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 Dec 2017 G Rog Rogers
It's time to write
To write indeed
A poetic mind
Need's to feed
It's time to conjure
Something new
Something beautiful
Something true
From far above
Or bitter below
It's time to let
Your feelings flow

Paint your picture
Be perceived
The prose, the laughs
The miseries
It's time to write
So take the lead
Write it down
So you can breathe

We need something to read!
Traveler Tim
The smoke hazes the setting sun
as the fire burns remains of the last crop
proffering ashes to the wind.

It's all the wind gets
as the memento of the last harvest.

On the new soil
once again there'll be tilling
and God willing
seeds waiting hope laden
will sprout into corn.

What's dead is to be reborn.
Cornfield in setting sun, Dec 23, 4.30 pm
Everyone thought where goeth
those three wise men
following a Christmas star,
Perhaps going to see a friend
They all surmised

Little did they know those three wise men
were going to visit a new born king
and gift him, lovely gifts
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
gifts befitting a king of kings

And the special Christmas star
was leading the way, directing their path
shining ever brightly on a velvet blue sky
And twinkling in their eye
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