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Gloom 10/17/97
The Boom of a gun
Haven’t got one
Couldn’t use it if I did.

The Badness of life
How I’ve blown it
And I’ll never have another one.

My Trying isn’t working
I can’t make it good
And wouldn’t see it if it was.

Always Thinking of a way
To stop the tears
But none of them will ever work.

Endless Scheming in the night
Only uses up the hours
And another day rears up.

Never Straying from the hope
That maybe there’s a better day
If only I can live til then.
Some days I feel like such a failure.  I overlook any accomplishments and focus only on the failures.  A therapist once asked me why I'm so ******* myself and I had a hundred answers and no answer at all.  But my hope refuses to die.
Wish in one hand
Spit in the other
See which one
Gets full first.
She was right.
Sometimes life kicks you in the shins. You long for the shiny pretty in the shop window and before you can save enough pennies to buy it, someone else waltzes out with it in hand.  Leaving you to envy.
 Sep 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
I'm very scared of being lost
I'm terrified if I don't belong anywhere
Is there something I was not taught?
That I don't fit into the me shaped peg-hole
It's truly a struggle to become myself
I have no assurance that life will become what I have dreamt of it
I have no insurance because I have chosen to take the risk
Still, I live
I will go on living
In this will is my hope
That the path does not adapt to me
I did not choose what is easy
I will become like liquid to the path
And take it whichever way I am led
It is a path, is it not?
It is a way to somewhere
While I feel like nowhere
My goal is plain in sight
It only takes focusing my eyes
To the way that's right
 Sep 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
I have no way of knowing
If it's now that I'm going to fall
Who knows when the gravity pushed me down
Or did it pull me toward the floor with a shadow shaped like me?
I have no idea how long before it hits me
Or is it me who hits it?
I don't know any of these
I have no way of knowing
If it's going to hurt
Who knows what I've broken
Or how many times I will say sorry
Even if it was accidental
This is all because of someone
This is all because accidents are always blamed on someone
It isn't always my fault
But it always will be a contact of two sorts
The kind that brings people together
The other kind that takes people apart
Please grace me with the kindness
To love
Or be still my heart, still
 Sep 2017 Ian Lewis Copestick
I am unsure about this latest project
It seems ambition makes me procrastinate
The reality that I must acquire the skills to achieve such goals
Did you know that Life is a project?
Yes, it's a project.
We are creators creating something
Out of nothing
Our life is nothing
Without us, life is nothing
Without our "Forward, **!"
Did you know that we make the world go round?
Did you know even if we all died the world would keep on going?
But it would be rarely dynamic
Only **** or be killed
No stories
There are animals that create beautiful nests, patterns in the sand, glorify themselves
Well I would like to be reincarnated
Into a flower that is nothing
Until the lion notices
Fascinating how we can live
Holding on tightly to the past
If our memories serve us well
Perhaps it profits us to make them last
Memories of love and laughter
Some of tragedies and fear
All collected by our senses
The things we see, feel and hear

Driven by a common motivation
We seek relationships unending
The love of parents for their children
Is far beyond comprehending
And so the joy we share today
Are memories I'll hold forevermore
Cause the memories I have of you
Are the ones I most adore
To all my children.
Traveler Tim
HP Apr 2016
Write down the lines
Then burn it with the lies
Shut the mouth that sins
Seal it with a kiss
Bodies collided
The heat cannot be denied
Let lust consume me
To forget what he’s done to me
It was meant to end in fight
But naked in dimlight
When did it became a habit
To let our bodies speak
Instead of listening to our heartbeats?
I guess I can't desist
My desire for you I insist
And it's stronger than your sins
Yeah, watever comes my mind.
Late for work. Ugh.
You left me tainted
With pain and tears
So i tried to bleach
To remove every stain
I scrubbed so hard
But i got wounded
So i bleed again
And starts to hurt again
The stains are now scars
And now i will be forever reminded
Of how i tried to remove you
Yet i got marked instead
This is inspired by my shirt with stains. I tried to bleach it then washed again again, i rubbed and rubbed until the shirt was torn! Lesson learned! Haha
It's been a long time
Since i last had a dream
Funny that last night
After what forever it seem
You were still included in my dreams
-both when awake and alseep

In dreams and reality..

When you are at work but this thought comes to your mind and you badly need to write it down so you sneak from work to get it done
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