
Jul 2020 · 24
I want a man not a boy
A man takes care his business right
A man knows how to
Treat a woman
A man don’t care what anybody else says
A man doesn’t ask
A woman for money
A man will find anyway to take care
His family

A boy loves to listen to other
People in puts
A boy cannot makes
Decision on himself
A boy can’t make up his mind
A boy wants a woman
To take care of him
A boy use other women
To get what he wants
A boy has 1,2,3,4
Women line up

Sorry if your not man enough for me
I don’t need the headache 🤕
Because a real man
Be honest and royal too
There’s a different between
You and your friend.
Me and my ex husband
We are friends
But we don’t do anything
Like you
Guys do.
We are more
Roommate than
Anything. We
Support one another
In different levels
As a friend
(used as a euphemism) a friend with whom one has *** without a romantic relationship or commitment.
That’s almost saying
Paying each other
I remember growing up
Boyfriend and girlfriend
Cannot do anything like that at
If you look it in away.
Men and woman
Has to get marry before
All that.
And parents don’t allow
Friends with benefits
At all.
That’s the catholic way
Doesn’t mean your blessed
Because you done
Something good for yourself
God haven’t forgotten
What you have done
Like I said in the past
Like will give you a
Tasty of life.
Just right you want to be.
But that’s all
Jul 2020 · 28
Knowing Yourself
To know and not to do is not to know,
Most people fail to try because of fear of the unknown,
Hurt people will hurt people and even so pretend to be,
Always choose your friends wisely and know your enemies,
If you want things in your life to change you have to change things in your life,
Irrelevant facts don't count once your attitude is right,
Feel good about what you do and you will do great things,
Be sure to know what you want and always know what you are doing.
You can’t just say something
Thinking that person will never
find out
You keep telling lies on top of lies.
Soon enough
That person will never believe
you again.
Don’t say you
Read the Bible and believe
In the name of God.
But you could turn around
Make a lies
Jul 2020 · 49
Beauty of Woman
The beauty of a woman Is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries, Or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a ****** mole,
But true beauty in a woman Is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows,
And the beauty of a woman
With passing years only grows.
Jul 2020 · 65
When Things Go Wrong
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Jul 2020 · 33
Believe On Yourself
Believe in yourself -
in the power you have
to control your own life, day by day,
Believe in the strength
that you have deep inside,
and your faith will help
show you the way.
Believe in tomorrow
and what it will bring -
let a hopeful heart carry you through,
For the things will work out
if you trust and believe
there's no limit
to what you can do.
Jul 2020 · 23
Never lose hope
Never Lose Hope
Along the way,
No matter how dark
Or gloomy the day.

No matter how smooth
Or rough the ride,
With courage and faith
Embrace each stride.

Believe that the Lord
Is on your side,
And remember His love,
Whatever betide.

For the matters of life
Are give and take,
But God is faithful,
He'll never forsake.
Jul 2020 · 59
Be Honest with Yourself
Take a moment and step inside of your self
See the evilness lurking there
the mean thoughts,the vandictice ways of the mind,the coldness
of emotions(Self)
Take a deep breath,blow it out.
Clean your mind,heart body and soul.
Be honest with yourself.
Love your lord by doing these things.
When the hurt is so great,and the eyes are full and blinded by tears.
You must keep walking forward,don't look back.
Each step you take Jesus is anointing you with strength,and courage.
That moment of pain and hurt you felt being all alone
The lord is with through it all,he will never leave you.
The Lord Jesus is mine and he is yours also,this is a moment of time
we can forever have.
Be honest with your self.
Jul 2020 · 2.9k
They say Life isn’t Fair
Let me guess,
the world’s not fair and it’s against you,
Go on then, give up like you always do,
mope around feeling sorry for yourself,
What’s the matter? Can’t handle the truth?
Would you like me to sugar coat it for you?
Tell you that everything’s going to be fine
and come up with some easy excuse.
Well I’m not going to do that,
cos life’s not easy and you’re not a fool.
You keep acting like the victim all the time
Constantly saying how things aren’t going your way when,
the choice has always been right there in front of you,
You’ve got the tools,
A working brain, a functioning body
So get a grip and stop acting like you haven’t got a clue
Yes, “Life’s not fair”, and things aren’t always going to go your way,
tell me something new.
I hate to break it to ya, but the world isn’t gonna be laid out nicely in front of you.

