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 Aug 2017 Andrew
Brooke P
 Aug 2017 Andrew
Brooke P
There are so many things about myself
that I don’t think I will ever understand -
like the way I let the most trivial things bother me
and give them indefinite permission to send me
spiraling downward
until I become oblivious as to why I felt so
******* petulant in the first place.
And I unknowingly settle into my misery,
because it feels like home.

Or how I’m constantly offering wisdom beyond my years
(or so I’ve been told)
but I can never seem to take my own advice.

And I’ve always found it ironic
that I could sleep an entire day away,
but am met with restlessness and anxiety
when I’m attempting to sleep at night.

I’ve heard it said that no one knows you
the way you know yourself,
but I just can’t agree.
I don’t understand myself at all,
but maybe someone else does.
 Aug 2017 Andrew
Shelby Jencyn
I have laugh lines.
Small fine lines
beginning to form.
Cornering my lips.

Not displeased;
not aggravated
at the simple sign of age.
I was startled.

On a face that did not think
it would grow to see age,
how nice it is to age
with the traces of happiness.
People ask questions
My existential meaning
Is to enjoy life
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.  But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?  Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present." -Albert Camus

— The End —