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Poetry to me had become boring
pretentious writer craved adoring
"Likes for this one" it overtook
a simple love of a poetry book

Poems to me had lost there flair
no love up here or under there
with every single word I'd gloat
in the dribble that I wrote

Yet now a new style I've found
playfully written wrote for sound
Simple to read and flows to say
so fun to write with words I play

And helps keep the ego at bay
loss of identity some would say
but to not be "known" I feel I can
relate to all as just One man

© One man
Freedom found from judgemental critics
written just cause I can
Judge a woman by her lovers
just another one after others
Wouldn't do that to a man
welcome to bed who he can  

Judge a woman by her clothes
her material and fabric throws
Criticised for what she wears
doesnt matter still gets stares

Judge a woman by her hair
try it different if she dare
It shows now, nerve reveals
surely you know how she feels

I Judge a woman by if she cares
deals with life and how she fares
In what she has a sense of pride
and the feelings she has inside

Judge a woman how dare you
exam her and what she do
It does more harm can't you see
to look at her so judgementally

© One man
Like it or lump it
I think it's time for a conversation
about human beings an our imagination
Great inventors like in past days are rare
and it seems that society just doesn't care

So just what happened to free innovation
it's now controlled like a railway station
Some great ideas aren't being inspected
well inventors of hoovers are getting respected

If they can't control it they make it stall
as mankind's inventions could free us all
Letting them do it will be all our regret
Man made are we and we shouldn't forget!

© One man
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