Every time things don’t go right, are you just going to sit around and wonder why?
stay up late and cry yourself to sleep every night?
Is that really how you want to live your life?
Just become bitter and miserable,
don’t you ever get tired?
Tired of feeling so **** sorry for yourself
when are you going to get it?
the world doesn’t owe you anything, it never has,
so you need to get over this whole negative phase and leave all of that stuff in the past.

The biggest mistake is believing that you don’t have control over your life,
That it’s not a choice, when that couldn’t be further from the truth,
If you want something, you need to chase it,
The only person who can determine your success in life, is you.

You don’t like your job? quit,
Don’t see an opportunity? create one,
Things aren’t going to be handed to you on a plate
you need to work hard for your craft, you need to keep going until you get it done.
What you’re gonna learn is, life is complex,
You’re gonna fail and get rejected time and time again,
If it was easy, everyone would’ve won.

Is it going to be hard? Are you going to struggle?
But don’t let that stop you from fighting for what could be a fantastic opportunity,
You’re fighting for the chance to be who you really want,
and that freedom right there, is worth any amount of money.
So stop saying you’re going to do something and actually do it.
at the end of the day, something worth having never comes easy.

You can’t keep playing the victim card your whole life.
Cos next thing you know it’ll all pass by in a blink of an eye,
You’re sitting there in your death bed -
wondering why you’ve stopped yourself from doing so many things in life.

There will be times where you’re gonna be stuck in jobs you hate
be around people you don’t like
that’s life.
and I’d be doing you an injustice to tell you otherwise,
it’s not always gonna be sunshine and butterflies,
it’s gonna be hard work, determination and in most cases, sacrifice.
but what you need to do is decide whether you’re gonna fight for what’s right.

Trust me I get it,
The world can at times seem intimidating and scary,
but it can also be incredibly wonderful - if you just let it be.
Jul 2020 · 188
Balance , mind and soul
The definition of what balance means to each of us is different, but there are some universal truths. For instance: each us needs a healthy work and life balance to be truly healthy and happy.
Others, like me, believe that your body, mind, and soul must be in balance to truly be at peace, to live a life of harmony.

Too often, most of us live a life that is far out of balance – putting the things that are not as important first, or letting them tip the scales too far in one direction.
Jul 2020 · 38
Behind My Smile
You may see a happy face
You may see a toothy grin
You may see a light in my eyes
But that is all a thin mask

I want to break down
I want to let it out
I want to stop acting like I'm fine
Because I'm NOT

Behind my smile is pain
In my eyes is a tiny spark of hurt
I hide it the best I can
Behind this daily mask

I want to break something
I want to scream for someone to hear
Will I try to bother someone?

I am a burden
I was made only to help
Not to stand in the way
It doesn't matter how I feel

Who should care about me?
Why would someone?
I am the one who helps everyone
And deny myself the right

The problem with being selfless...
You feel like you shouldn't be helped
So you sit in your pain
Behind you smile

That fake smile
Everyone seems so gullible
It seems to convince everyone
Except for the very very few

I sometimes want someone to notice
To ask if I'm all right
The problem is...
I would say yes

I don't know why
Because behind my answer...
I am screaming
Screaming for help

I want someone inside my head
Who can tell exactly what I need
How to make me feel better
I will not tell you

Most have to pry
Ask the right questions
Convince me to trust them
That is the only way to take off this mask

Once you have the real me
It is noticeable
Everything stops
I let the pain show

This pain that is so hard to cover up
And yet I manage day to day
I will sometimes try to hint
But no one gets it

I don't know why
Am I the only one that feels this pain?
Pain that makes you shake
Pain that hurts so much you CAN'T cry

