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 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
I lost two lefts
and was left
with two rights
A right
on the wrong foot
hid from sight
It fit neat
in my boot
and sweet on
on my feet
but what may be left
may not be right
and yet still
meets the need
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
Just like a shirt cannot
hide the hurt
or a headache
beneath a hat

nor a heartache in a suit
or cold feet in a boot
or glove for a trembling hand
neither a thought I think
could be bound
by a headband

You may appear
cool, calm and collected
but make-up and costume
cannot hide the bleeding
of a wound thats infected
I stand for all forms of peace
and against all forms of war.
Can we love each other
as we are human?
Indonesia, 15th March 2022
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
Jay M
As a moth to a flame
So to the call she came
A walk entranced
Each step her hips sway
Almost as though she danced
Through the ever-present mist
Gone is the light of day
Only the shine of the moon
As her hands reach forth
Twist to grasp for warmth
Toll of the lunar noon
Cross into the time
Of the approaching dawn.

- Jay M
March 10th, 2022
Sometimes, we are but moths to unseen flames; seek them out, and you shall find the most peculiar things.
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
Depressing thoughts cost your life years, the Doctors re-asks " you're taking your pills?"

Depression results paid in full with time, the coroner's results" death caused by the cure!"
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