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I've heard a lot about heart break being at 3am, insomniac nights filled with silently sobbing into pillows and when sleep finally comes, it is only greeted with stabs of loneliness when the cold realization floods in that you are waking up alone.

But they forget to mention that it happens walking down the middle of the sidewalk at 2pm when you're supposed to meet a friend for coffee and you see a face that's a distorted version of his because your heart is so desperate for him that it starts to try to find him in strangers.

They don't tell you that it happens six months later when you're starting to feel good again and you accidentally hear that he's dating someone new and it sends you spiraling down into the crushing weight that he doesn't love you anymore and suddenly you're not eating again and the man who works at the liquor store makes a comment about your drinking habits.

No one talks about it happening when you start falling in love with someone else and you're sorting through your computer and stumble across the album of pictures of him that you haven't looked at since the breakup a year ago and you think you're strong enough to see his face and you realize how desperately you loved him but it still wasn't enough for him to stay.

People fail to say that it happens at your best moments when you are so full of life and love and joy that all that can radiate from your smile is the strength that conquered demons and you see all the beauty that is around you and you remember the person that you always wanted to share this moment with has decided he wants nothing to do with you anymore.
 Apr 2017 Hailey
as I
 Apr 2017 Hailey
with almost nothing left to delve deep into
not much of  a quest to seek and search for left
I find myself writing this a lesson to all you
young fools
don't do as I said or what I did
only a fool shows his heart
as I
 Apr 2016 Hailey
We were different
Like winter and summer,
So we made our little spring
To balance it out.
But then fall came.
I never thought I'd believe in fate
     until I met you
I never thought I'd believe in 'happily everafter'
     until I held you
I never thought I'd believe in true love
     until I kissed you
I never thought I'd believe in 'the one'
     until the day you asked me to marry you
I never really thought I'd believe in anything
     **until you
 Mar 2016 Hailey
Adeline Dean
I don’t need to know you personally to know that you are actually worth something. You are worth more than you think. Why do you feel the need to believe your own lies? You need to believe that you are worth it and you need to believe that you will get through this, the more you tell yourself that you aren’t worth it, you will start to feel like you’re not worth anything when the truth is you are worth everything. I understand that sometimes, the ones who surround you can make you feel like a worthless *******, they can make you feel like nothing. Simply because it always seems like no one cares about you, but I care about you, your family care about you, your followers care about you, your friends care about you. Sure, sometimes their actions seem to prove otherwise, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t care. Why would you let someone down grade you to something that you are not? Why would you let yourself fall for other peoples lies? You see all those people trying to make you feel like crap? Well you are above them and you should know that by now, simply because you do not feel the need to put someone down in order to make yourself feel better. Don’t you ever let an ex of yours, feel like you aren’t worth anything. Why give someone the power to control your life? To control what you do and how you feel? This is your life and you need to live it how you want to. This is your life and you need to realise that you are here for a reason. You don’t need someone to come along, to make you feel like you are worth something. You don’t need someone telling that you are worth it. Because you have always been worth it, whether you choose to believe it or not, is entirely up to you. Don’t let someone shape the way that you live and think. Don’t live in fear of never being good enough. The people around you see something special about you and now, it’s time for you. To see it within yourself. You’re worth it, see it. Believe it. Because its the truth and one day you are going to have to accept that fact.
 Oct 2015 Hailey
Selena Grace
It's the little things I miss.
The way you slipped your hand to the small of my back.
Or how you grabbed my waist as you walked by.
Your lips on my temple.
We smiled as we kissed.
Spending long moments not talking,
just gazing and kissing.
Do you remember that we slow danced in my basement?
When you missed semi for hockey.
You joked about how clumsy I was.
...Always thought it was cute.
That's a little thing.
Why won't you miss it?
Why won't you miss me?
I fell asleep on the futon,
Warm in your arms when I woke up,
as you still slept beside.
It's the way you twitch in your sleep.
The way you're always warm when I'm cold.
The way you told me stuff no one else knows.

But will you tell her?
If she falls for you?
Will she see the little things?
That sweep my dreams?
How couldn't she love you?
How can I stop?
When all I miss are the little things.
 Oct 2015 Hailey
Andy Cave
 Oct 2015 Hailey
Andy Cave
My heart finally healed but it's once again shattered
I showed my true self but it didn't even matter.
I thought I'd found love but instead I found sadness,
the butterflies are dead now my mind is all madness.
He's damaged,
               Unfixable it seems
What others would call
       Are his sweetest dreams
                And sometimes
  He takes his emotions
       It's so blatantly obvious
  When he finally
           breaks down
                    And screams
That the world
          brought him to his knees

                  He's a broken spirit.
       And I just don't know
   If my love
              can mend his soul
Or if my broken pieces
        Are enough to make
                  ­                      whole.
       And if I use what
                       little I have left
To put him back together
                Won't that just
                                  leave me
      In a shattered pile of emotions
I don't know the answers but I know I'm willing to try.

Poetically speaking, I'm unsure about the ending.  Some constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thx.
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