I just want to be happy all of the time
God, why can't I be happy?
I'm tired of acting
I'm tired of saying I'm fine
Jul 2020 · 23
True Feelings
What do you do when your world falls apart,
When your secrets rip and tear at your heart?
What happens when the truth becomes a lie,
When your own happiness you defy?
What do you do when the tears don't fall,
When silence is the only answer to your call?
How do you cope with a pain that goes so deep,
When all you want is to lie down and sleep?
When you don't want to wake up to another day,
When you're afraid of what everyone will say?
How do you hide yourself so no one can reach you,
When the lies are no longer true?
What do you do when you can't bear sadness anymore,
When the lies fall useless to the floor?
What do you do when the hurt is greater every time that you wake,
When it's your own life that you want to take?
What happens when you can't bear the whispers you hear,
When it's all collaborating with your deepest fear?
What do you do when you don't want the sun to rise,
When it's just another day to bring tears to your eyes?
What do you do when you don't have answers to questions you ask,
When your true feelings are hidden behind a mask?
When the tears fall freely and you don't try to hide,
Only then do you realize the happiness you defied.
Jul 2020 · 245
Rumors , gossip and Lies
How many times must a rumor be told
Before the truth is revealed?
All of this gossip is getting old,
And it is time for our wounds to be healed.
Don't talk about someone behind their back
Unless you can say it to their face.
Don't tell your secrets to soon.
Let them all out at the right time and place.
Make sure you can trust someone
Before you tell them you hurts and fears.
They might not be the person you think you know
Even after all these years.
I'm tired of the rumors, gossip, and lies.
Why can't we all just get along
And put an end to all of these depressing cries?
Jul 2020 · 23
Love Yourself
Love yourself.
Even when it feels like nobody else does.
Because I love you.
To me, loving someone means you’d protect them from anything when they need it most.
As a musician once said, “How do you expect respect when you reject to give it to yourself?”
You can’t expect respect and love if you don’t love and respect yourself as well.
You could be an ******* for all I care.
If you love yourself, then I’m happy for you, *******.
If you love yourself, you’ll see brighter things.
If you want to be a stripper, then strip all you want.
If you want to be in music, then pick up an instrument, sing, or produce if you want.
If you love yourself, you’ll be happy with it.
Don’t listen to anyone if they tell you different.
Don’t listen when they say that you’re nothing.
Because you aren’t less than what you really are.
What you are is a person with a chance at life.
This is your moment.
This is your chance.
This is your life.
Everything that belongs to you is obviously yours.
And if that is obvious enough, then shouldn’t your love be yours too.
Especially when you need it.
You don’t need me or anyone else to say it to you.
You just need to say it to yourself.
Your love is what matters to you.
People care about so much, but do they always care about themselves?
I know that it’s sometimes hard.
Because I’ve gone weeks without worrying a bout what happens to me.
But there are nights.
Just that one night.
That night when I realized that maybe I might matter to someone.
And if I’m wrong about someone caring right now, then I know that one day someone will.
Everyone will.
just remember that we all may not get what we really want, but that isn’t always a bad thing.
The only thing that is bad is when someone doesn’t love themselves.
So you have to.
For the sake of everything.
Just love yourself.
You have to.
Nobody will ever love you more than you do.
I promise that you’ll be fine
You will be okay.
Things are tough, but don’t forget that someone will always love you.
And they’ll always love you as long as you love yourself.
Jul 2020 · 44
The Colors Of My Life
The night black,
Just like your soul,
And now because of you I'm no longer whole,

The ocean is blue,
Just like my tears,
I'm done hiding my fears,

It runs through my veins,
The color crimson red,
Without it I would be dead,

A soft orange glow,
Like the setting sun,
In this life I'm almost done,

I contemplate living,
My pointless life is in shades of grey,
and I wonder if I should stay,

I'm all alone,
My world has gone from light to dark,
The songs of angels will guide me home,

