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  Nov 2017 abigail ward
KA Poetry
You went away
It’s my fault.

You hated me
I feel your pain.

You cursed me
I deserve it.

You wanted to **** me
Please, do it. I hate to see you hate me.
26/11/2017 | 01.00 | Indonesia
abigail ward Nov 2017
Take another sip
see what happens
to your family, your friends
Because while you drown in *****,
they are drowning in sorrow
and when you remove your lips from that bottle
you do not find
peace, tranquility, happiness
instead you find
regret, anger, and sadness
So tell me why
Why are we addicted to the things that will **** us and pain the outside world
abigail ward Nov 2017
I made a sharp blade dull for him
I tried to continue doing what I was told for him
Until the sharp blade turned dull
And then that sharp blade turned red
he stopped playing video games and turned his head
his next request write words on my leg
then the sharp blade turned dull and he left
he wasn't there to clean up the blood
he wasn't there to bandage the wound
he wasn't there to pick me up off the cold ground
he wasn't there when I did it again.

— The End —