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Bundled against the evening chill
I stand in the newly fallen snow,
brightness of the moon and stars
make my world a diamond glow.

To love and feel love
my heart picks up pace,
I watch the dancing snowflakes
as they fall upon my face.

looking up at the sky
I smile at the beauty I see,
then let my heart just float
as high as it wants to be.

I hear the sound of crystal bells
they ring so soft and clear,
they’re like the voices of angels
the music seems so near.

Breathing in the cool night air
I hear the song of our hearts,
a melody flowing between us
like the beautiful sounds of Mozart.

I feel the moisture on my face
tasting it’s cool, sweet flavor,
my world becomes a fairyland
a moment I shall savor.

Troubles melt like the snowflakes
that fall upon my face,
with crunching snow beneath my feet
my heart is filled with grace.
It's a very special time of year
The spirit of Christmas is upon us
a spirit of love, peace,
And joy

I wish this feeling would last
the whole year long
Love, peace and joy
for all mankind
You know those talented Poets,
the ones that perform vanishing acts
Just like a ghost

Wonder why those poets
up and left HP?
Did they find a place better?
Did they find a place more

Perhaps they lost their muse,
their pen, their flow
Or perhaps they await for spring
when beautiful things begin
to grow

Well anyway, I just wish to say
I miss those talented poets
Whose every word turns into
glittering gold
Some very talented poets are missing
You danced like Cinderella
Smiling, looking fine
We should have known much better
But we failed to see those signs.
You were always playing to the crowd
Laughing all the time
And always forever joking
But we failed to see those signs.
Everything seemed so normal
We were busy with our lives
You always seemed quite happy
But we failed to see those signs.
You suddenly took up drinking
Drinking too much wine
We really should have noticed
But we failed to see those signs.
Now you're no longer with us
Things were on your mind
It may have been much different
If we only saw those signs.
I lost my sister 13 years ago to suicide, people can disguise their pain but if we look carefully we will see the signs before it is too late.
After saying that, it is not so easy to spot those signs sometimes.
Open your eyes and you will see blue skies
Accompanied by snow white clouds
Look at those mountains and trickling fountains
Leading to a brook nearby.

Look around you can hear the sound of waterfalls
And sweet birds sing their song just for you
Can you feel the soft breeze on your face
And see the leaves on the trees softly sway.

You hear the sound of people in the distance
And the sound of laughter everywhere
You look, you clearly see a fair
Everyone is welcoming and wish to see you there.

You recognise those people, you have seen them in the past
All those faces from different places simply knock you back
Aunty Jill and Uncle Bill, and Morris the barber who cut your hair
Everyone from everywhere, together at the fair.

But now you see a dark black cloud, it's time now to retreat
The picture now is fading your world is incomplete
You see, things are not always what they seem
And None of this did happen, it was just your dream of dreams.
The hope of meeting all those lost loved ones again in a better place. Although it must be said this poem can mean different things for different people. It is what you want it to mean.
Pleasant days are here
Waking at the crack of dawn
The sound of nightingales
With their early morning call.

So glad to be alive and well
Facing another day of life
With smells of sweet perfume
From the fragrance of flowers

Smiling faces everywhere
At one with nature's soft embrace
With every seasons that we have
From winter snow to springtime leaves.

So let us count our blessings
In each and every way
Let's not take things for granted
On this gift of a brand new day.
The good things in life we sometimes take for granted.
The poor boy knew Christmas beckoning at the door
He saw every house bright with many a lamp
And streets illumined with colorful lights and stars
But his tiny hut looked dismal n’ dark like a prison camp

With a suppressed sigh, he inhaled the festive air
His little heart grew weary and dim
There has never been a merry Christmas in his life
As the days advanced, he grew moody and glum

He, born into a cheerless, crammed shack
With parents so poor having very little means
To bring up their children and foster a family of seven
At a tender age, saw shattered all his budding dreams

Year after year, he had seen the city in dazzling lights
But never once on Christmas he could feel any glee
While the rest of the world partook of umpteen delights
Never his heart, from sorrowful thoughts, was free

When children of his age feasted on roasted turkey and ham
And their mothers baked Christmas cookies and cakes
He and his siblings had to be content with a meager fare
That left their cheeks wet with saline drops pooled in their eyes

Their house in winter was too damp and cold
No blankets had they to keep themselves warm and snug
They lay huddled together in biting chill
On the wooden floor on a worn out woolen rug

One evening, on a leisurely walk from school
The boy saw a man selling colorful balloons
With the little penny tucked safely in his trouser pocket
He bought a balloon and headed straight to the lagoons

There as he sat on the sprawling silver sands
A strange idea had come upon his little head
To send a letter to Heaven asking for some urgent help
Hoping Jesus would help, he too being born a poor kid

On a white paper he carefully scribbled these lines:
“Merciful God, look upon us, this miserable seven
Here in our humble hovel, we die of hunger and cold
On this Christmas, send us a little cheer up from heaven”

He folded the paper and fastened it to the balloon
Nevertheless he didn’t forget to put his full address
When the wind was strong, he let it go off his hands
And watched it soar high with his earnest plea for redress

Days went by and the awaited Christmas Eve arrived
While the world splurged in all gaiety and merriment
The poor hut remained dull and cheerless as before
The helpless parents were lost in grim bafflement

Abruptly, there halted a Mercedes before the hut
A man, old and graying with a graceful smile
Alighted with his hands loaded with Christmas gifts
Looking for the boy, he had travelled many a mile

It was during one of his daily strolls around the lagoon
That the gentleman saw a balloon suspended on a willow tree
The white paper tied to it made him curious
He took it up and saw an innocent’s earnest plea

The man so rich and kind was moved at heart,
He from his wealth decided to donate a large sum
To support that family of seven in dire straits
And give them the merriest Christmas with no trace of gloom

The little boy believed Jesus had answered his prayer
He came in the guise of a man, he had never before seen
With rising delight, he saw a star in the graying sky
It shone right over his head with a brighter sheen
Wish all my Hello Poetry friends the peace and joy of Christmas!
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