The pain I feel inside,
White and pure like snow,
Sometimes I wonder does anyone truly know?
Jul 2020 · 43
Holding back my feelings
Don't try to hold back, the
laughter or the tears, for
all of us at times, have
irrational fears! We worry
about, what may never
take place, but still, there's
always a doubt. If it remains
too quiet, we'll find, something
to worry about. I guess, that's
the way, of human nature, we're
always afraid, of what lies ahead.
We're much better off, if we take
it one step at a time, instead! Go
along with your feelings, if you
want to laugh, shed a couple of
tears. Don't you think it's a much
simpler way, than bottling it up,
for years?
Jul 2020 · 17
Patient is all I need
With each passing day, the love I have for you gets stronger.
I wish I had the patience to wait a little longer.
You are "attempting" to make a commitment,
But it seems like you're having some trouble,
You are starting to confuse me,
To the point that I'm seeing double.
I see the boy who wants more,
I also see the boy who doesn't know what he's looking for.
Am I supposed to wait?
Or am I supposed to forget?
The way I feel for you is making me fret.
When your lips touched mine, my heart was beating really fast.
From that moment on, I knew I wanted this to last.
When I look into your eyes, it's hard not to stare,
For the fear of that exact moment I look away,
You might stop being there.
You are just too amazing to let go,
Not even this pathetic poem can explain how so...
Jul 2020 · 170
Friends with Benefits
You say we're friends, with benefits on the side,
Yet seems we get together, then continue to hide...
You hide from my friendship until you feel like being found.
And I'm sure a fool for remaining around.

But I can't get away; I can't seem to move on,
Dreams of you cross my mind into early dawn.
We haven't spoken since that night my innocence was lost,
But then you turned your shoulder, which hit with an icy frost.

There is always a lesson to learn from the pain,
But it appears I still like you...I know it's insane.
I long for you to call me, yet you never do,
I'd be satisfied with a real conversation from you...
Jul 2020 · 46
Gives and takes
I give you clean air

You give me poisonous gas.

I give you mountains

You give me quarries.

I give you pure snow

You give me acid rain.

I give you spring fountains

You give me toxic canals.

I give you a butterfly

You gave me a plastic bottle.

I give you a blackbird

You gave me a stealth bomber.

I give you abundance

You give me waste.

I give you one last chance

You give me excuse after excuse.
Jul 2020 · 22
Tears of ungrateful
The hand of bitterness icy cold
Its grip touches and sears my skin
In the decaying light of dawn
So prophetic our dreams and thoughts
That taste so sweet in the distance
Darkness burns the fire within
Would that we might taste of our dreams
Or breathe in the eyes of the night
The winds that speak in whispers
Are lifeless and tear at my vision
I should fall to the earth
Deep into rivers of sorrow
That flow about at my feet
They shall weep the tears of the ungrateful
Mourning their own deaths
Crawling woefully into their graves
Our words will fade in the air
The night shall embrace her children
Forever we shall weep for the day.
Jul 2020 · 15
I found myself
I was lost in the dark,
nothing to see,
I was blind by anger,
Wish I had received,
My heart was gone
with no feeling inside,
I used to not care
and I never had any pride,
I thought of myself as a nobody,
But now I see the light shining right through me,
I have more respect than I had before,
My heart is filled with plenty of joy,
I can feel my body coming out of its shell
and I truly know I have found myself.
I can feel the pressure lifting off of me,
I love myself and I'm happy to say God
showed me the way to freedom, and
when I look around I see a different
girl and know I finally found myself.
Jul 2020 · 20
Why disappoint me
No one always tells the truth,
Everyone likes better to lie,
No one keeps their promises,
That they would keep me alive,
No one wants to see the tears,
But they're not afraid to make,
No one wants to watch me crumble,
Though honesty they'll fake

Why does everything I love get torn from me?
I'm sure you've heard a hundred times,
But sorrow please let me be,
Just a day I want to live that I don't think of home,
Because here I'm by myself a lot,
Once I was never alone,

You'd think by now these impressions would fade,
But they're set here to linger,
I have self inflicted scars from my elbow to my finger,
Nothing ever happens, no one even sees,
That behind this curtain is the broken, bloodied me,

It's true I write with anger and sadness,
For of all my emotions those are strongest,
This deep, deep, resentment towards the world,
For making me a woman when I want to be a girl,
I loved planting trees and watching scary tv,
Now I'm afraid to go outside, hate's like angry bees,

And no one seems to notice,
No one seems to care,
They've heard this story,
Too many times,
To give a single hair,
Well I know that this will fade,
After all it's just hormones, right?
I really hope my teacher wasn't lying that night,
That one day these cuts will leave,
On another way,
I hope someday I'll find my smile,
That seemed to run away.
Jul 2020 · 27
When a man self centered
Self-centered people crave attention from others, and can reliably find a way to talk about themselves when they begin to feel neglected and unimportant. In conversations, they may talk too much about themselves, but they can also actually listen to .
The main reason people feel doubt in themselves is because they are insecure for what they have and do not have self confidence in the choices they chose. ... Start from decisions that you have 100% confidence and slowly change that. It will be a long process without a doubt, but a necessary process.
Jul 2020 · 37
What’s struggling
Every single one of us has our own struggles to deal with. We worry, we procrastinate, we don’t feel good enough, we wish we had more money.

