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Tony Scallo Nov 2014
1st - Teach them how to quiet their brain so they can listen easier. Do some  mental exercises that will help build that “muscle”to be able to detach from the loud chatter in their brain at times.

2nd - Be extremely rationale, don’t be so quick to pull someone out of their comfort zone when it comes to constructive criticisms about their problems. Talk about their lives step by step and always be understanding to the diversity of problems.

3rd - Surround that person with the associated things they choose to want to chase that will make them happy. Go out of your way to help surround them with these things. Constant exposure to the same things everyday will only help fuel old habits that they're used to doing.

4th -Condition them within these habits to live by everyday, and this is what you'll tell them.

"It will take handwork, perseverance and a lot of will power to get yourself to make this metamorphosis. But just remember one thing, when you make it out of this loop of distress you find yourself in, you’ll be what you’ve always wanted to be. So push yourself and never give up. Fight for you. No matter how hard it gets for you to change your habits, just remember you’re fighting for who you want to be. You have something to fight for. You’re doing what you’re doing for the sacrifice of molding yourself into the person you dream about. Be that person everyday and fight through the fire and the flames of strife. Never back down and fight from ever faltering into depression. Be the change you wish to see in this world, and you sha'll see it."
Caution: Easier said than done. This process is not as black and white as I make it seem. The initiator can only help provide the tools to the person who wants to change, you can't make someone change. If you see promise within them, and that they really want to change though, never give up on them. Fight through the bickering and battles to show them how much you really care about their well-being. One must be very patient within this process though, so always be mindful.
  Nov 2014 Tony Scallo
"Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane."
  Nov 2014 Tony Scallo

I prayed for light, He sent me sun
I prayed for moisture, He sent me dew
I prayed for beauty, He sent me flowers
I prayed for love, He sent me you
Tony Scallo Nov 2014
I feel so tired
My body grows dire
And my brain leaks out,
The thoughts I doubt

My mind feels alone on this one way track,
My engineer doesn’t operate, and can’t reverse back.

It might be because he’s high.

He won’t come down,
No rope could ever reach where his mind has gone now.

And I just wonder how
He thinks he can drive,
80 miles an hour, with no intent to oblige
By the rules of the road
He drives all alone,
Away from the place he used to call home

Passing life around him,
Without a care to stop
The brakes were ripped out,
When his dreams got dropped

To shovel more coal into his fire,
Burning more fuel, with his green lighter
Inhaling each puff to escape the pain,
Because problems can't catch a runaway train
Tony Scallo Nov 2014
When my eyes open in the morning, my brain eventually catches up to do the same. It just needs a little kick; Intravenous caffeine directly into it. My engine finally turns over, and I’m a little rusty at first.Pushing through sluggish build up, I backfire like an old lawn mower. Can’t think straight, I’m still distorted. Need WD-40. Lubricate my gears, with a nice hot shower. I’m relaxed and clear, I can start my day; At least a little better now I can say.

Thought process is free spirited, roaming the halls of my mind aimlessly. No rulebook to be followed but the laws of nature; like lighting. It strikes, so fast and frightening. My thoughts. They tamper with the Richter scale of anxiety within me, and a tidal wave approaches to swallow me after the quake. I can feel its presence, when it’s on the verge; Emitting a surge every time my heart beats. Scurrying its way through the crevasses of my brain, it taints the walls of grey matter with a tendency for unpredictability. Impulse; is out of my reach.

Brace for impact, emotional roller coaster is soon to crash. If I don’t grab a hold of this lap bar, I will lose my sanity. Too late, I’m falling—I pull my rip chord. My mind opens its parachute, choosing not to ignore; all of the objective. My chord is perspective, that rips out subject, thoughts that cloud my mind.

Emotions are like oceans that brew thoughts with explosions, through your veins. They are the fuel for our senses, like caffeine for my brain. I can’t explain, but it reminds you you’re alive. It can feel like insanity, but don’t let that die. Embrace insanity, it’s the spark of madness you need. As far as I see, it's inevitable.

When the inevitable is feared, and you fight to keep it away; You will no longer be insane, but will have completely lost it.
Insanity is the spark of madness that fuels us all!
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