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I know you were with her
When you come back to me
You stand up straighter
(She pumped your ego)
You look at me with a twinkle
(She put it in your eyes)
For weeks I wondered if I knew this girl
I had a portrait formed in my mind
I think maybe I saw her
In the reflection of your eyes
She is the girl I can see every time in the corner of your smile
Her words are fingerprints on your heart
They cover mine
She erases my existence
I am still here
Parked in a corner of a land that once was mine
I am still here
You look at her
When you take my hand
You see her eyes
When you stare at me
Everything you do with me
Is done with her instead
In your mind you trade places
Switch us both and I know
I know
But I turn the other way
You know
I love you too much
To turn around and walk away
She is different, you know?
She shines a brighter light
She smiles a brighter smile
She is like the Sun,
Everything revolves around her.
Seasons change because of her and I fall in love like I fall for autumn
Every winter she makes hot chocolate for two even though she is alone because
The idea
Of sharing yet another Christmas by
Is too painful.
She pours it in a cup and let it sit by her side.
She imagines someone will walk through the door and sit by her side.
She imagines he will smell the beverage and
She imagines someone will walk through the door and care.
She bakes cookies for four and gives them away to people with a smile.
But she smiles and somehow I can see it is broken.
Her smile is broken.
Her laugh is empty.
She is different, you know?
  Oct 2014 Turn Off The Lights
Never alone
But always lonely
I've nothing to hang onto
So you never hold me
Dripping from your hands
With a futile disgust
We're dreaming of love
Yet give into lust
Maybe that's why we're all lonely.
  Oct 2014 Turn Off The Lights
life is a constant struggle and sometimes i’m just lost.
i don’t know how to deal with it.
i just want to get a life mentor sometimes
so i know if things are worth it.
i’ve read so much about life but i find it hard to actually apply everything i’ve learned.
i realized.
i’m still on my journey.
*its okay not to have things figured out.
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