But when you think about it, every single of these problems is self-created. They’re real, but they are only real because we’ve created them in our minds. We’ve attached ourselves to the way things should be, rather than accepting what is. The Buddha was right when he said desiring and attachment are the primary cause of unhappiness.

It’s all in our heads, but it doesn’t have to be this way. The key is to see life as it is, without all the ideals and fantasies you’ve created in your mind. Let go of all those stressful distractions and just accept and experience the moment.
Jul 2020 · 31
Saying that my girl
Wether he likes you romantically or not, he really cares about you and wants to protect you. He may also be trying to flirt, hes hoping you'll say something back along the same lines to let him know that hes something special to you. Think Forest Gump and Jenny. He always told her “you're my girl".
When I wanted to talk
You always
Talk over me
Don’t want to listen to me
Than you going
To say
I’m playing a game
I’m tripping
I’m making up story.
What happened
I screenshot everything
I show you when last time I
Spoken to whomever
And I even
Told you what I said.
Now tell me
Why should I give you
That satisfaction.
What did I do
That makes you doubt me
Am I that bad. I don’t see
What the hell I did
Beside help you
The change I get
You lied to me
And ignore me
Accuse me going out with my uncle
I’m not that low
So tell me why
Should I give you
That satisfaction
If I want to talk to whomever
I could talk to them
Your not the boss of me
And I don’t have a ring on my
I don’t have same
Last name
As you do
Jul 2020 · 29
Don’t Get all Twisted
I’m not in the wrong
And god’s know who told me
Why should I lie about that
And you what I
Don’t even think about it
It doesn’t come across
My mind anymore
If you really want to know
What’s wrong with me
You be a man about it
Ask me
I already know
Always excuses after excuses
I have a better ****
To do
Rather than asking what wrong with me
Absolutely nothing
I don’t ask anything about you
I don’t ask what’s wrong with
I leave **** alone
I’m done asking questions
It’s give me a headache
A woman like me
Will get tired same question
All the time
I learned to just leave it alone
Let God handle
That for me
Jul 2020 · 45
I always give in
This time
Is your turn
I’m not giving in
Gone this far
To give in.
I’m afraid to even ask
How you doing
I’m afraid to even talk to you
I might fall in same bs
Just to find out
What does mean
Loving and fighting for someone
It’s really sad
To go through that
That’s the only way
You will find your
Answer to your question
Jul 2020 · 69
Got no time for others BS
I didn’t sign up for drama nor gossip
I got better things to do
With my life.
There’s so much stuff
I want to learn
I have so much omens
I’m not going let anything
Get in my way
I want to my talent to
Good use
I didn’t take fashion designer
For the hell of it
I could draw
When you want something in
You going to get it
The earth we live in
It’s a very big
If there are a million people
In the world
You can’t take the world
In your hand
Because honey
Your not superman
Jul 2020 · 54
As God to forgive you
You need to
As God to forgive you
Because he knows
What we all doing
Before you make a decision
God already knows
What you about to say
I thought he was different
I thought he wouldn’t lie to me
I thought he change
I believe him so much
And in love with him too
I fought for him too
Look where my love **** me
Because I was to nice
And giving person that I am
Because I love him.
Now I have to be strong
Let him be him
It wasn’t easy to close my heart
And turn my back
Especially people I love
The most.
I have to
In my heart
I have a lot of
I need to heal
And find me again
Because if I give in
Let my heart make that
Decision for me
I’ll fall apart.
My heart needs a pure
Not everyone is pure
Not everyone could do
What I could do
Not everyone as giving person
Not everyone does everything
Out of there heart.
I’m not ready
To give me
I’m not fighting for someone
Will just play with my heart
Jul 2020 · 45
Only time will tell
Once’s I open my heart again
And learn to love again
That person will be the happiest
Man on earth
Because when I love again
I will give everything I got
Only time will tell
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